trading courses

I used to love instructing... the immense fulfilment gained through passing on my knowledge and seeing people using your skills 😎
Knowledge is worthless if kept to yourself...but priceless when it's shared 😀

I'm fine, thanks. I'm irrepressible ;-)
It's such a shame a handful of people spend their existences with little better to do than attacking and disrespecting others.
Sad for them in the end.
Take care
The losers will stay loser and not believe anything! Winners always knows there is a way.
Take care everybody and may all you beliefs come true to you.
Last post for me. Way to much negitive powers for me.
It is like cancer.

Regards, Steve Rifkin
Tom, Liked the comment on Tiger Woods, thats a very valid metaphor. I note that Jonny Wilkinson has a coach too!!
That's a shame SPMentor, but I don't blame you.
This site is being wrecked just like Hemscott, ESI, ETrade and advfn were by a small handful of people who spoil it for the vast and decent majority.
The result is fewer and fewer posts by those who could and would give so much, if it weren't for the constant abuse.
Dear Steve Rifkin,
Nice to see you here! Pity to see you go though. I'm sure an occasional post would be much appreciated by members.
It is a shame 🙁

I echo Mr C's & roberk comments,

Its a great petty that were destroying invaluable input to this sight through ignorance, may be things will change.... I hope so :|

Cheers a320

"Alex Ferguson is probably nowhere near as good as Beckham but he still coached him. It makes me think about Tiger Woods. He has got a personal coach, but he is the best in the world, so what can a coach teach him?

"hmmmmm, meditate on that I must """
end quote

ok - lets meditate on it

the sports analogy is so far off the mark in relation to someone learning to be a trader - but let me have a stab at adding to your meditive enjoyment

do you think that real sports coaches are found hanging out on internet sites as that is a free way for them to market themselves?

would Beckam be looking on an internet site for a trainer?

would Beckam take on a trainer without categoric proof of the prior success of that trainer? and this is not even a money issue - this is the issue that he would not want a crap trainer screwing up his potential!

but lets not forget the bucks - is Beckam going to cough up money to a trainer whose background he would not know, and not have substantive proof of the claims made by the trainer?

do you think i, as a football trainee, could call up and suggest to Alex Furguson that i want to be trained to be the next Beckam and he would just say, "no problem, let me have a bit of dosh and you are on?"

do you think he could then train me in a day to be the beckham of tomorrow even if i had the capability, or we kept up email or phone contact for a while?

do you think Alex Ferguseon would rather be training or playing football?

i personally dont know the answer for sure to this one - but it seems more likely to me that if he had the choice - he would definetly not say - "nope - dont want to play because i am so fullfilled teaching?" -

the fact is he's too old and dont have the choice and thats why he trains!

i guess i could go on and on - but most i am sure are bored by now

in trading - you dont get too old - but you might run out of money from losing at trading and start looking for another way to make money from trading
good points Steve, well thought through. I suppose that it is not
even always a question of how good the trainer is himself but how good he is at passing it on and how the chemistry is between the trainer and trainee.

The meditate quote BTW was from a star wars film I was forced to watch this weekend 🙂
ahh there you go, after having had a clean sheet for so long, there is now red in my scorecard...