Look - this really is very simple:
Amount of effort taken to discredit me > Amount of effort required to show you are placing these trades.
Most obvious conclusion to come to is that the trades weren't placed. If you want people to take you seriously, the onus is on you to show you placed trades.
Just wait till Pboyles sees the thread if you think I'm bad. 😉
Again you are dilusional. I dont know what kind of koolaid your drinking up there in the UK but get off it cuz it's killing brain cells.
You say I am taking effort to discredit you, aren't you the one coming to my thread and posting your whining. Aren't you the one who repeatedly logs on and goes thru my thread and reads thru it to try to find faults and then tries to manufacture theories.
I dont find effort in trying to disprove your agenda. it is kind of comical actually.
If you go back and read all the back and forth you will notice that I have disproved all your theories and have answered all your questions regarding my setups and trades.
But you on the other hand haven't answered any of the questions I have posed about you and your so called trading software which does exactly what I do without paying the 250.00 up front to get basic ninja trader time and sales with a few different colors.
so again I ask, if you are so legitimate and posting your account statement on the site is the only proof of authenticity, then why isnt yours posted on your site.
You didn't answer that question as I asked it before.
you also didnt answer the question as to why when I preach orderflow and supply and demand you call it bogus but on your own site you say it is what most trders are missing.
no answer to that question either...huh
The typical dodge and change the subject game so the truth is not revealed.
And the best is your little teenager high school game of "Just wait till Pboyles sees the thread"
you have mentioned that a few times in your posts.
Are you one of those kids who used to get picked on and run away and as you were running away yelled " just wait till I tell my big brother on you"
Do you not have any dignity. Grow a pair and if you want to make threats make them on your own behalf and stop trying to hide behind other members.
We are all adults and for you to come back to my thread and keep on posting your petty nonsense and then threaten to go tattle tail on me like this is third grade is hilarious.
You definitely need to man up and grow a pair and start acting like an adult. I am not going after you just cuz I like to be a jerk and I don't usually even deal with people like you because it is a waste of time. I presume you are one of these guys who under the protection and secrecy of the internet you tend to be more outspoken and brave.
kinda like a drunk dork having liquid courage to talk smack.
It is getting old and you are not doing yourself any favors to your reputation.
At this point you are just trying to figure out how to save face and my suggestion to you is to crawl back into your insecurities and work out your issues so you aren't threatened by anyone elses existence.
My thread is about education and pay it forward not about playing footsie with your insecurities.
Again to reiterate, I have no need to discredit you, you came to my thread making these accusations, I haven't once gone to your threads and pettifoged them. I couldn't care less about your threads. I am comfortable in my skin and don't have the need to post angry rhetoric to pump my ego like you do. Grow up. if you want to play child games go to disney.com. this place is for adults.