ES Trading Journal with Supply and Demand for Charity

Hey all,

I did take some trades on the charity this morning and I will post them later tonight when I get home to post charts but I am sitting in traffic court (fun fun fun)waiting for my name to be called and thought I would reply to some comments while I wait.

Pboyles, Welcome, toast has been waiting for your arrival for days now.

I appreciate you stopping by and I hope you have a different agenda than toast.

The answer to your question as to why dont I post trade entries and exits, is this.

first off I did do that initially, if you look at my first post with the chart, I did post a trade log from ninja and I just removed the account column to show the trade.

That obviously was not good enough for toast's agenda so he has been coming back trying to discredit me over and over again. I encourage you to read the posts from the beginning to get an idea of what has been going on.

Toast has come at this thread from the beginning with an agenda and no matter what i show him he will always have an excuse of why im not legitimate.

I also don't feel the need to try to prove myself or my methods to someone who doesn't care to contribute to this thread. From all the PMs i get about toast, I gather that people are getting pretty fed up with his antics.

It is not only disruptive but very disrespectful to say the least.

So to give you an example, Pazienza, another member on this forum has been to this thread and has asked questions and posted his thoughts on the methods or setups. Although we might not agree on the setups, I have tried to explain why i did a trade and why I didnt and hopefully newbies will read our dialogue and learn a bit from it. If pazienza were to pm me and ask to see a statement I would be glad to show him and would not care the least bit. Pazienza in my opinion does not come to this thread with an agenda to discredit me or my thread. I cant speak for him but I gather he feels if he can add some intelect and experience it will be good for the thread. I am not intimidated by other traders of any experience and I welcome them and their Ideas.

That doesn't mean we have to agree on everything. What I do works for me and is not guaranteed to work for everyone. it doesn't mean my trading style is right or wrong.

Secondly, I did offer the moderator of this thread the option to see my statement in private and post on this thread the facts if he wanted to. he hasnt replied so no harm done.

So I hope that answers your questions and I look forward to continued interest in this thread. ultimately I think it will be great for the charities the more people we get involved and contributing.

Toast, as to your comment that if I convince you if Im a real trader you will roll out the red carpet, I think you are getting too big for your britches.

What I am trying to say, so you don't misquote me is, You don't have the 1/10th the pull you think you have on these forums.

I dont have the time or the inclination to explain myself to a so called trader who makes his money selling trading products which supposedly help people trade the way I trade and then questions the manner in which I trade. I would rather you just say thank you and went on your way. Either way, I really don't care whether I have your approval or not. If you get your jollies off of trying to discredit haves because you are a have not then so be it. At the end of the day all the time and effort you spend trying to discredit me to no avail, you could be doing yourself a favor and learning something so you aren't always failing.

Trying to make me less of a success does not make you more of a success, it only makes you look desperate.

I hope this is the last of this nonsense and I will post my trades later with some charts.

Lead, follow or get out of the way.
What on earth are you talking about "Pull on these forums". This is a discussion forum - no-one has 'pull' here. It's a place for people to come & discuss trading. LMAO @ "pull".

This thread is one in thousands of spam threads on what would otherwise be an interesting place to have a discussion on trading.

It's easy to prove you are legit. It'll take 30 seconds. Much, much less time than it takes to explain why you won't do it. You can try turning this around all you want BUT this threads sole purpose is to attract people to your site/sell them services. This would be great if you could actually trade profitably yourself.
One thing I really wish you hadn't done.

I am not saying that MAs are useless - they are to me, but if you can use them, great. But did you really have to write on your second chart "Price is rejected by the 50 EMA"?

Really? You honestly think that?

One candle hits the 50 EMA and its a rejection. The third candle is a rejection from the 1 EMA fourth the 9 EMA, fith the 22 EMA, the sixth was a 4 EMA and the seventh was a rejection by the 9 EMA again. As you can see below i have attached the EMA system i have created where i trade any single rejection of an EMA.

I think the problem i face and the reason for its early drawdown is that I dont trade for charity, so karma isn't on my side.


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One candle hits the 50 EMA and its a rejection. The third candle is a rejection from the 1 EMA fourth the 9 EMA, fith the 22 EMA, the sixth was a 4 EMA and the seventh was a rejection by the 9 EMA again. As you can see below i have attached the EMA system i have created where i trade any single rejection of an EMA.

I think the problem i face and the reason for its early drawdown is that I dont trade for charity, so karma isn't on my side.


That pic nearly blinded me 👍

Perhaps another thread on the karmic forces at play in trading for charity.

Price being rejected by the 50ema is not a literal price didn't move up because the EMAs prevented it. In my next educational post I will show how I use EMA to plan entries. EMAs in certain market conditions act as support and resistance not because they are magical or can tell the future but because traders use them. it is the same as floor pivots and fibs. They work not because they have special powers, they work often because the masses are using them and as a successful trader you want to see what the masses are doing and thinking. I trade for ticks so rejection at know price levels and the fade or breakout of them is all I need to get my few ticks. So when I say price was rejected by the ema is saying that at that price level price was unfair and didn't hold up.

I do have my own terminology for things and the way I explain things. sometimes it doesn't coincide with regular trader talk but I try to keep it simple.

Hope that helps.

Lead, follow or get out of the way.

Fair enough, if it works for you I've got no issues with what people do.

Just for the sake of a different view, here's what I would do:

Draw a single horizontal line across the string of lows.

Old support, new resistance. 🙂
Well - this I would agree with:

"They work not because they have special powers, they work often because the masses are using them and as a successful trader you want to see what the masses are doing and thinking"

but I would add

"and do the opposite"

The past 2 weeks have been somewhat of an exception in that it has been people panic selling driving the market. Market Makers basically stepped aside and this was reflected in hugely increased volatility.

The main problem with the theory of "Fibs work because so many people enter there" is that places where a lot of people enter give opportunity for predatory funds to wiggle them out of position. Lare funds need "the masses" to establish large positions. They need the masses offside so that they can get onside.

Anyway - if you see a one way market with overwhelming volume, what will drive the ES is the underlying stocks being brought/sold. On a day with average volume, what drives a lot of the moves on the ES is gameplay. If you identify the one way days that we get once or twice a fortnight, trading becomes quite easy on those days.