Traders from Ireland?

Beware false gods

Giuseppe, it never ceases to amaze me how people can preach to the world, on matters that they have little knowledge. Take CYOF, in December he admitted to failure in the markets, yet in January he is ready to tell us how we need to think correctly, in order to succeed. That said, much of his advice is vague, e.g. All recognition comes from without. What does that mean? I have asked more than once, without a reply. Tread carefully.
peppebas said:
I don't understand what you both mean but you can use this address with MSN...
Enlight me... :idea:

Oh you well understand OK.

Go back and read my posts ALL - and you will see what I mean :cheesy:
CYOF said:

You must do what you think is best for you :idea:

I will take you at face value - and if you are a monkey in disguise, it will not matter, for nothing can be changed anyway, the Immutable Laws you see :idea:

Do not be afraid to read and question, and don't be afraid to think that others may know a lot more than you, for in reality, they do, but you must find the ones who know a lot more about what it is you are trying to achieve, not what it is they are trying to achieve :idea:

There was a very good post put up by rols some time ago, I will try and find it tomorrow for you and post it.

The choice is yours - always has been - and always will be :idea:

I will help ye here - for this bunch are very cunning - and try and twist the real Truth - but the do not realise, and will never realise, for they are as thick as forty planks put together, and what is more, the planks are made of teak.

What they continually fail to see - even when the FACTS are laid clearly on the table, in BLACK & WHITE - is that they who are the ones that are losing out big time :idea:

Try and find anything of value that they have posted - yep - you wre right - you will never find it - and the reason you will never find it - is because they know nothing about trading.

If ye are Irish, then ye know all about the Hurlers On The Ditch.

All I will say, is that, this is the biggest ditch I have ever seen :idea:

CYOF said:

Have you fallen into a Pot Hole in Cavan :cheesy:

Haven't been to Cavan in a long time(thankfully) and can't keep up with a thousand posts in 10 months either 🙂
p.s. you are not going to guide us to the holy grail, so what's the point of posting?
punter99 said:
Haven't been to Cavan in a long time(thankfully) and can't keep up with a thousand posts in 10 months either 🙂
p.s. you are not going to guide us to the holy grail, so what's the point of posting?

Ok Eddie, we shall then call you Slow Eddie instead of Fast Eddie 😆

7 months actually, :?: see post#8 :cheesy:

But hey, watch them all magically disappear this week, for there are certain things that I just plain don't like, and when I don't like something, I normally do something about it :idea:

You have ALL been given the Holy Grail, many times, but as usual, you ALL fail to see it 😱

As Socrates says, it is jumping out at you, starring you right in the face :idea:
Confusion reigns

Cy, you are confusing me now, so I must be slow Eddie.
1. April '06 to Feb '07 = 10 months by my reckoning
2. You direct me to a posting about daytrading stocks, something that I am not interested in.
3. I know that you and Socrates like to talk in mysterious code, perhaps it gives you a sense of superiority over the rest of us, if so, I suppose it's harmless. Perhaps, you could enlighten me on how knowing myself and how I think, helps me decide if I should go long on the € vs $, how many pips to aim at and if the trade goes against me when to get out?????
A reply directed to slow learners would be appreciated by me and my fellow amadáns.

Eddie (mall)
punter99 said:
Cy, you are confusing me now, so I must be slow Eddie.
1. April '06 to Feb '07 = 10 months by my reckoning
2. You direct me to a posting about daytrading stocks, something that I am not interested in.
3. I know that you and Socrates like to talk in mysterious code, perhaps it gives you a sense of superiority over the rest of us, if so, I suppose it's harmless. Perhaps, you could enlighten me on how knowing myself and how I think, helps me decide if I should go long on the € vs $, how many pips to aim at and if the trade goes against me when to get out?????
A reply directed to slow learners would be appreciated by me and my fellow amadáns.

Eddie (mall)

Yes Eddie Go Mall - you forgot the Go - pronounced Goh -remember 😎

Always happy to help a fellow Paddy.

1. April was my first post - I then forgot about T2W until a member e-mailed me, and I will not give his name, as everyone will blame him then 😆
2. That is your choice - the post was to show how I did not start posting until July06.
2. It is no code - it is to help people think for themselves - which the majority do not want to do, for some reason :?:

As for the € Vs $:

FX for me, is a sideline for Stocks - as well as Commodities and Futures, and now, we have Options as well, thanks to the Master Options Trader, Mr Bulldozer himself.

It depends whether you are daytrading or investing in FX?

If daytrading, you need direct access broker, forget about retail brokers, will not work, tried it, stupid, idiotic, freezes, re-quotes, anything to stop you taking some money off of them.

They hedge the bets placed by the public - the spreads guarantee they make money - so if you really want a guarantee in FX, become a retail broker :idea:

Now, direct access is a different story altogether :cheesy:

In my view, for daytrading, you need to have an automated system with alarm triggers for levels, as watching FX can be like watching paint dry at times - boring as hell.

You can position trade with a simple system called Prosticks - which is very good, and can give some good winners versus losers over the week.

Prosticks is based on market profile + candlesticks - and if you do not know what that is, then you will have to read some more.

As in ALL Markets - Timing is the KEY :idea:

I know a site that will let you use Prosticks for free, but I am not going to tell you, I will let you find it yourself, or let some of the FX experts tell you - for they must know about Prosticks if they are serious about position trading FX.

As for your risk - read up on Position Sizing - and anyone who tells you that Position Sizing has nothing to do with risk, is, well, speaking from the wrong orifice. :idea:

Hope that will do -it is nearly time for Telly Tubby Toast again - no wonder they offered me a part for Santa last Dec, and there was me wondering why the offered it to me, me with no white beard, that is. 😆
smoke clearing

Didn't cop that you only started posting in July 😱, your fingers must be worn to the bone 😆
Thanks for the remainder of message, some unambiguous advice and a clear direction for investigation, even for éamonn mall

Dia daoibh go leir,

Amazed to find this thread. Im only geting serious in this game recently. Have just moved back to Ireland after 5 years away and am astounded at the cost of trading here. It is so high that it is a real barrier to success. I currently use a UK broker which is relatively ok albeit nothing like the US brokers. Have written to the competition authority asking if there has ever been an investigation into Irish brokers. I think my email was binned.

Anyway, I would be really interested to see how Irish people are going about avoiding Irish brokers?
US Brokers

Jan said:
Dia daoibh go leir,

Amazed to find this thread. Im only geting serious in this game recently. Have just moved back to Ireland after 5 years away and am astounded at the cost of trading here. It is so high that it is a real barrier to success. I currently use a UK broker which is relatively ok albeit nothing like the US brokers. Have written to the competition authority asking if there has ever been an investigation into Irish brokers. I think my email was binned.

Anyway, I would be really interested to see how Irish people are going about avoiding Irish brokers?

Take a look at
Hope this helps.
neil said:
Take a look at
Hope this helps.

Well Neil, we do at least agree on something 😆

IB are very good - and what is more, you can trade SSF's with them, which are brilliant if you are position trading. I do not understand why position traders do not use SSF's, it puzzles me, really.

If you are daytrading (scalping), the TWS platform, in my view, is limited.

MBT navigator is far superior and they now take on Irish traders. They also do FX as well.

If you are going to use IB, then I would look at the following 3rd party software, for I used it in the past, and it is very good for fast entries and exits. It was developed by a german solicitor called Christian Czirnich, and was primarily developed around Woddies CCI Trading, back in the past before Woodie went all commercial and ruined his good spot on paltalk.

Christian is a very nice person, and he is very helpful if you have any problems. Have a look at his blog spot - link on his website. His charge per year is nothing compared to the benefits of using his software.

In relation to Irish brokers, I take it you mean trading US stocks using Irish brokers, and not trading Irish stocks 😱

Forget all the Irish brokers, they are all a bunch of resellers, and are no better than the FX retail brokers.

Direct access is always the best option, in any market, and this means trading with a Big well known International broker, not a mickey mouse re-seller.

punter99 said:
Didn't cop that you only started posting in July 😱, your fingers must be worn to the bone 😆
Thanks for the remainder of message, some unambiguous advice and a clear direction for investigation, even for éamonn mall


Ne probleme :?:

Let me know if you find the Free Prosticks site, for it is a must, really, and will assist you to see through the dense fog, as Socrates rightly says.

In my view, you do not need to learn the ins and outs of Market Profile for FX, all you need to know is that when the price starts to move away from the Median, you may now have a reversal, so guess what, you want to be trading in that direction, not against it :idea:

If you really want to be an explorer, then you can look at MP in depth with the ES E-mini, but there is a little secret that many do not know of, and that my good friend, is a story for another day, one that LouDean Mock Lou (please note the spelling is in English for the non Irish speaking members of T2W) has told me to keep to myself, for now.

Jan said:
Dia daoibh go leir,

Amazed to find this thread. Im only geting serious in this game recently. Have just moved back to Ireland after 5 years away and am astounded at the cost of trading here. It is so high that it is a real barrier to success. I currently use a UK broker which is relatively ok albeit nothing like the US brokers. Have written to the competition authority asking if there has ever been an investigation into Irish brokers. I think my email was binned.

Anyway, I would be really interested to see how Irish people are going about avoiding Irish brokers?

Dia is Mhuire agat,

I should have replied to you direct Jan, apologies.

Do not waste your energy on Irish competition laws - a futile effort.

Thanks to the 8th Wonder of the World, the Silicon Chip, we can now by pass all the non- sensical rubbish that is imposed by those with limited minds.

I take it that you have a specific Goal that you have set for yourself, and in that context, you have identified a specific instrument, or several instruments, which you desire to trade in order to attain that Goal?

Your Goal will determine your Objectives, and your Objectives will govern the best tools to assist with the task, or tasks, at hand.

I am not preaching here, just seeing how many take this Trading Game serious, for it is a very serious Game indeed, and there is no better way to lose your money quickly than participating in the Game without having a full arsenal to combat the enemy, for the enemy are many, many indeed.

But, you may know this already, and if you do, then good trading.

CYOF said:
Dia is Mhuire agat,

I should have replied to you direct Jan, apologies.

Do not waste your energy on Irish competition laws - a futile effort.

Thanks to the 8th Wonder of the World, the Silicon Chip, we can now by pass all the non- sensical rubbish that is imposed by those with limited minds.

I take it that you have a specific Goal that you have set for yourself, and in that context, you have identified a specific instrument, or several instruments, which you desire to trade in order to attain that Goal?

Your Goal will determine your Objectives, and your Objectives will govern the best tools to assist with the task, or tasks, at hand.

I am not preaching here, just seeing how many take this Trading Game serious, for it is a very serious Game indeed, and there is no better way to lose your money quickly than participating in the Game without having a full arsenal to combat the enemy, for the enemy are many, many indeed.

But, you may know this already, and if you do, then good trading.


Mile buiochas as ucht na freagrai ar fad.

I am not going to pretend to be what I am not. I am not a full time trader and I am new enough, having only traded for almost 2 years now. I have spent most of that time studying the markets of my choice, reading up etc. Over 2 years, I have managed to make a gain of 20% while also adding to my account by working. My goal is simple and is basically to generate an annual income close to €30,000. This is a medium term plan which I would hope to achieve within 3 more years. After 5 years, I would hope to be at €50,000pa. My account is currently around €80K. Therefore, I do not think that this is an unreasonable goal. I am not a day trader, nor do I want to be. My strength appears to be in position trading.

My weapons are not yet fully defined as I don’t yet consider myself to have enough experience to mix it on a more serious basis. I am still studying and gathering more info. I have thus far limited myself to stocks which I would like to master (as far as anybody can master them) before moving onto other tools such as CFDs etc. My original question about Irish brokers shows you that I am still defining my arsenal.

I was told by two brokers Etrade and Ameritrade that I need a UK bank account to trade. This is fine but involves adding another barrier to my success, the forex rates. In many cases, I cannot avoid this as I like a lot of UK stocks but obviously on European and Irish stocks, I lose. As far as reputable companies go, I use Barclays with whom I am relatively happy. I am wary about trusting my entire account to some online operation for which I have no reference. I welcome any suggestions here.

I also appreciate any info from anybody who makes their living out of trading. Generally I find people loathe to divulge any info as if it is a state secret that will rock the markets to their foundations. So I appreciate any info! 😆
Jan said:
Mile buiochas as ucht na freagrai ar fad.

I am not going to pretend to be what I am not. I am not a full time trader and I am new enough, having only traded for almost 2 years now. I have spent most of that time studying the markets of my choice, reading up etc. Over 2 years, I have managed to make a gain of 20% while also adding to my account by working. My goal is simple and is basically to generate an annual income close to €30,000. This is a medium term plan which I would hope to achieve within 3 more years. After 5 years, I would hope to be at €50,000pa. My account is currently around €80K. Therefore, I do not think that this is an unreasonable goal. I am not a day trader, nor do I want to be. My strength appears to be in position trading.

My weapons are not yet fully defined as I don’t yet consider myself to have enough experience to mix it on a more serious basis. I am still studying and gathering more info. I have thus far limited myself to stocks which I would like to master (as far as anybody can master them) before moving onto other tools such as CFDs etc. My original question about Irish brokers shows you that I am still defining my arsenal.

I was told by two brokers Etrade and Ameritrade that I need a UK bank account to trade. This is fine but involves adding another barrier to my success, the forex rates. In many cases, I cannot avoid this as I like a lot of UK stocks but obviously on European and Irish stocks, I lose. As far as reputable companies go, I use Barclays with whom I am relatively happy. I am wary about trusting my entire account to some online operation for which I have no reference. I welcome any suggestions here.

I also appreciate any info from anybody who makes their living out of trading. Generally I find people loathe to divulge any info as if it is a state secret that will rock the markets to their foundations. So I appreciate any info! 😆

Maidin maith Jan,

Nice to see someone with good Irish -something I regret not having kept up myself, as my cupla focal is very limited.

As you are an honest speaker, and they are rare, very rare, I will give you some of my views for you to think about.


US are best - more action, liquidity, selection & opportunity.

Nas Sector Stocks for daytrading - if you decide you want to make some real money later on, as you can only make real money by been in control, and control meaning, the ability to enter and exit the market very quickly with large position size, starting at 100 shares, but not exceeding 1K shares per long trade, or 2.5K shares per short trade (personal choice). A realistic Goal is an average of 2% per day return on available capital - NOT MARGIN CAPITAL- so if you have $50K trading account - you have $400K buying power, but your MAX risk per trade is 0.25% of $50K, which is $125 max per daytrade, but in reality, you will always exit with a much smaller loss.

Dow stocks for position trading - easier to trade for positions due to dedicated Market Maker, not like Nas that has many Market Makers. You can also use SSF's for greater leverage - margin is 20% of value of stock.


Dow mini - YM - can be traded in conjunction with the Dow stocks, as the setup will work for both markets - but if trading both - you will need multiple screens - 4 x 17" will suffice.

Es E-mini - some call this Garden of Eden, as many have compared it to picking up apples off the ground. Reality check - must be traded completely different to stocks - if you use the same charting techniques as stocks you will get many whipsaws - best bet is to use 10 min candles and trade the engulfments with tight stops - you can also use Market Profile technique, but this is tricky and you need to know some little secrets, which some charge $3K dollars for 😱

NQ - Nas futures - can be traded in conjunction with the Es E-mini - but why trade 2 if you can trade 1 effectively - as mentioned, the setups are different to nas stocks, with stocks you need to look at many, as you need to quickly identify the lead / lag sectors, so with index, you need to look at less, but you must also look at leading indicators - the most important been THE 3 T's - TRIN, TICK and the TICKI - these will help you spot short trem reversals in the main market - DOW - and the majority of the time - as the Dow goes - so do the other markets. It is also wise to watch the Nas Volume Check, or the TRINQ.


Stock options a waste of time - personal opinion - not view.

QQQ Options - iffy, tend to keep away for this as well - personal opinion - not view.

FTSE Options - I will be honest here, I have started trading these thanks to my good friend Bulldozer, and this is not an advertisement, but in keeping with the rest of my views to you.

Bulldozer has changed my opinion to a view - and that view is currently developing.

If you want to see what is possible with FTSE Index Options, then go and look at the Plain Vanilla Thread by Socrates in the derivatives section - and I will now tell you, truthfully, that all of these trades are real, 100%, no paper trades whatsoever.

Naked put writing is for the experienced Options trader, that is obvious, and there are some clever hedging techniques that take away the big risk associated with naked put writing, but there are other strategies, like calendar spreads, which take on limited risk for a good reward, and the exact ratio I can not give you yet, but I will at a later date, as I intend to keep track of all my Options trades and work out the Expectancy of the methods I am using - I may even post these for all to see in my Gmail personal space.

That is all for now Jan, and whatever you do, do not do anything that you do not feel comfortable with. Confidence, and the ability to act in an instant, based on intuition derived from experience, are your greatest friends in this game, and whatever you do, beware the false Gods, those that are nothing but Inspired, for they know nothing about the real art of trading, and as Socrates rightly says, this is why, traders are born, and not made, for not everyone will have the ability to develop the required faculties to understand what really makes that little line meander up and down on a chart.

CYOF said:
Ne probleme :?:

Let me know if you find the Free Prosticks site, for it is a must, really, and will assist you to see through the dense fog, as Socrates rightly says.

In my view, you do not need to learn the ins and outs of Market Profile for FX, all you need to know is that when the price starts to move away from the Median, you may now have a reversal, so guess what, you want to be trading in that direction, not against it :idea:

If you really want to be an explorer, then you can look at MP in depth with the ES E-mini, but there is a little secret that many do not know of, and that my good friend, is a story for another day, one that LouDean Mock Lou (please note the spelling is in English for the non Irish speaking members of T2W) has told me to keep to myself, for now.


Thanks for the advice CY. I have not found the free Prosticks site yet, I am more interested in daytrading FX(open to change) and am checking out the MBT demo at the moment. Lúidín Mac Lúth is a valuable friend, so it is better to keep his secret 😉
Didn't think I needed the "go" as in: Is mise mall, what do I know? Don't answer :!:

Your section on trading US stocks has inaccuracies and misleading comments in it.
Frankly I think anyone taking your "advice" literally will be unwise.
This is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.
I have been trading US stocks for a living since 1999
Perhaps you could clarify your experience?
Mr. Charts said:
Your section on trading US stocks has inaccuracies and misleading comments in it.
Frankly I think anyone taking your "advice" literally will be unwise.
This is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.
I have been trading US stocks for a living since 1999
Perhaps you could clarify your experience?


Before I attend to my serious business, your post warrants a reply.

Firstly, I do not give advice to anyone, I state my view, and stress that it is my view. :idea:

Secondly, you do not know what I am capable of just by reading my posts, nor will you probably ever know. :idea:

Thirdly, what is a fact to you, may not be a fact to me, as you have different experiences than me :idea:

Fourthly, I do not Sell anything, like your good self :idea:

Fifthly, I have been trading Nas Tech Stocks since Nov 2002, with my first attempt been guided by a so called expert called Mr Ken Calhoun, who, is nothing more than a salesman, who sells courses, and who himself, repeats, many many times that he practices a lot, and when he shows trades, he never shows his real account, always papertrade account, and this may have changed, but not when I dropped him like a ton of bricks - and went and learned it all myself, the hard way, so as to speak - the same way I drop anyone who can not show me up front that they know what they are talking about in relation to making big money trading, for I have no interest in small money, and the only traders so far, that I have been in contact with, that know how to make big money, in the trading game, are Socrates and Bulldozer.

You know about Socrates, so I will now fill you in on Bulldozer.

Bulldozer is what I call a Master Options Trader - he has it cracked from every angle - he is an au natural, but he has a small little flaw, and that flaw is that he is too honest, he is not only too honest, but he is also too kind.

So, if you want to try and argue over a "trading method" that will get peoples attention, then I will give you some Real Money Making Methods to argue over:


That is where the big money is, and some of the proof has been clearly shown to all, by Socrates over on the Plain Vanilla Thread, and what is more, that is only the tip of the iceberg, really.

You can all preach about your so called expert systems and methods, and put forward arguments to confuse people, but it will make no difference what ye do, for the majority will never make big money in trading, and the reason they will never make big money in trading, is because they are afraid to open their mouths, and the reason they are afraid to open their mouths, is because they think others know a lot more than them, but, in reality, all that the others know, including myself, is what they have experienced themselves, and the real secret, is, like in any successful business, is to talk and get to know the right people, the people who know the shortcuts, and I can tell you one thing, for sure, you will not find any shortcuts on this site, but you will elsewhere, but it is no good even looking, if you do not know what you are looking for. :idea:

So, I will now leave You to educate the Irish punters for free, as I was happy to do, and do please clarify my "inaccuracies and misleading comments" so that they fully understand what it is you are talking about in relation to stocks, and remember, when you are explaining for them, you are giving your view in relation to my view, which is like mixing water and oil, but, even after all of the many many trades by all the so called professionals on this site, I do not hear any mention of Expectancy, or is that something best left alone, or is it something that does not matter at all, and is not needed for trading, maybe it is only for textbooks, now that is a novel idea, is it not 🙄

I will leave all the aspiring traders with one Big bit of good advice - if you are going to give some of your hard earned money to another trader, for to Show you how to trade correctly, be sure and ask him/her for a printout of their Trading Results for the last 24 months, with the Expectancy Figure worked out for the various strategies / methods employed.

If they side step, and tell you that this is all gobbly goo - then beware - for it is possible that they are only mediocre traders, and you do not want to be mixing with mediocre traders, well, that is if you want to make some serious money in the trading game. :idea:

But if you only want to fool around, and diddle and daddle, then you have come to the right site, that much is certain :idea:

Au Revoir Mes Amies
I seem to have hit a sore, very weak spot.
One little example:
you say,
"so if you have $50K trading account - you have $400K buying power,"
No, factually wrong. You do not get 8:1 margin with direct access trading.
You have given people a statement which is out by exactly 100%.
Simple arithmetic needs to be got right, don't you think?
I have already helped you with very basic time and sales screen reading on another thread where you had completely been mistaken in your basic understanding........despite all the years of your trading............ At the time you had the grace to admit as much and credit to you for that.
In many other threads you have described yourself as knowing nothing and yet decide to create a "teaching" persona.
I could go on and on, but I really cannot be bothered.
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