trading courses


seriously i know what your getting at ,i'm shaw there are some people out there that think you can learn how to trade in a few days or months but of course its going to take a lot longer then that ,and like a lot of things you never really stop learning,
thanks for your comments . 😛
I posted a live Dow trade early this afternoon (with the chart and my thoughts), elsewhere on the web that went on 40 point run for free.Anyone reading could have taken the trade and made £400 at £10 point.

I also mentioned how i took it with no spread and no bias.

What was in it for me.Nothing.

I enjoy a good argument as much as many but sometimes its worth just making a final point and moving on.

However i appreciate that some people enjoy the aggro and are less interested in trading. 🙂
Mr Chill,

Avoid courses for now, get stuck into a couple of good books (Murphy's 'TA of Financial Markets' & Elder's 'Come Into My Trading Room' are both worthwhile) & the free stuff on the net ( is good for beginners).

I have attended a couple of courses in my time, with the naive expectation always at the back of my mind that the holy grail was simply a course away, & whilst I did gain from them I now believe that they were not essential to my future trading success.

If you have the discipline, committment (see Mully's earlier post re. seven critical elements of excellence), an ounce of common sense & a little mathmatical ability you will make it. But it'll necessitate a b*llockfull of hardwork to achieve your goal.
Dear Chill,
I agree pretty much with what Stevet says- and from his other posts it is clear he has done what it takes to understand trading; I've spent a fair bit looking for that 'real' way to trade and have put on probably about 2000 live (real money) trades and still on a month to month basis am losing . (getting better slowly though).
Typical day for me: On Friday traded the DAX and after 5 hours and 10 trades ended about $150 dollars up. Then saw an 'opportunity' to short and the market suddenly spiked up and I was out with a loss of $300. These things don't show up with paper trading and as Stevet has been stressing there are so many elements.

Instead of a course though, there are genuine coaches who can speed up the learning curve.
Steve of SP Mentor is a true coach. It costs about $6000 and I spoke with steve and did a short trial and was very impressed, although I havent taken the full course yet as I am still trying (probably foolishly)to do it on my own.
I should have mentioned that before the big spike I held onto another position hoping it would go my way and was down about 75dollars on the day. That's another aspect of trading - forgetting hard earned lessons . ..
And Spmentor is not a course, of course, it is mentoring.
just so there is not confusion - the steve at sp mentor is not me

had a quick look at his site - and i certainly take more interest anyone talking about the s&p and who is based in chicago and who may have had something to do with the cme

but of course he would say all those things wouldn't he!

but could not look into the depth of his site because hes using a cr*p typeface and whenever i see people do that -i just cant be bothered to read right through
This is to SteveT

Hello Steve,
I was directed to this site by a gentlemen of the name of Robert K. He sent me the email you can view at the end of this response. Robert spent a week in my free trial of the mentoring services he spoke about.
I clinked on the link that Robert sent me and found I had to be a member to view the link, so I joined the forum to view it. Now I feel I need to respond to your comments you made. As for the comments I am referring to which you stated,

stevet said:
just so there is not confusion - the steve at sp mentor is not me

had a quick look at his site - and i certainly take more interest anyone talking about the s&p and who is based in chicago and who may have had something to do with the cme

but of course he would say all those things wouldn't he!

but could not look into the depth of his site because hes using a cr*p typeface and whenever i see people do that -i just cant be bothered to read right through

Before questioning who I am, it might be a good idea to check things out before hand. Of course I would say "Those things"
as you put it. Because they are true! I have been in the trading industry for over 12 years mentoring traders. Many have been CME and CBOT traders. My record is impecable over that period, never having not one complaint.

BTW, my office was within RB&H, the president was Jack Sandner.
I have read a few of your post, and I'll agree with you that you do not become a trader over night or even over months. For most to become successful it takes years. the majority will never make it. Trading is a way of life. It has to be a passion, you have to have a burning desire to succeed. Most do not have the right mind set to even think of trading! Can people be taught to become a successful trader you might ask. The answer is yes. But that person has to be street smart and understand risk control and most important he has to be willing to think and not expect trading to be automatic. The best chance anybody has to learn though is from someone that can teach live. All the books in the world can't do that! I just had to set the record straight.
Good trading to you.

Regards, Steve Rifkin

PS. As for my text, I am redoing my website to eliminate that problem.

From:robert K.

date:Saturday, November 22, 2003 10:44 PM


Dear Steve,
Just thought I'd say hello. This post to a forum gives
you an idea of how I'm doing.
kind regards
Last edited:

the only real negative thing from my post - was the fact that i think you use a cr*p typeface that makes your stuff hard to read

but its only my opinion and whilst i wouldnt hire you as a creative designer - for all i know you might easily be able to help someone make a few million - but i never got to find out your concepts as the font got on my nerves

i am not that keen on any training concept since for example as you are sitting in chicago and know you could be loading up with 100 sp eminis every now and again, or doing some arbs, and raking in the bucks - i just find it hard to get my head round the point of why you, or any successful trader would train - i am not asking you why - just explaining my thought process

and to date - ALL the stuff i have read that any trainer has used to promote themselves has been nonesense

but to repeat - i was not negative about - you or your stuff as i never got to find out about it
Hi Steve,
I would like to answer why I mentor traders. There is not just one answer though.

1. I love to teach others.

2. I find teaching is more of a challenge than trading.

3. Trading by oneself is way to lonely. I like to surround
myself with other traders. Before I started mentoring,I had
an office with other traders at the CME, we traded
independently and shared ideas and supported each other.

4. There is a need for quality education in the futures industry.
I fill that niche and I demonstrate that everyday. If you been
around you know that 90% of the stuff offered to make you a
better trader is garbage.

5. All the work I do to prepare for the next trading day is done
regardless of me mentoring others. A long time ago I figured out
I could make extra money sharing what I know.

6. Diversification, having other income streams make sense to me.
I also invest in real estate and other business.

7. By me mentoring others, it makes me a better trader and more
responsible knowing I have others learning from me.

8. I meet people from all over the world and create lasting
friendships, that is priceless.

I can also give you a list a mile long of many other very successful traders who mentor, sell educational products, have brokerage firms, clearing firms,own other business and on and on. I always get a kick when that question comes up.

Your comments about me being in Chicago and having an advantage makes me laugh!
The only advantage I have is I understand how the players think. I control my risk and when wrong get the heck out. When right get as much as I can from the markets. There is no real secret to being successful. You first have to master your own emotions. If you do not do that, you have no chance at all!

You were saying,"All the stuff you read is nonsense", maybe so, but there is real people like myself out there telling it how it is. Now one can guarantee you that you will make money trading.
The first thing I look for in people is how they think. If I sense a negative thought process and I hear them think everybody is out to get them, I flag them as a loser. Winners think in a positive way. The past pain does not mean the future will hold the same. That's one of the main reasons why there is a 90% failure rate with people who attempt to trade. They carry over their past trades and never follow a plan.
Thanks for your feedback.

Regards, Steve Rifkin
The lust for money is stamped deep within the human psyche, as for life long companions, you are only fooling yourself.
SP Mentor,

From my own experience, those who go to train others for fee are losers in the market..

They donot do it because they love teaching ,
They donot do it because they love sharing ,
They donot do it because it is fun ,

They do it because they see a gap in the market place to make easy $$$...

You did mention some thing about risk control, may I kindly as what methodology you use in your analysis ?
Steve R,

The uninitiated do not understand ways and methods involved and its very sad when people question ones motives 😕

cheers a320
A BBG follower 😉
blimey, there is a blast from the past, A320, and to think we should meet again defending the same person
if those who train for $$$ are losers, does that mean those who train for free ( currently done in excess of 125 seminars for free so far ) are winners??????
hey A320, it has been a long time since I have frequented this site. I have however missed your wise words.

With my newly installed Rainbow Vortex I will now be able to sleep even less 🙂))))))
Nice post Tom
I'm sorry we missed your Clitheroe trip🙁 I sent u a private on Tactical 😎

Cheers CJ
thx A320, the truth is of course that there are good trainers and bad trainers. I dont know what category I fall in, but I do know that I absolutely love to pass on information. Sometimes so much so that I have given away a few things I should not have.

When I attended my first lecture at Uni, the lecturer said to us: " I know in the years to come many of you will earn 10-fold of what I earn now..."

I cant remember in what context it was, but in this industry there are probably many who teach for the wrong reasons, and many who simply do it because they love it.

Alex Ferguson is probably nowhere near as good as Beckham but he still coached him. It makes me think about Tiger Woods. He has got a personal coach, but he is the best in the world, so what can a coach teach him?

"hmmmmm, meditate on that I must """
Hiya Sunseeker ;-))
This place ain't changed for the better :-(
At least not yet ;-)