This government is totally insane.

Its a bit like Big Brother on C4. At first, I am frustrated by thinking that the housemates i find really irritating, are popular - not only in the house, but will also be popular in the outside world, in the sense that - "is it only me who can see what a **** this person is?!"
However, sure enough it quickly becomes apparent that the majority of the "viewers" also find this person annoying as hell, for the exact same reason/s. Therefore, nobody is fooled, and people tend to see through trouble causers and falseness.
It must be a tremendous relief to you to know, you're exactly the same as the majority of those people who watch 'Big Brother'.
Perhaps then this is a demonstration of womens (in general) greater work ethic. Being prepared to do anything in order to maintain independence and not be a charity case.

There you have it in a nutshell - & a word sometimes used to describe such a person is "Psychopath" - together it's somewhat lesser sibling Sociopath" - Women will use sex in the workplace to get advantage & in their private lives to trap a man into marrying &/or impregnating them. As soon as this has occurred they want a "house" - then they chuck the guy out & he can pay for the mortgage & her lifestyle for ever.

They will quite happily fake disability - to evade work & of course can't work 'cos they're "Single Parents" when younger. Thay've even conned us that they "HAve a right to have 20 years plus on our tax money to "Bring up their kids" - But that's not "being a charity case is it :innocent:

Meanwhile - the poor man unable to understand what he has done wrong (& in many cases the answer is "nothing") except have a much lower "emotional Intelligence" (Ability to manipulate people) & having no kids & no house (because she's stolen them).

Goes into depression - but can't seek treatment because it's not "manly" - so he self-medicates with alcohol, loses his job & gives up on this complicated life - & in his disillusionment & unhappiness, becoming a tramp.😢

Women are more successful - without doubt because as a species, they have less compassion, more selfishness & can shout louder. They also gang up with other women to beat men up. :clap:
There you have it in a nutshell - & a word sometimes used to describe such a person is "Psychopath" - together it's somewhat lesser sibling Sociopath" - Women will use sex in the workplace to get advantage & in their private lives to trap a man into marrying &/or impregnating them. As soon as this has occurred they want a "house" - then they chuck the guy out & he can pay for the mortgage & her lifestyle for ever.

They will quite happily fake disability - to evade work & of course can't work 'cos they're "Single Parents" when younger. Thay've even conned us that they "HAve a right to have 20 years plus on our tax money to "Bring up their kids" - But that's not "being a charity case is it :innocent:

A little cynical for my tastes', but an excellent argument for sexual equality - let men beat women, and the circle is squared.
I compart some of donone's views. I know a young female who, after a few months of marriage has left her husband and makes no bones about her intentions---she's after everything that she can get and he put everything he had into the house.
There you have it in a nutshell - & a word sometimes used to describe such a person is "Psychopath" - together it's somewhat lesser sibling Sociopath" - Women will use sex in the workplace to get advantage & in their private lives to trap a man into marrying &/or impregnating them. As soon as this has occurred they want a "house" - then they chuck the guy out & he can pay for the mortgage & her lifestyle for ever.

They will quite happily fake disability - to evade work & of course can't work 'cos they're "Single Parents" when younger. Thay've even conned us that they "HAve a right to have 20 years plus on our tax money to "Bring up their kids" - But that's not "being a charity case is it :innocent:

Meanwhile - the poor man unable to understand what he has done wrong (& in many cases the answer is "nothing") except have a much lower "emotional Intelligence" (Ability to manipulate people) & having no kids & no house (because she's stolen them).

Goes into depression - but can't seek treatment because it's not "manly" - so he self-medicates with alcohol, loses his job & gives up on this complicated life - & in his disillusionment & unhappiness, becoming a tramp.😢

Women are more successful - without doubt because as a species, they have less compassion, more selfishness & can shout louder. They also gang up with other women to beat men up. :clap:

Thats harsh man.
She sounds like a fu**ing bitch!
My sympathies and compassion go out to the man/men in question.
Thats why its better to never get married, or have prenups etc. Although a couple of years of cohabitation gives a person rights over the other persons property/home etc. 😱.
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Pre-nuptial agreements get legal recognition

This legal case should help to thwart the leeches.

Ad who said love is free..

Still its only cash. Fiat currency at best, and the way things are going, it soon won't be worth the paper its written on. Whats a few quid between old lovers!
Best to make sure you've made her pop one of your sprogs first though, at least then you'll have something to show for it!
Gordo (Not Ramsay)

Whatever next !

I see Gordo now wants us to be more careful in the kitchen and avoid supermarket BOGOFF offers etc. Perhaps he doesn't understand that these offers enable you to stock your freezer and that wine shelf in the garage?

I've a better idea for energy saving: why don't they pipe all that Westminster hot air into a local heating system - there would also probably be a surplus to feed into the Nat Grid after conversion.

And now for my blockbuster idea:
Wouldn't it be nice to have Gordo as a guest poster here, and for him to conduct an interactive thread bit like Spanish's ? We might see how Gordo's mind works: get some tips for trading the Gold market and how to invest in pension funds!

Dream on ! 😆

I don't know about you but I'm quite enjoying watching him slowly die. He's like a little puppy trapped in a hot car. It's great.
It's just a question of who gets him first - the electorat or his own "team" - Anyone running a sweep on how long he lasts 👎
In my view he wont go before the election regardless of how much pressure is put on him and even if he does it is all too late as they will lose the next election by a landslide. People always vote on how they feel economically and there is not enough time for recovery before the election. Bear in mind that Gordon is one of the key architects of New Labour so even if he did go the same theme remains.

I'm very sure he won't go. I've got a bet on in fact... take a look at betfair the odds are still very good!
I really hope he doesn't go. For good or bad, the majority of the electorate is incredibly politically short-sighted and will blame whoever is currently in power for any bad news, regardless of how long ago the seeds were sown. Brown himself clearly profited from this with regard to his reputation amongst large sections of the public as a good chancellor. The Tories left him quite an inheritance, which he blew at breakneck speed. It would be criminal if someone else had to take the rap for his profligacy. Just as it would have been had he not bottled the election-that-never-was, had lost and Cameron was now in charge for the current downturn. I can't wait for the Portillo-esque footage when he gets his **** spanked at the general election.