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I want to learn Naz level 2 in real time

Yes i lost money first of all because i traded the UK market and traded like the books and seminars would have you do.Funny how when i watched the Market makers on the Nasdaq level 2 screen and watched them do the opposite to how the public were taught to trade my trading turned around!

I also turned around my trading when i realized that the US led everything and that that is where i needed to trade and be ahead of the game instead of behind it.

I also did better when i traded a market like the Nasdaq that moved,giving me better opportunities with a trading platform which gave me the instant fills,allowed me to capture spreads instead of paying them and showed me what was truly happening,rather than the chart which showed me after wards.

I still smile at others who dont understand level 2 Nasdaq trading yet caution against it.I smile again when i can take a raw beginner who cant trade and have him taking live intra day Nasdaq trades and making them profitable.

My name is John Hyman, I am 61 amd have been
daytrading for 2 years...I want and need to learn Nasdaq level 2 and want to learn it it realtime.....CAn You help me,,,,? [email protected] 803-319-7770