Tottenham Riots

IOW, we are a quarrelsome lot, by nature. At the top end it comes doen to Us and the Chinese. It does not matter who starts it, the other side will have to retaliate or go down.

With that kind of scenario it does not look good for mankind in the long term.
hey, come on guys - take the hint. Apart from being off topic and getting personal we don't want swinging handbags to lead you to rioting in the streets do we 🙂

Fair enough. I didn't think it was meant to be personal, I thought it was all light-hearted. Besides, Scose was right - I am an authority on famous benders. 👍
hey, come on guys - take the hint. Apart from being off topic and getting personal we don't want swinging handbags to lead you to rioting in the streets do we 🙂

Well you know people on these threads get worked up on words.

Imagine how one would feel subjected to some real torment verbal, psychological and financial.

We are all different and all the same.

We need to evolve. I work for a foreing bank and there is only 35% of the staff here who are English. The rest foreign. Really good bank. No issues, lots of opportunity everybody gets along brilliant and team work is better than most places I've worked in.

I appreciate prejudice and bias will always exist but when it becomes irrational violance then it needs to be contained. Best way is to balance power. Then peace can prevail. Too much power wealth anything for that matter in the hand of one person is BAD. It leads to perversity. Tilting the system in their continued favour which makes it become unstable.

Said it before and I'll say it again. Apparently Spain and the UK are two nations where distribution of wealth is out kilter with rest of Europe.

We need to work for each other to maximise reward of joy. Working for one selfish ends deteriates the human soul. Anything material is cold and dead. Anything human is warm and spirit nourishing.

I like Splitlink's post earlier on which hits it on the head in that there isn't much to occupy these idle hands and minds. Don't forget they also don't have family or social support of parents / grandparents which only leaves peer group. Social perspective also alienates them.

We need empathy love and understanding. We need to distribute wealth fairly. Not equallly. There is far too much greed and corruption. Destroy's the soul.

Once the knee jerk reactions die out choice is clear;

1. Punish - costly and doesn't work...
2. Rehabilitate - less costly but does work sometimes...

3. Lock up those who are past rehabilitation
4. Bring back capital punishment and do away with murders altogether...

I like K.Clarke and Iain Duncan Smith... Cameron and Milliband are like young twits who don't have a clue but are supposed to be presentable. We need established elderly wise politicians. Not this Eton wet behind the ears dribble...

Yours trully 👍
A really good idea to cope with future disturbances and there will be more and worse as the mess made by politicians begins to bite, would be to organise local defence units. These could be called out to back-up the fuzz to actually protect property rather than standing there just looking on, saying they are short of men.

Even grot areas might be able to raise a force. Don't suppose Dipstick Dave will think of it but...................
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No laughing matter Splitt. Might even have to call up overseas exiles to fill the ranks !!

Think of that.

You could bring your zimmer frame


No need for zimmer frame. Big guns off the coast of Brighton should do the trick...


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Things to do to handle coming riots

1. Get local groups armed with baseball bats and helmets to organise themselves into a defence force of local shops, buildings etc

2. Give paint ball guns with indelible dye to riot police. Anyone splattered can be picked up later

3. Make a punishment to fit the crime like:-
a)shackle all the offenders togethor naked and force them to walk through town + a fine
b) bring back the public stocks
London 20121 adds new events


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