This government is totally insane.

I dont know if white people can make jokes regard to "different" cultures these days, of course the same cultures merrily rip the p!ss pout of themselves so i would consider it fair sport.

Inter cultural gags are fair sport, only its mainly frowned upon these days who is itching to tell gags about obama going into the whitehouse ? LOL

not allowed is it, its all a bit too insensitive in this sensitive world. Still it will be ok for a black comedian to refer to black jokes, thats OK ?? can whities do they same or will it be offensive ?

Its like in the films, when black people refer to their buddies as niggers, why do they do that ? why are they not arrested ? isnt the white/asian/indian bloke being unfairly treated because this is still openly broadcast and even found funny ?

Violent crime now 3 times higher in London than New York. Something is wrotten in the state of the UK.
yeah I saw those documentaries JT. Like the kids say, this is a part of our reality. And thats fair enough, all of them referred to gangs being the substitute family because the families are non existent or fragmented..... so they just want to mash it up big stylie to avoid the 9-5 dullards.

Maybe it will correct itself if mums and dads got married first before having jiggy jiggy. Like the old fashioned days.
yeah I saw those documentaries JT. Like the kids say, this is a part of our reality. And thats fair enough, all of them referred to gangs being the substitute family because the families are non existent or fragmented..... so they just want to mash it up big stylie to avoid the 9-5 dullards.

The main themes to me, as reasons for partaking in violent gang culture seemed to be -
Jealousy of people with bling - money, cars, girls,
Craving for respect
Craving for belonging

Some had decent parents, who'd done a lot to prevent them taking that route.

The really sad thing is that its innocent people who so easily get caught up in the cross-fire by these soul-less thugs.

Its a vicious circle - a lot carry weapons to defend themselves, and hope never to need to use it. The hard-core carry weapons and are ready and willing to use them.
Few willing to un-arm due to the fact that they will then be unarmed and vulnerable.
Yes mainly boys again sporting the knives and semi automatic hand guns, didnt see many young ladies carrying a shank, or packin some "heat" . Might be a chemical solution to it.
Well ok the law has just been upheld in the US with the peoples right to arm themsleves, maybe its time for US BRits to get "tooled" up at the local Asda, Pound of sausages there squire and some of those 9mm "cop killers" please. I'm doin the shcool run today hommes....

Thank you........ p.s can you recommend anything thats this season so i can smack up me bitches, after all one needs to keep up with the somalians these days......

Thanks again.....
Yes mainly boys again sporting the knives and semi automatic hand guns, didnt see many young ladies carrying a shank, or packin some "heat" . Might be a chemical solution to it.

Most problems in this world are due to men aren't they.

Women are much nicer people IMO.

Something i recently noticed -

The majority of beggars in the street seem to be men.

Perhaps this is because there are more male homeless men than women. Perhaps not. Perhaps men are just lazier than women.

In any case, if i were to give any loose change to a beggar, i'd rather give it to a woman.
I'm pleased to here it. Lets hope it remains this way.

Its a possibility that everyone must be wary of, and prepared for really, regardless of race, sex, age, wealth etc.

It's a possibility but it's so unlikely that being "wary" of it really is a bit of a waste of time and stress (I've got this gilt position for that).
he,he,he, yeah me too JT were on the same wavelength bud. Just a little token of appreciation to be coming forward, ziiiiiiiiiippp! ahhhhhh!

How'd you'd like to make 20 quid the hard way ? lol
For all social problems, I blame -
Lack of opportunity
Low self esteem
Poor communication
Yes mainly boys again sporting the knives and semi automatic hand guns, didnt see many young ladies carrying a shank, or packin some "heat" . Might be a chemical solution to it.

Its amazing what they get hold of -
samurai swords, mini and full size
Tazars/stun guns

You just never know what the person in the street, who you just happen to accidentally bump into, might be carrying. Its really quite scary.

I'm in favoure of police doing as many stop and searches as possible with their metal detectors. Or having dedicated police "metal dedector" units UK wide, in order to tackle these very serious, very real and prevalent problems.
Its amazing what they get hold of -
samurai swords, mini and full size
Tazars/stun guns

You just never know what the person in the street, who you just happen to accidentally bump into, might be carrying. Its really quite scary.

I'm in favoure of police doing as many stop and searches as possible with their metal detectors. Or having dedicated police "metal dedector" units UK wide, in order to tackle these very serious, very real and prevalent problems.

People like you deserve to live in fear, frankly.