Yes P,
I will call you P for short
You see P, I came to this site with similar ideas to you, and like you, I too have put many many hours, and much much money, into learning how to trade CORRECTLY.
But, there was one thing that I failed to understand, and it was only by reading Socrates posts, in detail, that I discovered this thing.
Learning how to trade CORRECTLY is of no use what so ever, what you must do is learn how to trade for CONSISTENT PROFITS.
Anyway, there are a couple of good traders here, not too many mind you, so do not expect to get much from this site.
I always speak what is on my mind, I have been banned twice, once in error, the second time by my own decision - which a mod them made it look like he banned me - as a protest at how the mods are backing up the monkeys all the time, and will not ban them when they break the so called rules.
So, trade for consistent profits, not for to learn the correct way to trade :idea:
We are miles ahead of them all here, miles ahead, and we intend to keep it that way by not allowing any monkeys contaminate us - for they are a clever little hairy bunch, and they have some clever ways of looking for peeled bananas
Trader2Win, not only have you picked a bad name, but why the hell are you trying to trade Irish stocks.
Do you not know that there are more monkeys over in the Irish Stock Exchange than there are here.
No retail trader would dream of trading with those monkeys, for they fix everything.
They have a Little Circle over there that is cosier than Berties Bathroom, and they have fooled all the Irish punters to putting their hard earned money with the so called professional pension fund managers - PIPS and PEPS, they should be called PILLS and PODS
Good trading - for profits that is, not for trading correctly :idea: