I think that racism exists and will always be present until the old generations have died out. The reason is not that we fear colour, but that we feel what that colour represents with respect to the influence it may have on our way of life in the form of religious differences. Groups form ghettos which, in turn become no-go areas, to be feared by the wealthier classes.
When I was a kid, I came home from school to an empty, cold, house. My mother had, always, stayed at home, my father being the bread winner. The war changed that and my mother, who had been a skilled machinist in WW1, stayed on after the war because she was earning more than dad. My parents bought the house they rented because of the extra income.
So, I had to entertain myself as best I could. What was available? The local sea scout group. This became my club. Other kids joined the boys brigade, sea cadets, after school groups.
So what have to-day's kids got to join? Probably, nothing except street gangs. These become the youngsters' clubs. The clubs in my day were run by adults who were, perhaps, school teachers or someone used to being authoritative and who had a respect for the law and society. These leaders led by example. Today's leaders, also, lead by example but, being ignorant, they impose violence on their club member, instead of educated persuasion
Cameron has to look into this part of the problem. If he does not. He'll pour money down the drain.
It's not going to be easy for anyone who has a mind to start one of these clubs. When I joined the scouts, I was already formed, morally, and the scout master followed on from there.
Who is going to go into one of these gang areas and start teaching kids to help the old lady with her shopping bag, without swiping the contents? It's going to take years of patience.
This is a long post and I haven't even started to list the problems. The war on drugs has never been seriously addressed, but that's something else.
Forget the hang 'em high and build more prisons doctrine. We will, either bring this lot into our communities or it is going to get worse.