Mr. Charts said:
Your section on trading US stocks has inaccuracies and misleading comments in it.
Frankly I think anyone taking your "advice" literally will be unwise.
This is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.
I have been trading US stocks for a living since 1999
Perhaps you could clarify your experience?
Before I attend to my serious business, your post warrants a reply.
Firstly, I do not give advice to anyone, I state my view, and stress that it is my view. :idea:
Secondly, you do not know what I am capable of just by reading my posts, nor will you probably ever know. :idea:
Thirdly, what is a fact to you, may not be a fact to me, as you have different experiences than me :idea:
Fourthly, I do not Sell anything, like your good self :idea:
Fifthly, I have been trading Nas Tech Stocks since Nov 2002, with my first attempt been guided by a so called expert called Mr Ken Calhoun, who, is nothing more than a salesman, who sells courses, and who himself, repeats, many many times that he practices a lot, and when he shows trades, he never shows his real account, always papertrade account, and this may have changed, but not when I dropped him like a ton of bricks - and went and learned it all myself, the hard way, so as to speak - the same way I drop anyone who can not show me up front that they know what they are talking about in relation to making big money trading, for I have no interest in small money, and the only traders so far, that I have been in contact with, that know how to make big money, in the trading game, are Socrates and Bulldozer.
You know about Socrates, so I will now fill you in on Bulldozer.
Bulldozer is what I call a Master Options Trader - he has it cracked from every angle - he is an au natural, but he has a small little flaw, and that flaw is that he is too honest, he is not only too honest, but he is also too kind.
So, if you want to try and argue over a "trading method" that will get peoples attention, then I will give you some Real Money Making Methods to argue over:
That is where the big money is, and some of the proof has been clearly shown to all, by Socrates over on the Plain Vanilla Thread, and what is more, that is only the tip of the iceberg, really.
You can all preach about your so called expert systems and methods, and put forward arguments to confuse people, but it will make no difference what ye do, for the majority will never make big money in trading, and the reason they will never make big money in trading, is because they are afraid to open their mouths, and the reason they are afraid to open their mouths, is because they think others know a lot more than them, but, in reality, all that the others know, including myself, is what they have experienced themselves, and the real secret, is, like in any successful business, is to talk and get to know the right people, the people who know the shortcuts, and I can tell you one thing, for sure, you will not find any shortcuts on this site, but you will elsewhere, but it is no good even looking, if you do not know what you are looking for. :idea:
So, I will now leave You to educate the Irish punters for free, as I was happy to do, and do please clarify my "inaccuracies and misleading comments" so that they fully understand what it is you are talking about in relation to stocks, and remember, when you are explaining for them, you are giving your view in relation to my view, which is like mixing water and oil, but, even after all of the many many trades by all the so called professionals on this site, I do not hear any mention of Expectancy, or is that something best left alone, or is it something that does not matter at all, and is not needed for trading, maybe it is only for textbooks, now that is a novel idea, is it not
I will leave all the aspiring traders with one Big bit of good advice - if you are going to give some of your hard earned money to another trader, for to Show you how to trade correctly, be sure and ask him/her for a printout of their Trading Results for the last 24 months, with the Expectancy Figure worked out for the various strategies / methods employed.
If they side step, and tell you that this is all gobbly goo - then beware - for it is possible that they are only mediocre traders, and you do not want to be mixing with mediocre traders, well, that is if you want to make some serious money in the trading game. :idea:
But if you only want to fool around, and diddle and daddle, then you have come to the right site, that much is certain :idea:
Au Revoir Mes Amies