Traders from Ireland?

Mr. Charts said:
I seem to have hit a sore, very weak spot.
One little example:
you say,
"so if you have $50K trading account - you have $400K buying power,"
No, factually wrong. You do not get 8:1 margin with direct access trading.
You have given people a statement which is out by exactly 100%.
Simple arithmetic needs to be got right, don't you think?
I have already helped you with very basic time and sales screen reading on another thread where you had completely been mistaken in your basic understanding........despite all the years of your trading............ At the time you had the grace to admit as much and credit to you for that.
In many other threads you have described yourself as knowing nothing and yet decide to create a "teaching" persona.
I could go on and on, but I really cannot be bothered.

Aha, you see Mr Teacher, I was wrong, and you are 100% correct, and the reason I was wrong, is because I am dealing with too many dunces on this site, and it is starting to rub off on me, and that is why I am taking leave.

My intuition is always correct, and I was also very wrong in another judgement call that I made, but I will not make the same mistake again, guaranteed.

It was an error -I WAS WRONG.

$400K is what is in my own account - which I have just re-stocked recently, for OPTIONS TRADING, and I apologise to all Paddys for the confusion.

And I still believe I know nothing about anything - and will always believe so.

Now, my good sir, you no longer have my respect, and you friendship with certain people will not save you from my criticisms.

You are a SELLER - no better than Ken Calhoun.

Your short trading video, apart from our discussion on the colours of the bid /ask, which btw, varies with the software used, is mediocre at best.

It is of limited value, and it has all the hallmarks of a salesman.

You shout out "Now", as if you were shouting at a child.

Any worthwhile trader does not SELL, he assists others who are interested and are of the same way of thinking. Trading is an Art, not a way to take money from those who want to try and learn, but not many here are interested in the art of trading, it appears.

You all cut down, but guess who is laughing at you all, really.

Bulldozer has a fee of £400 for one reason, and one reason only, to keep out the time wasters, and it now has become necessary to appoint a watchman, whom you know quite well, and respect. Any £400 paid goes to charity.

I am amazed at how many here think that we have real professionals on this site - we have nothing here but mediocre traders, and since my eyes have now been opened to the art of trading, all of my previous posts in relation to what all the traders on this site - bar a few whom everyone knows, and I am not speaking of the usual salesmen here - are null and void.

Continue to look for petty errors, which anyone with any little cop on would know was a genuine error, and continue to speak with so called professional traders, those that trade for a living, but, remember, that is all that they will ever do, trade for a living, they will never trade for the Art of trading, which is where the Big money is.

I will leave you to try and persuade some more punters, although i think you will not get too many Irish, for us Irish have a keen sense of smell, and we know when things are not right.

As for the so called psyco, I will deal with him next, time permitting.

I will make time, as he also needs a telling off, for he seems to always TELL people what to do.

Toodle Pip.
"I will make time, as he also needs a telling off" ...calling upon your vast wealth of experience no doubt ...please just go back to your playpen and stay there
I certainly didn't reply to your pm did I ....... 😉 no,I have not forgotten it ,but I wouldn't embarass you with it here.
son you can fool around here all you want,but you can't fool me .... just try and complete something sometime know what I mean longs it been 7 or 8 years ,how much money did you waste ? many different things did you play at before you you went onto the next thing ? .....there's a reason you are still spitting in the wind's what you are and the results won't change until you do. Now go play peacefully with the other kids.
Come All,

You are ALL welcome to the Irish Thread - get some good old Irish hospitality, it will not COST you anything, guaranteed. :cheesy:
chump said:
I certainly didn't reply to your pm did I ....... 😉 no,I have not forgotten it ,but I wouldn't embarass you with it here.
son you can fool around here all you want,but you can't fool me .... just try and complete something sometime know what I mean longs it been 7 or 8 years ,how much money did you waste ? many different things did you play at before you you went onto the next thing ? .....there's a reason you are still spitting in the wind's what you are and the results won't change until you do. Now go play peacefully with the other kids.

What PM is that - is it the one where I called them all a bunch of idiots, or is it the one where you stated that a certain member was a pillock, oh wait, that was a good post you gave me, sorry about that 😉

You see Mr cHump, you can post whatever you like, for I always speak the truth, and I never hide anything, you should try it some day, it will do wonders for your trading account, really.

Have you figured out where the poppy really goes yet :cheesy:
This place has certainly come alive, alas for the wrong reasons. Has anyone got anything positive or helpful to contribute or is it just an opportunity for sniping, after a bad day at the office?

Slán libh
punter99 said:
This place has certainly come alive, alas for the wrong reasons. Has anyone got anything positive or helpful to contribute or is it just an opportunity for sniping, after a bad day at the office?

Slán libh


This is normal around here, unfortunately.

They are all mad at me because I have decided to close my other thread due to the normal detracting and de-railing by the same crowd. 😱

You need to read between the lines, and watch out for salesmen and so called professional traders.

Go Raibh Maith Agat
Thank you jon,

You have your work cut out for yourself these days.
CYOF said:
Aha, you see Mr Teacher, I was wrong, and you are 100% correct, and the reason I was wrong, is because I am dealing with too many dunces on this site, and it is starting to rub off on me, and that is why I am taking leave.

My intuition is always correct, and I was also very wrong in another judgement call that I made, but I will not make the same mistake again, guaranteed.

It was an error -I WAS WRONG.

$400K is what is in my own account - which I have just re-stocked recently, for OPTIONS TRADING, and I apologise to all Paddys for the confusion.

And I still believe I know nothing about anything - and will always believe so.

Now, my good sir, you no longer have my respect, and you friendship with certain people will not save you from my criticisms.

You are a SELLER - no better than Ken Calhoun.

Your short trading video, apart from our discussion on the colours of the bid /ask, which btw, varies with the software used, is mediocre at best.

It is of limited value, and it has all the hallmarks of a salesman.

You shout out "Now", as if you were shouting at a child.

Any worthwhile trader does not SELL, he assists others who are interested and are of the same way of thinking. Trading is an Art, not a way to take money from those who want to try and learn, but not many here are interested in the art of trading, it appears.

You all cut down, but guess who is laughing at you all, really.

Bulldozer has a fee of £400 for one reason, and one reason only, to keep out the time wasters, and it now has become necessary to appoint a watchman, whom you know quite well, and respect. Any £400 paid goes to charity.

I am amazed at how many here think that we have real professionals on this site - we have nothing here but mediocre traders, and since my eyes have now been opened to the art of trading, all of my previous posts in relation to what all the traders on this site - bar a few whom everyone knows, and I am not speaking of the usual salesmen here - are null and void.

Continue to look for petty errors, which anyone with any little cop on would know was a genuine error, and continue to speak with so called professional traders, those that trade for a living, but, remember, that is all that they will ever do, trade for a living, they will never trade for the Art of trading, which is where the Big money is.

I will leave you to try and persuade some more punters, although i think you will not get too many Irish, for us Irish have a keen sense of smell, and we know when things are not right.

As for the so called psyco, I will deal with him next, time permitting.

I will make time, as he also needs a telling off, for he seems to always TELL people what to do.

Toodle Pip.

Could you clarify a couple of things

You seem to be saying that Mr Charts is not a worthwhile trader because of his commercial interest but surely Bulldozer has a commercial interest in running the CB website?

Also you state that the £400 is given to charity could you clarify this as there is nothing to indicate this on CB?
CYOF adds only insanity to an already difficult arena of who's having who's pants down

You can all just get on with it ....frankly its not worth the bother of trying to steer people in the right direction and stop them from self harm .......all hand your money over ....why not ....its either hand it over to the leeches of the trading world ....or lose it anyhow to the brokers .....makes no odds ...

Lose it you will.. :!:
I apologise to all of my Irish colleagues for inflicting this burden on you all, but, it is a necessary requirement that you will come to understand in due course.

With that, I will continue to share MY VIEWS with you, so that you may make up your own mind as to who is providing you with TRUTHFUL information, and who is NOT, so that you may make a conscious decision that will always be in your own best interests.

There will be no charge whatsoever, all I do is for FREE, as I enjoy the Art of trading.

I will continue with an answer to my Chara Eddie's question in relation to FX.

Off topic posts will be ignored, and if the usual suspects persist as usual, then I will ask Neil (Edit: Apologies, this should read Niall) o transfer ownership of this thread to me, for my moderation skills are now finely tuned.

Jon, please get out the hoover and suck up the usual dirt before it sticks into the carpet.

Thank You.
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Jack o'Clubs said:

This stuff's going to spread all over the site if you keep egging CYOF/Soc on. Let it drop for God's sake, or at least keep it to the threads they started.

Appologies Jack o clubs
But as I saw it CYOF made a lengthy statement on this thread I was simply asking questions pertaining to that post it would be out of place if I was to ask on another thread it was Soc that chose to step in and post without answering anything
Would this be fair to say
Without willing to get involved in all this bickering, offensive posters should be removed. References to "potatoes" on this thread are downright bigotted and similar comments should not be tolerated.

Back to the subject at hand. CYOF, thanks for the info you posted. It is a fair bit too advanced for myself as I am not skilled enough to engage in futures etc. yet. I am only 2 years down this long road and am only trading stocks. Currently UK and Irish stocks. I post here to try to learn from others who have tried to make a living from this game. You mention "direct trading", what do you mean with this? Does this mean lower commisions etc?
dc2000 said:
Appologies Jack o clubs
But as I saw it CYOF made a lengthy statement on this thread I was simply asking questions pertaining to that post it would be out of place if I was to ask on another thread it was Soc that chose to step in and post without answering anything
Would this be fair to say
It's not about attributing blame DC, it's about the fact that it takes two sides to sustain an argument, and rather than seeing certain posters corrupt more and more threads on T2W, sometimes it's better to just ignore stuff that's obviously rubbish. If attention seekers get ignored they go elsewhere, if they're engaged with (at any level) they'll keep going...

It was fine when it was contained on one or two of their own threads, if it starts to spread then the forum's in trouble, but we (the other members) have the ability to contain it by ignoring posts we consider to be nonsense.
CYOF said:
I apologise to all of my Irish colleagues for inflicting this burden on you all, but, it is a necessary requirement that you will come to understand in due course.

With that, I will continue to share MY VIEWS with you, so that you may make up your own mind as to who is providing you with TRUTHFUL information, and who is NOT, so that you may make a conscious decision that will always be in your own best interests.

There will be no charge whatsoever, all I do is for FREE, as I enjoy the Art of trading.

I will continue with an answer to my Chara Eddie's question in relation to FX.

Off topic posts will be ignored, and if the usual suspects persist as usual, then I will ask Neil to transfer ownership of this thread to me, for my moderation skills are now finely tuned.

Jon, please get out the hoover and suck up the usual dirt before it sticks into the carpet.

Thank You.


Will you also please continue with the "How To Lose Money Trading" thread. I think you have left many people waiting on needles and pins.

Jan said:
Without willing to get involved in all this bickering, offensive posters should be removed. References to "potatoes" on this thread are downright bigotted and similar comments should not be tolerated.

Back to the subject at hand. CYOF, thanks for the info you posted. It is a fair bit too advanced for myself as I am not skilled enough to engage in futures etc. yet. I am only 2 years down this long road and am only trading stocks. Currently UK and Irish stocks. I post here to try to learn from others who have tried to make a living from this game. You mention "direct trading", what do you mean with this? Does this mean lower commisions etc?

Dia is Mhuire Agat Jan,

You are of course correct in your astute observations, but we do not let that bother us, for it will all become clear to you as you progress.

I have prepared the rules in advance, as I think I may well need to take control of this thread, but that is up to Neil, and as it is his thread, he has the final say.

Forgive me if I step back a little, but I will address the FX questions by Eddie first.

We shall return to stocks at a later date, but we must tackle one thing at a time, as this is the most effective way to accomplish anything in life.

I hope you understand, and with that, let me start to address the FX questions for Eddie.

Go Raibh Maith Agat
Jack o'Clubs said:
It's not about attributing blame DC, it's about the fact that it takes two sides to sustain an argument, and rather than seeing certain posters corrupt more and more threads on T2W, sometimes it's better to just ignore stuff that's obviously rubbish. If attention seekers get ignored they go elsewhere, if they're engaged with (at any level) they'll keep going...

It was fine when it was contained on one or two of their own threads, if it starts to spread then the forum's in trouble, but we (the other members) have the ability to contain it by ignoring posts we consider to be nonsense.

This also warrants a reply.

Precisely - the choice is yours - always has been -always will be.

You do not have to look at this thread if you do not want to - there is plenty of textbook stuff on all the other threads to keep you going for many years.

this thread is only for serious people who want to share THEIR OWN VIEWS with each other - not the VIEWS OF OTHERS.

Whilst opinions are welcome - we have already identified OPINIONS been based on reading and seeing things belonging to others.

VIEWS, on the other hand, are a result of EXPERIENCES.

There is a big difference here, so I would ask all serious posters to state whether their words are an OPINION or a VIEW - you now know the difference.

Thank You.
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new_trader said:

Will you also please continue with the "How To Lose Money Trading" thread. I think you have left many people waiting on needles and pins.


I will only continue this thread if ALL of the names on my list apologise on the "How To Lose Money Thread" to bring all of their chances back to 3.

I can publish this list over on the site if you like.

This is a fair request and should not be that hard for them to do.

I apologise ALL of the time when I make an error, or break the rules.

I have even been banned in the wrong, once, but that does not bother me, and I move on.

Thank You.
In my view you are simply avoiding the questions asked so I will take it from your silence that you were simply making things up as you went along in the post you made