OK Craigie - on the subject of Loonies ...
Maybe ... just maybe ... NOAA has an agenda - their "anomalies" are not all you purport them to be.
You'd have to agree (but you won't) that the MWP figures can never be more than a fabrication - a "best guess". And, umm, can you elaborate a bit more on the evidence that Mann's Hockey Stick hypothesis is correct - I don't seem to have read of any major world-wide conversions to this theory being correct recently.
Smattering this thread with heat maps and anomaly maps is useless. You can show that July 2009 recorded warmer ocean temperatures, and all concerned nod their heads wisely and mutter deep and meaningful sooth-sayings about how the planet suddenly got warmer then.
But they don't seem to mention the UNUSUALLY cooler 2008 readings.
Here's where the wise crowd go "Oooh. Awww. Mmmm."
Because both of these years were quite outside the mean up until that time.
What is completely ridiculous here, is the weighting put on one or two years out of the past 10, or even 5 or ten years out of the past 50, or even 50 to 100 years out of the past 400 years, in terms of geophysical time.
Ludicrous to guess at past temperatures, and then use those "readings" to formulate an hypothesis - curve-fitting at its finest.
This is an extreme bias, and one that needs to be pointed out. Clearly there are a growing number of scientists becoming more than sceptical about AGW.
Why is this?
Are they not reading this thread, and getting converted to the "correct" point of view?
Or maybe they are
What you are saying, Craigie, is that all of the non-warmistra's are fools and idiots.
My position is that there really is an agenda to introduce to the planet, an unnecessary and useless tax, that will NOT reduce by ONE molecule, the amount of CO2 produced. It will merely make it a tradable commodity for the rich and street-smart amongst us to become even richer, at the expense of the already-poverty-stricken brothers and sisters who are our neighbours.
I clog up your airwaves because I see you are inadvertently helping their cause, by pushing an agenda about which you simply have no idea. You are so quick to brand anything non-mainstream as a conspiracy, that you really willingly overlook the glaring faults in the "science".
I happen to work with people who can not even afford decent health-care. I see people die because they can not afford the treatment that may have saved them. And I see poverty on a daily basis, because of the greed of landlords and governments and developers, why are asserting their "god-given" (small 'g') right to rip off in the name of investment-return-profits, every cent they can from those unable to even mount the beginnings of a defence against them.
If you had a single ounce of compassion and empathy for your fellow human beings, you would stop and think: "What the hell am I pushing this agenda for", knowing full well that the destruction of the economy as we know it will ensue, and the poor of the world will only become poorer, as the rich and powerful position themselves (no secret that Goldman Sachs have already done exactly that) to rake in excessive profits through the trading of so-called "Carbon Credits".
For the poor, these will become "Carbon Debits" because unlike the wealthy, they will be unable to manipulate the system to buy their way clear of the burden that will be imposed. Already here in Australia, this insidious thing is not law, but electricity costs are rising as if it is. And this in a country that is one of the biggest coal exporters on the planet. It is estimated this will cost families >$1,000 pa just for starters - we all know that costs, once introduced, will rise over time to something ever more burdensome. Add that to the family budget and see how many school lunches the kids will miss when it comes in.
You just do not get it do you - your ego is all that matters to you - to emerge triumphant in some unwinnable Internet battle of right-and-wrong on AGW. I hold you in the highest of contempt because of your support for something that I see is NOT proven, and is designed to harm innocent people where it hurts them the most - in their ability to provide for their own daily sustenance and security.
This will turn ordinary family people into milking-cows for the wealthy - fodder for the carbon-credit traders, who are already going from door-to-door trying to sign people into long contracts for energy, that they will have no "out" from.
That's why I goad you, Craigie - because you are a sitting duck target. You are blind in the worst possible way - you do not WANT to see.
You have the history of the EEC - how it was formed from a group of 6 countries in 1952, who wanted to control the marketing of Iron and Steel, and Coal. From those humble beginnings, grew the almighty EURO, and now, as a political force, with its tentacles wrapped around any country close enough and unfortunate enough to have to rely on intra-continental trade with associated countries, they are damned if they do join the EEC (ie Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain, who are the worst-affected so far) and damned-well locked-out if they don't join.
What conspiracy?????
It's right there in front of your face - it is as clear to me as daylight itself, that the European Union wants to be the seat of One World Government, and you, Craigie, are playing right into their hands, by your endless regurgitation of "facts" and "science". Yet, when presented with the very clear evidence of fraud, you stick your bum in the air and your head in the sand and ignore any evidence that contradicts your dearest and heart-felt beliefs in AGW - the biggest hoax ever connived, contrived and foisted on the human race.
No, you just do not get it, and you won't. You are not just a pawn, you are a WILLING pawn, playing in the biggest game in town, and you don't even have the stakes for a seat at the table.
You are just an armchair observer, farting 50 cms higher than your @r$e!
Lucky I'm in a good mood tonight, or I might tear a strip off you.