punter99 said:
Thanks for the advice CY. I have not found the free Prosticks site yet, I am more interested in daytrading FX(open to change) and am checking out the MBT demo at the moment. Lúidín Mac Lúth is a valuable friend, so it is better to keep his secret 😉
Didn't think I needed the "go" as in: Is mise mall, what do I know? Don't answer :!:
Ok Eddie,
Here we go. This is one of my Views on FX, and when you see me mentioning Opinion, this means that I have no Experience with the subject under question.
No matter what method of trading you adopt, let it be Daytrading or Position Trading, certain chart setups will give, what some call an "edge".
To revert to one of the all time greats, whom I still have no name for, only that he is known as P.O.P - the Phantom Of the Pits - it can be very wise to look at chart formations that others are not looking at.
Now, why does this make sense?
Surely P.O.P is wrong?
Surely, it is in our own Best Interests to look at what everyone else is looking at, after all, is not that what all the textbooks tell us - charts work because everyone is looking at them, and they become a self fulfilling prophecy!
But wait, what if P.O.P was really on to something, for his abilities were beyond questioning, from the many events that were described by Art Simpson :idea:
So, maybe if we start looking at charts differently to the others, or maybe, if we decide to be a little creative, for that is what we are, creative beings, then maybe we might just see something that no one else is seeing, and if we see something that no one else is seeing, maybe we will have that so called "Edge" that everyone speaks about.
Is this possible?
Can P.O.P be right, can the man who coined the 2 most important " Golden Rules Of Trading" really be given away a Gem in his Views.
P.O.P was - or is, for we still do not know he was, or is, and whether he is still alive, or not -giving away one of the biggest Gems in the Trading Game to ALL, but as usual, many fail to see what is presented to them in black and white.
Let us now continue, time permitting, to demonstrate, for the so called "Easy To Trade Trending FX Market" and see how, by looking at DIFFERENT charting techniques, a VIEW can be moulded, that will enable the trader to place some low risk trading opportunities, when the opportunities present themselves.
Before I continue, I am going to ask Eddie, and those that are interested in MY VIEW, to pose some questions in relation to the TRUTHFUL information I have posted.
If you have not read the Phantom Of The Pits e-book, then I will upload for reading prior to posting the questions, as this may give a better foundation and understanding of what MY VIEW is, and how I came to mould that view.
Thank You.