It looks like the alarmists are now in the minority - but don't blame me - I only report the news as it comes to hand ... a messenger of the REAL people.
UN panel admits new error in climate report
UN panel admits new error in climate report
Posted 17 minutes ago
The UN climate change panel has admitted to having imprecisely stated in a key report that 55 per cent of The Netherlands is under sea level, saying that is only the area at risk of flooding.
The Dutch Government this month asked the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to explain the figure, used in a landmark 2007 report, saying its numbers were that only 26 per cent of the country is below sea level.
It was a new embarrassment for the panel. The same 938-page Fourth Assessment Report also contained an erroneous claim that global warming could melt Himalayan glaciers by 2035.
The IPCC admitted in a note sent to press agency AFP that the 55 per cent figure was actually the portion of The Netherlands "at risk of being flooded". It insisted that the imprecision did not affect the conclusions of the report.
The figure had been used in various publications to mean "either the area below the highest sea-level reached during storms, or the total area of the country that is prone to flooding from the sea and rivers," the note said.
"Therefore, a preliminary analysis suggests that the sentence discussed should end with: 'because 55 per cent of The Netherlands is at risk of flooding'."
The panel said the figure had been supplied by a Dutch Government agency.
Dutch environment ministry spokesman Trimo Vallaart told AFP on February 5 that the figure used by the IPCC included the area below sea level - 26 per cent - and the area threatened by river flooding - 29 per cent.
The error about Himalayan glaciers - which is being withdrawn - spurred fierce criticism of the IPCC with the controversy has giving fresh ammunition to climate sceptics.
Crikey folks, is anything they are telling us truthful???
Even the ABC (Australia) is printing the stable climate side of the story now.
A breath of fresh air as the truth comes out.
Craigie's lover, flower-boy BS, is still flogging that old dead horse, but it doesn't seem to give even a twitch any more.Sounds like AGW is a dying argument - and thus it seems the science was not really settled at all - we told you so!
Al Gore must be both wetting himself and defaecating in his pin-stripes, as he feels his fortune-to-be slipping further from his grasp.
Gore is in with the likes of Goldman Sachs, as are all who seek to profit if their version of AGW gets up. These guys are loaded to the hilt with tradeable positions in Carbon Credits. That's their REAL agenda - to get Carbon into the markets where it can be traded for a fortune.
These people do not give a toss about the pollution in the world, or the fact that a darned good cleanup would improve the quality of life on the planet vastly more than any amount of Carbon-Trading-Pass-the-Parcel, where not ONE molecule of CO2 gets reduced - it just gets traded off to someone else.
What a disaster for them if it does not fly!
But pigs do??
************************************************** scientists from NOAA have published research in Science that challenges the core assumptions of the global warming camp...
...the fundamental assumption in global warming dogma, that carbon dioxide is the most important factor in global warming, is simply not true...the research does allude to human emissions having a much smaller role in climate change than previously thought... _Ntl.Post
Darn it folks, there goes another prop for the AGW balancing act.
How could all of this have been hidden, you may ask yourself.
Could it be that they "conveniently" disregarded the negative feedback mechanisms???
In fact, wherever you look in the atmosphere, the biosphere, or the oceans, you find negative feedbacks are predominant in climate. Otherwise by now the Earth would have experienced runaway climate change in various directions, and never have come back. Instead, when one looks at the history of Earth's climate, one sees fractal cycles that repeat over several overlapping time scales.
Only the political takeover of climate science since the 1990s has allowed the unscientific ideas of James Hansen, Phil Jones, Michael Mann, Gavin Schmidt, Tom Karl, and the rest of the on-the-take scamsters to crowd out a true scientific investigation of climate. Until recently, studies such as the one above from Science could not have been published -- they would have been censored by the established powers-that-be in climate science.
With the downfall of the University of East Anglia's CRU, and the increased scrutiny on Michael Mann's and James Hansen's "research" by various levels of auditors, the iron grip that controls what can be published and discussed has been loosened slightly.
If you still go to to get your daily dose of "climate science", you should start to understand that you have only been drinking heavily drugged mother's milk. If you remain in the creche of realclimate or wikipedia's climate coverage, you will never be weaned into the larger world beyond the pseudoscience to which you are addicted. No problem, psychological neotenates and academic lobotomates. That may be the limit of your capacity.
For the rest, it looks as if some actual scientific observations may finally be allowed -- instead of restricting climate studies to fudged computer models and cherry-picked proxies.
But hey! Don't blame me ... I just report the news ... a messenger of hope for the people who were fooled by the "on-the-take scamsters" mentioned in the above article.
Pity Craigie and Bullwinkle didn't present an equally unbiased account of the science, instead of the curve-fitted bunch of moth-sh1te they have been feeding this thread since day one.
Shame Craigie - get a grip, huh!
'fess-up son!
Now we will see how honest they are.
Now we will see if they can handle the truth.
Now we will see if their true interest is in the truth about AGW, or in some hidden agenda.
After all, Craigie has a ton of wet egg dripping down his sunday shirt from his face if he is proved wrong, because his whole web-page-project will be closed down unless he can save face, and disprove the truth.
Of course he will never do it.
He has too much vested in perpetuating the lie about AGW.
But as I said - I am just a lowly messenger - I come in peace to proclaim the truth.
Can I help it if the truth steps on some bunions??
Hear that low rumble to the north west?
That's the sound of "scientists" abandoning the AGW camps, and returning to reason.