Training Courses

Why don't you guys try Mr Charts? I never got anywhere trading untill he coached me 1-2-1. He walks the walk instaed of talking the talk like a lot of them and teaches you exactly what to do and how. Sure worked for me and he costs under a grand to come to your house 1-2-1, face on face, not all this big seminar group stuff where they you get motivated then you don't know what to do! I allways wanted to pack in the day job and trade American shares and now i've done it
How can you teach on a Saturday when the markets are closed!! - all workshops are taught during " Open" markets with practical live (Real Time analysis and trades) al so
is the Bartlett4america connected to the Beginners workshop Bartlett!! on click events
How can you teach on a Saturday when the markets are closed!!

From what I gather this method requires you do most of the grunt work before the markets are open - therefore it is quite easy to learn the methods on a saturday. Don't forget not all methods rely on real-time data and I know from Toms daily work that much of his predictions for the day are done BEFORE the market opens. That is why I'm keen to learn more.

As for clickevents, I know others like them, but a friend of mine went on one and was not impressed because it didn't tell him anything new.

And no, I'm definitely nothing to do with the bartlett beginners man nor am I affiliated to Mr Hougaard (I'm just a fan of his work). My user name is from The West Wing, the best show on TV!

Now relax and enjoy the sunshine 🙄
John B,

You posted

is the Bartlett4america connected to the Beginners workshop
Bartlett!! on click events

Why have you asked this when anyone who has read your previous posts knows that it is you who are the Bartlett connected to the said course on CE ?

Advertising maybe ?

I feel it is only fair that I answer John Bartletts post myself, as I will be the one teaching the seminars.

I am teaching the seminars on a Saturday because I can't get time off from my job at City Index to teach during the week.

I have been running seminars for a couple of spread betting companies for a couple of years now. Some of the material was very basic while other material was advanced.

The seminars I will be running now will be advanced topics that traders can apply immediately in their own trading.

Trading seminars for me ( the free ones or the fee based ones ) is an opportunity to pass on what I have learned myself. That is what I am interested in. Trading seminars for me is not a question of "can I make money trading in front of the audience". I have done it many times while at City and Fins, and while I have made money, I always found it was very distracting to the whole teaching atmosphere. I want people to focus on what I am teaching, not whether my trade is making money or not.

The money in trading is secondary. Most novices will focus on the money and sit with the calculator, figuring out how much they are winning now. Money is the by-product of good trading. I am teaching good trading methologies with emphasis of good entry techniques, tight stop losses and exit methologies.

Trading for a living is hard work but it is a fantastic way of making a living if succesful. What I want to do is to give those inclined to learn the opportunity to learn a method that works.

The problem with trading is that if it was so easy to learn, there would be no one teaching. You could simply buy a book like Edward & McGee, and be on your way to the millions. The fact however is that it is not easy. What I hate the most about the industry ( which I generally love ) is that most make it out to be really easy and straight forward. Anyone who has been to my seminars at City Index will have heard me say that it is HARD work, at least in the beginning, and it is not easy at all. It is not easy because our own greed, fear and ego is standing in the way. I have seen my fair share of failures as part of my job, but I have also seen the succeses. I want to help those who are serious about making a living from the financial markets. To do that I dont need the markets to be open.

I hope this helps. If you reply to this, I would to you to send a reply to my email at City Index as well, so I at least have an opportunity to reply. My email is [email protected]

good luck

PS. City Index is running some more FREE seminars during the week sometime in July. You can check their website if you are interested. You do not have to hold an acocunt with City Index to attend the seminar. However, I will not be teaching what I am teaching in my fee based seminars which are run via
i should of course have added that I am Tom Hougaard, posting as SUNSEEKER

sorry for the confusion
No Problem Tom - Good reply - Keep up the good work - just like to start some controversy - makes for better threads 🙂

Drat I've been spotted!! 😆 😱
Is anyone going to attend the Updata residential two day summer school.

Some of the speakers look interesting but I wonder if it just another chance for Updata to push their service.

I would be interested to hear from anyone who has atteded one of their previous courses and their views of it.
Sunseeker - This is up to date!

You asked about the cost of vinces one day workshops! This is from his website!! £2906.95 to be precise 😱


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have you been to one? has anyone else? what does he teach?

Sounds interesting....Your seminar looks like a cheapie compared to that John,...::🙂))))))))))))
Sunseeker-you may be interested in my post at 10.57am this morning under"DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE OF MARKET TUTORS" As a fool who parted with his money this gives a personal but not very flattering opinion of what Mr Stanzione offers for nearly £3000 per day and some idea of what he is making from each session.I haven't seen any positive feedback about VS on the T2Win site-does anybody have anything good to say about what he has to offer or am I the only person stupid enough to have paid so much when it now appears that better courses are available for not much more than 10% of his price???!!!!

I spent $5000 on a seven day training course in LA. As I had already done a lot of reading before hand I did not learn that much. The main thing that was drilled into me was money management and changing personality traits that hinder trading.

Was it $5000 well spent. It was an experience which I enjoyed. I also made many friends out there and the tutors are willing to go over any ideas you send them. Also, it was the first time I came across level 2. The good thing about that was they let you trade live with 10 lot share sizes which was fun. Also, I would say I came back from LA more confident in myself because I could see that I am going down the right road.

The main thing I would say is study, listen to people and form your own opinion from the information gathered.
I would also recommend a cd tutorial by a company called Pristine.
It is 20 hours of instruction but don't buy the level 2 cd as it is just a 2 hour long advert. One of my friends has actually spent three months working out of their trading room at Irvine, Southern California. He went over with $50,000 of his own money and trade 100 share lots via level 2 while at the same time was being instructed by their senior traders. He learnt tons a has probably cut the learning time a fair bit. I am not saying follow his example but the CDs are a good start.
stoploss please-Thanks for the info I'll follow it up.$5000 for 7 days in LA sounds a far better bet than the best part of £3000 for a day in Milton Keynes with no prospect of any individual tuition and the feeling that you had been misled by the way in which the course had been sold to you.Your advise greatly appreciated.

One thing I would say, I am no where near cracking this thing yet. At the end of the day, trading has helped me assess my risk appetite and where I am at in the scheme of things. I will be taking Alan Rich course next week which I am really looking forward to. Also, once I have taken in what I have learned from Naz, I will be taking up Toms classes. These guys seem to be the best teachers in the UK and their courses are reasonable priced and not hyped up.

What I would like is for an experienced Dow spread better to sit with me for a week as a mentor. Any offers out there??

The course I went on was held by the Online trading academy.
It was good but from what I hear Pristines courses are more structured, however, the OTA has tie ups with level 2 brokers which lets you claim back your tution fees if you make money. Also, the OTA lets you retake their for free for life.

Keep studying
dear stoploss,

I dont claim to be an authority on trading. However, through my work over the last 2 years I have had the pleasure of meeting many good men and women(!) who wanted guidance and advice, and I have always been keen to help, as part of my philosophy.

I am sure you have heard this before, but it is worth repeating. In general most trade much to big a size for their account. Most never use stop losses either. That is a reflection of their psychology. they feel a stop will prove they were wrong if it is hit, and they dont want to be proven wrong.

However, by far the biggest mistake, from my experiences talking to many at trade shows and seminars is INFLATED expectations.

I am currently teaching my girlfriend to trade. It all came about when she asked me if I thought it was possible for me to teach her so she could make £50 a day. I kind of took pity on her because £50 seems like a small amount when you are trading.
Sometimes that is my size per point, and I knew I could teach her that in no time. However, it was also a big eye opener to my own trading and other peoples trading. Allow me to elaborate.

My girlfriend has a flair for numbers and is a bright coockie. She works part-time in a bank, and looks after her son the other half of her time. She wants a more stimulating life and of course sees what I do, and like the challenge etc. However, she is worried about finances etc, as we all are when leaving a secure job. She would be content if she could make £50 a day. That would earn her £12,500 a year, which is more than she earns now. Her expectations were low, which is almost certain to stand her in good deed when she starts for herself. If she does that every single day, then there will come a day where she no longer has to settle for £50, because she is getting better and better.

I then realised that it was in reality me who needed to look at my own trading. My girlfriend had taught me a lesson in consistency. I used to gun for the ropes, ie go for the really big trades that could make 5-10 K in a day. Now I have changed. I have no expectations and I treat every day as a new day. If I make £50 in a day I am happy. If I make £500 I am also happy, and if I make £5000 I am also happy. However, when the next day comes around, I start from scratch, with no expectations and a clean slate.

The problem from what I hear from other traders is that they think they are shite traders if they don’t at least make XXX amount of money a year. That is by far the biggest mistake in my opinion. There would be far less casualties if people could control their greed.

I hope this helps you or other who read it. I think it was Mr Chart who wrote: trading is not about the big wins, it is about making steady consistent profits every day.

Dont compare yourself to others. Try to be the best you can be.

Interesting post,especially the "be happy to make £50,£500... tomorrow is another day"part.
One of the things I have found difficult is taking profits too early,then seeing your position run further into what would have been a bigger profit.
Psycologically this can be worse than taking a loss.The " if only I had" syndrome kicks in and then clouds your judgement.
A relaxed state of mind is one of the most important aspects of trading.

my own mentor gave me an a@~e wipping today when i took profits too late....i made more but i broke the rules...There were a lot of F's and C's in that conversation.....

Then he said:look, you dont know what the market will do next ( I havent't told him about my "expected path"...he would kill me if he knew) so you have to enter when you get a signal and exit when your target is met!......

I fell asleep on my bed and missed the whole rally tonight. I came in and got a feel for the market around 20:20. The market was in bull mode so I waited for a retracement which I got 10 minutes later. The corrections were all 2 - 2.25 so I bought a big red candle and took 0.75 ticks out of it....not a lot but it keeps me sharp, and on my toes...and made a little extra....just enough so I can take the wifey out for a nice meal.....I try to measure these things into works for me


re your last 2 posts: you have a wife AND a girlfriend.
i can understand why you fall asleep on your bed...with a smile on your face?

and you still find time to post , i salute you.

Freudian slip I think, girlfriend has convinced me that I will be far better off if I marry her....

talking of sleep...does no one on this bulletin board sleep...

what i find amazing is that there are 4000 members and it is the same that post over and over.....

i bet there are some cracking traders out there who have some good stuff to contribute....