Well done Craighole - you got something right for once. McCarthyism does indeed live on - in the extremist warmist camp.
The sceptic camp relys on honesty and reason.
It is because of the McCarthyist warmistra's/alarmists, that the "science" of AGW has received the bad press it deserves, and mainstream media are falling over themselves to run with the truth of the scam/hoax now.
But Google found me this article that is pointing to a different scenario - for disrupted climate/weather patterns over years: shifting poles.
Few phenomena tend to prove the instability of present climatic conditions of the earth more than does the fact that the arctic regions, now covered by snow and ice, have formerly enjoyed a climate which permitted tropical vegetation. The fossil flora of those regions has proved that, although the climate appears to have grown colder before the middle of the tertiary period, Spitzbergen at that time was covered by forests of maple, linden, magnolia, sycamore, oak, hazel, beech, poplar, cypress, sequoia and other trees.
Also refer to the heading: "Europe's Climate Was Warmer" in that article.
Professor Nathorst (Paleontologist) sums up with this: "Still, I purposely use the expression, "for the present," for the history of science has proved only too often that the hypothesis which at one time seems to explain everything later on must make room for something better."
The science is NOT settled, Mr Gore.
My earlier post attempted to show that since the creation of the earth, through whatever processes that occurred that made it conducive to human life (some say creation, others say evolution, some say both) the fact is that over the past 10,000 years we have enjoyed stability of climate, with a few aberrations in certain localities.
The climate we have enjoyed over the past 1200 years may not actually be the "norm" for the planet. It is because this period has seen the most growth in modern agriculture, industry, scientific progress and establishment of national borders, that we have come to accept and take for granted that this is how it "should be".
Maybe what we are experiencing at the moment is one of hundreds of fluctuations due to normal earth-cycles, that tend to cleanse itself, as opposed to hurting itself. The mechanism has nothing to do with what happens above the ground at all - it may have everything to do with changing polarity.
While the article linked to above anticipates such changes occurred over millions of years, it may also be that the actual change of polarity occurred over a few years. This would be one explanation for why the dinosaurs disappeared quickly, and did not migrate to more conducive climates, or evolve further.
Because it has been assumed that change on earth has happened over millions of years, there is an exclusion of any ideas that it could happen suddenly.
The movement of the North Pole of 40 miles per year, towards Russia, is one such "sudden" event. ie it is happening
NOW, not over one million years. Of course, it could just be wandering, and eventually return to its "normal" position of about 5 degrees away from "true north". In terms of geo-time, the current movement of the pole has happened/is happening in a nano-second, depending on the view you take of the creation of the earth.
Those who ascribe to the view of a created earth, about 10,000 years ago, will however, see it as less sudden.
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 1:5
I introduce this NOT as a religious point, but as a point to illustrate how time can be seen through different interpretations.
I am saying that science has been able to demonstrate through carbon dating techniques (not always accurate nor reliable, but a tool nevertheless) that certain organic materials existed quite some time back, in pre-history.
Yet creationists believe that the creation of the earth happened literally in 24 hour time, because of the Genesis record. One creationist day, is 24 hours, because
"the evening and the morning were the first day" not thousands of years.
My point is that what we are seeing with the current movement of the North Pole, could continue, making life very different on the planet, and it has nothing to do with AGW. It is simply the earth doing its thing, and we can not stop it.
No one knows if the poles will move/reverse/go back where they came from etc.
But the current dump of snow on the lower lattitudes of the USA, while Canada gets very little, might be an aberration, or it could be a reversion to the mean. It may take 10,000 years, a million years, or 5 years, or 100 years - no one knows or can say with any certainty.
Man has only recently begun to look more deeply that his navel, except for the alarmists, who seem to want to hang the guilt on the whole species.
I contend that we do not understand climatology at all, because we are looking at ridiculously tiny changes in CO2 in the atmosphere and pointing the finger at that. But no one has explained how this is significant, given that science has also shown that global temperatures were much cooler when we had hundreds of times more CO2 present in the atmosphere than we have today.
MY thoughts on this are that we will soon put the hypothesis of AGW aside, and begin to focus on a much bigger picture - that of geo-physical changes in earth's magnetic polarity.
But I leave this to the physicists - my training does not get within a hogs breath of global physics, only the laboratory kind, which is infantile in comparison.
I think the title of this thread is apt - and we are now getting to other causes for what has been termed "climate change" - a euphemism invented because "global warming" was unprovable, and unable to be differentiated from "global cooling".
The REAL global warming is far different from some corrupted and manipulated data; far more than the blocking from peer review (and subsequent publication) of opposing viewpoints and opposing data; far removed from the "missing data" from Chinese weather stations; far less than the Copenhagen rabid alarmists wanted the world to believe, and certainly far different from the picture the hockey player Michael Mann wanted to portray.
Climate Change I can run with.
Global Warming?
Incidentally I had a read of the response to my post #538 on page 68 of the thread.
I said:
I happen to work with people who can not even afford decent health-care.
I see people die because they can not afford the treatment that may have saved them.
The response was
In Australia? Really? Pull the other one. It may be well short of perfect, but it's largely free in the public system.
Now I don't know how that person's mind works, but you don't just walk in off the street and get a Cardiac Artery Bypass Graft on demand - people are on a waiting list for such surgery and are dying before they can get it.
They die before they can get Angioplasty.
They die because they have no private health cover, and the public waiting list is too long for them to receive care in time. In Victoria (Australia) alone, to April 2009: "more than 2,300 people have died over the past five years while awaiting elective surgery."
Here's another: "over 1,000 children waiting over 600 days for ear, nose and throat surgery in Warnbro, a suburb in Western Australia."
The respondent is confused - they are thinking that "free" means "timely care".
I think after 26 years working in every state in Australia as a Registered Nurse (except the ACT and Victoria) I may have picked up a thing or two about the parlous state of Australia's medical care system in both the Private and Public systems.
I can categorically state that the Public Health system in Australia is falling behind in dealing with "emergency" surgery and diagnostics.
Yes, people ARE dying on waiting lists. I can tell you of cases where people awaiting diagnostic tests (colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, colposcopy) were put back for a year because of waiting lists, only to find that the cancer (undiagnosed) had progressed to inoperable.
There is immeasurable pain and anxiety out there because of waiting lists for orthopaedic surgery, and many cancellations of the same, in the months waiting times on the public lists. With the private system charging from $700 per day for just the bed, and up to $1500 depending on the facility, and $7000 per day for an ICU bed, even Privately covered patients have to reconsider whether they can afford the "gap fees" for costs not covered by their Health Fund.
The respondent was clearly out of their depth making such a facile comment. They are quite incapable of processing facts in a rational manner ... owned!
Here's just ONE story, from January 10 2010 "The Age"
The Copenhagen agreement was going to suck more money out of every participating country, leaving less of the "pie" to be divided up for very-much over-stretched utilities and services, and for what???
Sorry about the length of the post Maiden22, and the possibly controversial nature of some of the thoughts - but I think there may be many people who subscribe to something similar, in looking for the truth about shifting weather patterns, and longer-term climate anomalies.
Just for fun, Google "Expanding Earth Theory" and enjoy the youtube and other articles. I think there is an article attempting to show why it is discredited, but the majority favor an expanding - food for thought for sure.
Might even explain shifting polarity ... who knows?