Trading ES (Q1 2004)

stop - i actually backtested my def of 20 ema/5 min play on trending internals vs. Linda's "holy grail" defined as coming into play at ADX(14,14) > 30 - just to find out more than 90% correlation. don't ask me for mathematical explanation 🙂 it just works - even though I don't give it such a loud name in our sys 🙂
stop - forgot to mention - sorry already into our second bottle of Cachaca tonight 🙂 - on a trend day (confirmed btw as u rightly mention by Tick staying firmly above 0) - do we fish for tick neg divs? 🙂 Not AT ALL a weird day - like I said an early "hand of God" 🙂
btw - sorry a bit O/T - did u see El Dios today on the stands as Boca Juniors triumphed? cudnt believe me eyes - his belly is enormous by now but his face is still as babyface as when he first joined Boca.... amazing.... makes me think what we r gonna look like at his age with all our trading profits...... 🙁 but ok I am shutting up 🙂
Time factor

Two green boxes on MACD. LHs but not making new lows. I viewed that seminar by Mark Fisher. He said one thing that made a big impression on me. If you entered a position and the price did not move soon after, it's a fair bet it was the wrong position. It was his view that if every one else was entering at your price and it's not moving. it can't be such a great deal.

Although we had LH's on the MACD, the price did not budge that much. That is apart from a few times where the ES was extended from it's MA. Even them, the moves were not that great to the short side.


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China, I get your point about not fishing for negative divergence on a trend day. I have to get over this idea that I can pick tops and bottoms. What I am trying to do is use the 1 and 5 min charts to look for price extension against the MA. Confirm it by the Tick divergence and even better that M pattern I like and enter a short scalp with the bias in my favor. If it does tank down, I have therefore entered early. If I get it wrong, as I entered at the high, I can keep a tight stop. Still trying to develop my plan. I think I have the right idea. All about the execution.
never try to pick exact tops or bottoms mate - my opinion of coz. l luv scalping - but when the train is slamming one way, I'd much rather make 11 pts on 1 trade than 15 pts on 10 nervous scalps and reversing back to the trend.... 🙂 bear in mind life is not just about profit, but rather about profit/risk and profit/effort ratios 🙂
The funny thing is, I can pick them on non trend days. I actually find non trend days easier to trade.

Maybe I am a bit of a masochists.

Very good point about the profit/effort ratio I thought. and not one that is talked about as much as it should be.


That point of Fishers about "time" is not that commonly made but I have come across it before. Someone else included a reference to pop (phantom of the pits) on one of the other threads on T2W. I read it (and it certainly takes some effort to read it all.....) about 5 or 6 years ago and one of POP's core principals is that every trade you put on is wrong until the market proves you right. He even advocates starting to scratch a position unless you are proved right almost immediately.

Btw, imho, there aren't many people that can trade both trend and non-trend days successfully. For most people it's a question of damage limitation on the days that they aren't suited to. As long as you don't follow the throwing a bag of cash at the market method advocated elsewhere, then you can keep some powder dry for the days that do suit you.

As for recognising a trend vs non-trend day.... now there's the 64 million question. There are lots of methods and non of them are even close to perfect. For myself, I look at the first hours trading. A tight first hours range will often lead to a one way trend whilst a wide first hours range will often mean a choppy day. I make no guarantees about this approach 😉 or it's suitability for you 😉.

However, the reason I use it is because it crops up over and over again in different methods. I've come across derivations of it used by Angell, Crabel, Steidlmayer, blah, blah, the list goes on and on believe me. You may have noticed Fisher even refers to it when he talks about a market that trades in the top 15-20% of the first hours range with the pivot-zone or previous days value at the base of this range.
sand - 2 pts here - after 3 bottles of Brasilian drinks btwn 2 couples 🙂

1) we r all only humans and thez no point IMO to make 50% more dosh at 200% more effort 🙂 I personally try to trade to live, not to live to trade 🙂 of coz u can refine yr trading to perfection, take 20 scalps a day, capture 80% of the big moves and make 50% more than me - but I am just a bit concerned what i am gonna look like when I am Cashin's age - and I am sorry - with all due respect - I dont want to look like him! 🙂

2) this is a bit prop - courtesy of my trading partner who is reluctant to shout about it - but look at Comp and Spx leaders on W'day and Thursday. SOX and XBD wud be good candidates 🙂
W'day - one is lagging big time, the other one is leading big time, what do u get? + 10, then -10. Daytrader's (and Stoploss's 🙂 ) dream. Thursday - both leading big time. What do we get? Trend day - 20 ema/5 min or "holy grail" or whatever u bloody call it play on a trend day. Can't be more specific - but do I need to? 🙂

You are talking about your two to one trend days like today. They are good. I suppose what you should on days like today is enter twice your position. Take profits as soon as you can on one and let the rest run to break even. You then walk away from your pc and head for the beach. The problem with today was for me it was a grind up. I like a quick move up and down and money in the bank. I suppose it is some thing I have to change about my own style. Need to take a step back.

BTW, one of the guys I speak to also follows the XTC. I thought he was taking the piss. It actually is the Telecommunication Index. Do you think it is worth following as an internal.
in the zone?


Tomorrow may prove a perfect day to see how you can trade round the pivot zone. At 1101.25-1104.5 it's not very representative of todays value area again but, on the plus side, there is effectively a "hole" or lightly traded "gap" in the middle of todays range from 1101.5 to 1102.0. which happens to be the base of the pivot zone. The pivot zone should provide support for the first hours range tomorrow. And with price being drawn to that 1102-01.5 gap you may get to see one of Fishers set-ups, i.e. First hour low 1102, first hour high 1107-1110, followed by trading in the 1108-1110 area would be the set up for another strong move up.

Normally I wouldn't bother with this sort of stuff, but I thought it would be interesting to keep an eye on since the set up is potentially there.

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll take a look at that. I had been watching sox and xbd (got rid of mer you'll be glad to hear... 😉), but recently I've given up and been taking a closer look at volume instead.

Anyway, you are right, of course. First 30 mns today was messy with YM and ES feigning weakness and NQ showing strength. Once the ES and YM gave up fighting the NQ and all three went in the same direction then, bobs yer auntie, so to speak.
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XBD is not telecoms m8 - it is secs and brokers. as for telecoms - dunno - as far as leadership is concerned. will look into it. obviously the first 2 tests are 1) checking what the composition of telecom index is, 2) comparing XBD's and XTC's respective Betas to spx.

Excuse my ignorance. Good idea.


When trading the ES, YM and NQ, what do you think the opening range should be defined as. 20 minutes, half an hour or one hour.

Also, any ideas the percentage deviations should be for A and C.

spx leadership clarified

sorry it'll have to be several posts

daily XBD beta vs. SPX is mighty 1.45 - clear leader


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spx leadership clarified (continued)

XTC daily beta vs. SPX is negligibly above 1 - hardly a leader


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spx leadership clarified (continued)

AMAZING - BIX is not even a leader, it turns out - at 0.99 daily beta!!!!


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spx leadership clarified (continued)

and this is how it translates into price action.

I am erasing BIX and BKX from my radars - watching XBD for leadership on SPX from now on


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Can I just clarify something. The XDB will move 1.4 times the move of the S&P. Therefore in % terms, if the XBD is moving at this rate in a rally, the rally is justified. If it moves below this level, the rally is not that strong.
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