Training Courses

I just had a real good giggle. Someone in the Escoteric postings wrote that the "king of Terror" will be born in 1999. JonnT replied that nostradamus was wrong, his SON was born 8 months ealier...

good night.......I will see you wimps at 04:45
mmm 50, 500, 5k.... Take your profit.... you need a lesson in targets :cheesy:
You're 100% right about treating every day as a new day. You're right about being happy with 50, 500 or whatever.

Then he said:look, you dont know what the market will do next ( I havent't told him about my "expected path"...he would kill me if he knew) so you have to enter when you get a signal and exit when your target is met!......

That's what's wrong. You should know exactly what the market will do next and plan accordingly. Mostly it's 99% predictable, with fixed exit rules . Only occaisionally does it go pear-shaped, but then we hit the kill button in an instant. Maybe I 've got hold of the wrong end of the stick here....
Either way, most interesting observation regarding the girlfriend.

My bet size is just £2 a point and I always keep to my stops. I leant my lesson early on. I still want to be trading in a years time.

I do not begrudge spending money on a course if it gives me an insight I cannot get from the many books out there but at the end of the day, I have to step up to the table and trade and feel the pain when it goes pear shaped as this is probably the only way I am going to learn to play this game.
Yes the must be a wealth of information, hidden out there with the lurkers, feel free to post, variety is the spice of life ect...

The End of the world thread is fantastic, mmillar quote says it all!!! 😀

QUOTE]Originally posted by mmillar
What a great thread 😆 All the lunatics, god squad and code philosophers together at one time. [/QUOTE

Anyway its lonely on here at 01.25 🙁

cheers a320

i humbly disagree, but i respect your opinion and dont say i got the answer, only what works for me. My strategy is that i dont need to know what the market will do next to make money.

Based on what i see and my experience i enter the market when the odds are favouring a certain outcome, and i jump on board for the expected ride. however as i dont expect anything i cultivate a flexible mind and can take advantage of what i call "the strongest signal", which is a failed signal.

The strongest signal you can get in the market is when the market fails at certain crucial level and reverses. There was even one yesterday, and I have attached a chart so you can see what I mean.

I hope this sheds light on what I mean....

😀 😀 😀


  • failed singal1.png
    failed singal1.png
    28.3 KB · Views: 500
Nice chart Sunseeker. That one tick drop below support is the big boys taking out the little boys' stops - the most wonderful entry point, because you know that they've taken out those stops for a reason. And then she went whoosh!

I trade ES, and it happens all the time - see it happening and you know the next move will be good. But of course it takes some b*lls going long on a break of support. Sorts the men out from the boys though :cheesy:
It happens all the time on Nasdaq stocks.But the thing is you can see the big boys actually buying on the level 2 screen whilst the time and sales shows the little boys selling.

If its the axe,the controlling market maker buying even better.At this stage you can jump in front of the market makers and soak up some of this selling thus capturing the spread just like a market maker.Your stop can be tight,ie under the axe.Hey presto you've bought with the big boys,saved the spread and you run the stock with them.

I would reason that to take this type of trade you only need confidence in your trading platform to be able to transact where you want to and not where you can.
Skimbleshanks said:
Nice chart Sunseeker. That one tick drop below support is the big boys taking out the little boys' stops - the most wonderful entry point, because you know that they've taken out those stops for a reason. And then she went whoosh!

I trade ES, and it happens all the time - see it happening and you know the next move will be good. But of course it takes some b*lls going long on a break of support. Sorts the men out from the boys though :cheesy:

It sounds like a good explanation but considering the stupidity needed to place a stop 1 tick below support do you really think that there would have been much volume in stops at that level?

As you must realise, in the world of trading there are an awful lot of people (I mean this nicely though) who through sheer stupidity and naivety put their stops one tick under the previous support. I would assume, naturally, that they are the newer traders who are often so fearful of losing their profits that they put in really tight stops, and the bigger boys are gunning for these.

You often see it happening several times a day, so it must work otherwise it wouldn't get done. I call them bulldozer bars because they bulldoze all the stops out of the way, then whoosh off in the opposite direction. If I've missed the ideal entry, if I see a bulldozer bar I will enter (even when it is beyond my 'safe' two point stop) because I know these are such beaut trades.

The only place when I would be very wary is at the top of a trend - these are often done in reverse, to catch all the traders who enter one tick above resistance as breakout plays.
Skimbleshanks said:
Yes. .

The only place when I would be very wary is at the top of a trend - these are often done in reverse, to catch all the traders who enter one tick above resistance as breakout plays.

I do'nt understand this, surely the same situation, with the big boys gunning for the stops, applies at support as well as resistance?
I obviously didn't make myself clear - what I meant is that I would be wary of entering a long on a bulldozer bar which is some way up a trend. In that situation I would be shorting.
What you call a bulldozer bar is essentially a false breakout ??

I srongly disagree with both you and Sunseeker about 1 tick below the support being a good signal. In yesteddays chart Sun highlighted a 1 tick move as a "failed signal". This type of price action is just noise and the suggestion that it is the result of big boys gunning for stops is highly unlikely.
Nice explanation Skim, you also get some beautiful candle patterns created from the big boys mischief but I wont bore everyone with that 😀

Tom you do start early!!! 😀

Cheers a320
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From my experience it is very much the case that those who are successful traders have, in most cases, lost a lot of money before they became successful. But whether this was needed to be successful I would doubt. If you have a good coach I am certain that it is possible to be a profitable trader and not have to lose large amounts of money.

The key here is "Good Coach" as they are few and far between. You only need to scan the webpages to find everyone under the Sun offering systems, methods, software, personal advice etc to everyone. It is generally accepted that 90% to 95% of traders lose money so most of these must be of little value. I think we all know where to find the "Good Coaches" and it is important to recognize in yourself that benefit can be had by taking a course with them.

I have successfully traded futures for over 2 years but I was always unhappy at the speed in which a futures market can move and with no warning. I remember friends of mine trading around March 2001 when the Fed announced an unexpected interest rate cut. Within 10 seconds one futures market rose by over 350 points. One guy was short on this market with a stop set 10 points away and got filled over 200 points away from his stop for a loss of over $4500.

Since that day I have always been looking for another way of trading that would give me advance notice of what is happening such as Nasdaq Level II. More recently I have stopped trading and I am currently getting myself ready to start trading US shares. Personally I am not too proud to think that I know it all and I am more than willing to learn from those traders who are successful in trading these markets. As such if I think I would benefit from taking a course or engage in personal coaching I would do so without reservation.



hi Paul, and luck with either a course or coach?

Yes i lost money first of all because i traded the UK market and traded like the books and seminars would have you do.Funny how when i watched the Market makers on the Nasdaq level 2 screen and watched them do the opposite to how the public were taught to trade my trading turned around!

I also turned around my trading when i realized that the US led everything and that that is where i needed to trade and be ahead of the game instead of behind it.

I also did better when i traded a market like the Nasdaq that moved,giving me better opportunities with a trading platform which gave me the instant fills,allowed me to capture spreads instead of paying them and showed me what was truly happening,rather than the chart which showed me after wards.

I still smile at others who dont understand level 2 Nasdaq trading yet caution against it.I smile again when i can take a raw beginner who cant trade and have him taking live intra day Nasdaq trades and making them profitable.

Hi Naz, do you teach people to trade? and if so what would such training cost?
Hi Naz, do you teach people to trade? and if so what would such training cost?
Hi iceman,
Welcome to T2W!
Naz no longer posts on T2W but here is some blurb about his course:
T2W Store - Training & Events :: The A-Z Course For Day Trading The US Stock Market
If this is of interest and you still want to get in contact with him, PM me and I'll dig out his e-mail address for you. If your primary interest is day trading the U.S. stock market, you might also like to consider coaching from Mr. Charts. You can get a feel for his style of trading from this thread and contact him directly via PM or e-mail:
You will soon become aware (if you're not already) that there is a strong anti-coaching ethos here on T2W and, to be fair, there are some bad coaches that are only interested in your wallet and not in developing your trading skills. This criticism does NOT apply to either Naz or Mr. Charts. I've had 1-2-1 coaching with both of them and they are the real deal. That said, neither of them offer a holy grail and neither of them will make you into a consistently profitable trader. Only YOU can do that!
Enjoy and good luck,
Does anyone know if via trader is still going ? and who runs/ran it ? there was a post a couple months back (somewhere!) about a T2W member not being able to contact them, dunno if that was bull ?
Via Trader doesn't deal with the public any longer

Thanks for the kind words
Hi Tim,

thanks for the reply mate, yes i would like Naz's email. out of curiosity, out of the two who did you feel gave you the most and at what stage are you now at as a result of this?

Hi iceman,
Welcome to T2W!
Naz no longer posts on T2W but here is some blurb about his course:
T2W Store - Training & Events :: The A-Z Course For Day Trading The US Stock Market
If this is of interest and you still want to get in contact with him, PM me and I'll dig out his e-mail address for you. If your primary interest is day trading the U.S. stock market, you might also like to consider coaching from Mr. Charts. You can get a feel for his style of trading from this thread and contact him directly via PM or e-mail:
You will soon become aware (if you're not already) that there is a strong anti-coaching ethos here on T2W and, to be fair, there are some bad coaches that are only interested in your wallet and not in developing your trading skills. This criticism does NOT apply to either Naz or Mr. Charts. I've had 1-2-1 coaching with both of them and they are the real deal. That said, neither of them offer a holy grail and neither of them will make you into a consistently profitable trader. Only YOU can do that!
Enjoy and good luck,
yes i would like Naz's email.
I'll dig it out and PM you.
. . . out of the two who did you feel gave you the most
Both Alan (Naz) and Richard (Mr. Charts) are first class traders at the very top of their game. I can't say which is the best trader or which is the best coach I'm afraid. It's a personal thing. I happen to have kept in regular contact with Richard and had a second day's coaching with him earlier this year. But you might get on better with - and benefit more - from Alan. The only way to decide is to be in contact with each of them, ask any questions you want and try to get a 'feel' as to which of them will best serve your purposes. Alan used to give public seminars at quite reasonable cost - some were even free, I think (although I don't know if he still does this) - which might be a good intro' to his world. Richard is still active here (see the post above yours) and, if you post on his thread, (link in my previous post) he will certainly reply to your questions.
. . . and at what stage are you now at as a result of this?
I've recently left full time employment to trade full time and I'm at the stage of taking off the stabilizers (simulated trading) and starting to trade 'for real'. It's only taken me 6 years but, hey, I never do anything quickly. :cheesy:
Besides Richard and Naz, I ought to mention Grey 1 who is also an active T2W member and has his own private forum called 'Technical Trader'. If you apply to join (it's free), I'm sure you'll be admitted. Like Richard and Naz, Iraj (Grey 1) is also an extremely knowledgable and successful U.S. stock trader - although his emphasis is slightly more towards swing trading as opposed to purely intra day trading. He is also very technical based (hence the forum name) which I struggle with personally, as I'm hopeless with codes, programming and anything faintly techie! Anyway, between the three of them, you should go far!