Home Trading From Ireland

That is not logic at all I never made that statement. You equivocated crown dependency with financial dependency.

There is a British–Irish Parliamentary Assembly. There is not a British-Greek Parliamentary Assembly.

You initially said that Ireland was financially independent and solvent. I argued that it was not.

NO I said Ireland is no in the UK. It's not. End. Of. Story.
NO I said Ireland is no in the UK. It's not. End. Of. Story.

This is why the argument for Ireland is different than for Greece. There is a British–Irish Parliamentary Assembly. There is not a British-Greek Parliamentary Assembly. That is why Greece is not a crown dependency.

Apparently, you have conceded that Ireland is not financially independent.

Perhaps, it would benefit Ireland to be gobbled up by the UK.
Ireland is not in the UK.
Take that home to Texas and make a bumper sticker for your friends to see.
Congratulations you have qualified for my spam folder.
Ireland is not in the UK.
Take that home to Texas and make a bumper sticker for your friends to see.
Congratulations you have qualified for my spam folder.

if you are Irish then you know what a "turnip" is :cheesy:..as this typical back office worker is really as thick as 2 planks put together..i sussed him out and can tell you he is all mouth and no brains:whistling


I assume T2W are not paying you..for if they are..those who write the cheques must be as blind as bats:whistling


We all thought you retired to greener pastures. 😆 cad a thugann tú ar ais anseo ? Waaat brings yer back 'ere?


hello everyone, I am a new trader from the North (the bit that is in the UK HHIUSA)

someone should start a geography thread!
hello everyone, I am a new trader from the North (the bit that is in the UK HHIUSA)

someone should start a geography thread!

Are you a Luidin multinic? Yes I said North Ireland was in the UK. I don't really care about the differences between Ireland and Northern Ireland. You both sound the same regardless of the country.
Be it Ireland or Northern Ireland, we do not need to start a geography thread for the sole purpose of educating people bankrupt and nearly bankrupt countries respectively. How's your geography?