This government is totally insane.

Domestic stabbings are also not that uncommon.

Here is a solution that would dramatically reduce the frequency and severity of such incidents -

Domestic kitchen knives usually come with a pointed tip. This is really unnecessary for 99% of tasks that the knife can be used for. If kitchen knives came with a rounded blunt tip, they'd be a lot safer. Trauma Surgeons have been calling for knife manufacturers to stop making knives with sharp tips for years.
You're proposing ridiculous restrictions on the rest of us because of a few bad apples.

No i'm not.

There is the possibility that police can use such powers to erode civil liberties further.

However, as you'd have seen from last nights programs, the police metal detector searches mainly target certain high risk groups - which sadly tend to be young (especially black) males. This may well be discriminatory or racist.
Do you live in a post code where you're at significant risk of stabbing?
I don't think JT's postcode makes much difference to the likelihood of him receiving unwelcome attention. I imagine he takes his universe with him wherever he goes...
Yeah JT. Maybe the local communities need more sports and government backed community clubs to help with the gang culture. But if these kids see it as a way to make money dealing drugs etc, then that wont help those "free spirited entrepreneurs" anyway.

Yeah what if the young uns had access to funding to effective positive community change or something, that would be better, say we paid a couple p income taxe to create a few billion and then let the youth, with a community manger, get creative, obviously within a framework of community needs, like house renovations, landscaping, construction or creches and things, even policing the streets. Bit like paying the insurgance in Iraq to police iraq, only its the uk. Guardian angels.

To take power away from people -give them more. ?

maybe that would work.
Domestic stabbings are also not that uncommon.

Here is a solution that would dramatically reduce the frequency and severity of such incidents -

Domestic kitchen knives usually come with a pointed tip. This is really unnecessary for 99% of tasks that the knife can be used for. If kitchen knives came with a rounded blunt tip, they'd be a lot safer. Trauma Surgeons have been calling for knife manufacturers to stop making knives with sharp tips for years.
Unbelievable. Totally.

Hale-Bopp, come back, I'm ready now....
No i'm not.

There is the possibility that police can use such powers to erode civil liberties further.

However, as you'd have seen from last nights programs, the police metal detector searches mainly target certain high risk groups - which sadly tend to be young (especially black) males. This may well be discriminatory or racist.

How would you like it if I looked through your computer because I was convinced you were a paedophile (most kiddie fiddlers are on the internet, after all - it's a high risk group)?
Most problems in this world are due to men aren't they.

See below

YouTube - Andrew Maxwell at the Secret Policeman's Ball

Women are much nicer people IMO.

Something i recently noticed -

The majority of beggars in the street seem to be men.

Perhaps this is because there are more male homeless men than women. Perhaps not. Perhaps men are just lazier than women.

Perhaps because Women can rely on prostitution.

In addition to video clips from YouTube (however funny and pertinent they may be), I will add that the Daily Mail and the Express are equally responsible for the issues rasied in this discussion.
See below

YouTube - Andrew Maxwell at the Secret Policeman's Ball

Perhaps because Women can rely on prostitution.

In addition to video clips from YouTube (however funny and pertinent they may be), I will add that the Daily Mail and the Express are equally responsible for the issues rasied in this discussion.

Perhaps then this is a demonstration of womens (in general) greater work ethic. Being prepared to do anything in order to maintain independence and not be a charity case.
Perhaps then this is a demonstration of womens (in general) greater work ethic. Being prepared to do anything in order to maintain independence and not be a charity case.

Or perhaps it's because no one wants to **** a 45 year old tramp.
Perhaps then this is a demonstration of womens (in general) greater work ethic. Being prepared to do anything in order to maintain independence and not be a charity case.

I don't think being independent or the avoidance of charirty has anything to do with it.

In the extreme, we are talking about survival and genetics (in this case). Women will always be able to treat sex like a tradeable commodity, and in matters of survival, will resort to it if required. On the other hand, when Men are in extreme circumstances, we can steal, fight, murder and rape our way to survival.

It is because Stealing, Fighting, Murder and Rape are deemed as unacceptable by society that trips Men up, while prostitution falls under the radar. A concequence of this is that any Man who resorts to any of these activities is tarnished in the eyes of society, and will struggle to find alternative means of survival (e.g. get a job). It is a vicious cycle, which explains why there are more Men on the street than women (I wonder, if Prostitutes were included in your assessment, the figures would be so different).

Obviously, these comments are made in regard to the extreme, where survival and genetics drive decision making. It does make sense though; a typical "alpha male" will be in a better position to steal and fight than a submissive male (and therefore survive) - and women who are more sexually appealing are likely to survive beyond those who are not. It is society that gets in the way of this tried and tested dynamic (consider the Red Deer rut, an excellent example of when fighting, stealing, and sexual appeal, are used as tools for survival).

As for these:

For all social problems, I blame -
Lack of opportunity
Low self esteem
Poor communication

You are missing out two critical components; the Express and the Mail, which exacerbate these issues far beyond what is rational.
For all social problems, I blame -
Lack of opportunity
Low self esteem
Poor communication
Yes, your lot is not a happy one, but to your credit, you've never stabbed anyone. Have you?
Some people try to be offensive, or try to be funny at the expense of others. They may achieve their goal of irritating the intended person. However, they are foolish to think that in the process of "achieving" this, they haven't irritated others along the way, thus alienated themselves to some extent from the "group".

Its a bit like Big Brother on C4. At first, I am frustrated by thinking that the housemates i find really irritating, are popular - not only in the house, but will also be popular in the outside world, in the sense that - "is it only me who can see what a **** this person is?!"
However, sure enough it quickly becomes apparent that the majority of the "viewers" also find this person annoying as hell, for the exact same reason/s. Therefore, nobody is fooled, and people tend to see through trouble causers and falseness.