Tottenham Riots

I found this on another blog. Cuts through the bullsh1t quite nicely I think:

1. These were not ‘riots’. They had no political purpose and no origin in discontent or deprivation.

2.Those apprehended by the police appear to me for the most part to be stragglers and losers, the slow runners and dimwits who were still on the scene when the constabulary eventually arrived. They are not the main actors. I have no sympathy for them, but the idea that the law is about to take a severe revenge on the culprits is laughable. Most of the culprits got away with it.

3.This is an equal-opportunity crime wave. The lawbreakers are not from any distinct ethnic group, and attempts to explain this behaviour on these ground are baseless and poisonous.

4. Nothing of any substance has been or will be learned by our political class from these events. The ‘debate’ is already drivelling away into irrelevant discussions about police cuts or misleading confrontations between people who appear to be different but are in fact fundamentally the same. In these (for example) Michael Gove (whose government is in practice as feeble and politically correct as any in our history) is portrayed as a hero of debate because Harriet Harman is so immeasurably thick, and Michael Gove looks sensible by comparison.

5. My reluctant conclusion, that Britain is finished as a civil and civilised society, is unaltered. I suspect quite a few more people may now grasp this point, but the majority of our ‘intelligentsia’ will continue to regard me as a ‘fascist’ and my solutions to these problems as unthinkable. They will even accuse me - falsely - of believing that the 1950s were a ‘Golden Age’ but I can promise them that they will soon look upon this decade as a ‘Golden Age’ compared with what is coming.

Yet they cheer on the introduction of plastic bullets and water cannon to our streets, a terrible admission of defeat and a further step down the dark staircase to the strong state and the end of liberty.
When the budget cuts come into effect things are likely to get a lot worse imho

The big city low-life will use this discontent to launch lightening swift raids on jewellery shops etc. while the small fish get scooped up by the cops. Maybe even well armed gangs, Mad Max style !!

The soppy politicians living in their " leafy " suburbs should try and understand the problem sooner rather than later as at present.
Yes, in Spain the right, ie PP, won the local elections by a landslide, over the whole country. A lot of these councils have been declaring an acute shortage of money, sometimes because of a corrrupt previos local government. In a couple of regions, which are much like Scotland or Wales ie, autonomic areas, the chemist shops are going on strike because they have not been paid for months for the medicines that they have delivered to patients on the NHS. Old age homes and nursery schools are being cut back. All sorts of local cuts are being executed. In Madrid, public transport is going up 50%.

All this is going to make for an interesting general election in November. Its an insight as to what is likely to happen when PP get in, as they are highly expected to do. We can expect Cameron type cuts. We know that the countries debts have to be paid, but the pain.......:cry:
Yet they cheer on the introduction of plastic bullets and water cannon to our streets, a terrible admission of defeat and a further step down the dark staircase to the strong state and the end of liberty.[/I]

Are there any indications of when the random an4al searches will begin ?
.... will often be felt by those least responsible. Same in UK.

The trouble with both our countries, which are very similar in their majority left and right governments, is that neither party has a sensible middle of the road way of dealing with things. It's extreme left or right for both.

I do think, though, that we have less yobbos than you do. That makes for a peaceful life when going for a walk.

We had trouble, last night, in L'Ametlla del Mar, but me, being British, was more interested in Tottenham. :rolleyes:
Some more comment from the above blog. It's quite good as there's quite a lot of proper (ie, questions are acknowledged and answered, rather than avoided) debate can going on:

Mr Wooderson asks :' How can he oppose plastic bullets and water cannons on the grounds of liberty and reducing state power when he supports the death penalty i.e. state-enacted execution?'

Strong just laws against wrongdoing preserve liberty for the good . A free people are orderly, because they police themselves. This is basic Edmund Burke. A strong state produces peace on the streets of sorts, but at the price of the liberty of all.

The death penalty is exacted after due process, the verdict of an impartial and independent jury and the exhaustion of appeal procedures and petitions for reprieve. It is a lawfully-prescribed penalty for a detected crime and its existence safeguards the innocent.

In a free society the police should not be (nor should they need to be) significantly more powerful than those whom they police. If they are, they invariably become instruments of oppression and state power, often used agaisnt the innocent, arbitrary corrupt and in general enemies of liberty. It was this fear which for decades led Parliament to refuse to establish police in this country, a concession they only made because of Peel's clever formula of citizen constables, unarmed and in plain uniforms, with no special powers and not allowed to form a national force. Almost all of Peel's safeguards have now been undone, and thanks to Bramshill and ACPO we have a national force in all but name.

Water cannon and plastic bullets are in any case of no use against looters and muggers. The mischaracterisation of these events as 'riots' is not just a semantic error, but a serious misunderstanding of the nature of what happened.
There was a young lady from Tottenham
Who had no manners or else had forgotten 'em
One day at the vicars
She took off her knickers
Because she said she felt hot in 'em
Surely you are not suggesting water canon - they might get wet

or plastic bullets - might get a bruise

Surely you are not suggesting water canon - they might get wet

or plastic bullets - might get a bruise


In all seriousness, because I am a conservative I strongly oppose such methods, and feel sad that people seem to be in favour of them.
The system has NEVER been fairer - I mean if someone like 2 Jags or Silly Willy can get to the top then anyone can. Perhaps the TOP is now so debased it is no longer very hard.

Let's invite Putin over to teach our spineless jellies inhabiting Westminster a thing or two
Putin is a sissy. He hasn't got the balls to go into endless wars.

Well so far he hasn't started 5 wars like Blair at great expense and no gain
Dipstick's war on Libya isn't going so well is it ?
Bush's/Obama's Iraq and Afghanistan wars which have bankrupted the USA and Europe for absolutely no gain either.

More sense than the Western Clots imho

Sings Fats Domino's song " On blueberry hill " and in English.