Another valuable convert - the consensus is becoming unstoppable 😆😆😆
Today's ice/snow cover for North America:
Note that the mouth of the St Lawrence is pretty much open, and none of the Great Lakes have iced over completely yet. This is the end of Jan already, so it's getting a bit late.
Last year:
Mouth of the St Lawrence is iced over, as is Lake Erie, and the other Great Lakes have a lot more ice than they do this year.
So much for the silliness about this year being SO much colder. Snow on a particular random day in winter in London means - precisely nothing.
Like I said, bs artists. Whiny bs artists, at that.
What is the point of posts like the one above?
Here you go - more ice than they've seen in decades:
Does either of these posts prove anything? No. Turn the air-con down, it's freezing your brain. Granted, air-con is good for the environment, but you have to consider your health.
NASA is thoroughly compromised, and it's sadly necessary to look very carefuly at anything it puts out.
The retired scientist formerly in charge of key NASA climate programs has come out as a sceptic.
Dr John Theon, who supervised James Hansen - the activist-scientist who helped give the manmade global warming hypothesis centre prominent media attention - repents at length in a published letter. Theon wrote to the Minority Office at the Environment and Public Works Committee on January 15, 2009, and excerpts were published by skeptic Senator Inhofe's office here last night.
"As Chief of several of NASA Headquarters’ programs (1982-94), an SES position, I was responsible for all weather and climate research in the entire agency, including the research work by James Hansen, Roy Spencer, Joanne Simpson, and several hundred other scientists at NASA field centers, in academia, and in the private sector who worked on climate research," Theon wrote. "I appreciate the opportunity to add my name to those who disagree that global warming is man made.”
More pointlessness - Britain has had the coldest January for 20 years.
What is the point of posts like the one above?
Here you go - more ice than they've seen in decades:
Does either of these posts prove anything? No. Turn the air-con down, it's freezing your brain. Granted, air-con is good for the environment, but you have to consider your health.
For anyone who's interested, here's the full paper questioning the validity of the temperature record.
Doen't mean anything of course, science is sound, world is warming at unprecedented rate etc. Not peer-reviewed and so on.
Not to mention the fact that you are too thick to understand any of this anyway. Plus, someone or other has said this report is nonsense. So see what you think if you want, but remember: the experts have assured you that the emperor's new outfit is marvelous. Your own judgement counts for NOTHING.
Who ya gonna believe? Jim Hansen or your lyin' eyes?
Yes, changes in the weather do happen. An amazing observation. Which doesn't change the fact that 2009 was globally the second warmest year on record.
It is rather silly to cite some observations of snow and ice in winter as evidence that climate change is not happening.
The above is meant as visual refutation of these purely anecdotal posts.
As for ice in China, well, it looks like they stole some from Canada, doesn't it? Which means: if it's colder than normal somewhere, it's more than likely only because it's warmer than normal somewhere else.
Once again: it's an anecdote, and nothing else.
Cherry picking temperature records: an anecdote.
Using a meteorologist's rantings on where the thermometers are as if it meant anything at all: proves nothing, to borrow a phrase.
When your detractors mention something, it is "anecdote" but of course anything you bring to the table is "science".
But keep on believing what frauds like Gore, Hansen, Mann, Jones and their ilk are attempting to foist on us, and you may yet get your awards.
The register is a not a credible source - for just about anything let alone climate science. Who cares what this bloke, who is well past his sell by date, says? Let see his peer reviewed research into the subject.
Crikey! Almost forgot.
The Aussie ABC ran with this headline tonight:
Climate body 'embarrassed' over forest claim
"The credibility of the world's climate change authority has taken another hit, with accusations that it based a claim about disappearing forests on a report by environmental activists.
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) cited a report by the environment group WWF to back the claim that large tracts of Amazonian forests will disappear because of diminishing rainfall.
Previously, an article in the Sunday Telegraph reported the IPCC admitted it was a mistake to claim that Himalayan glaciers will melt by the year 2035.
Now an article in London's Sunday Times carries the headline "UN climate panel shamed by bogus rainforest claim".
The article questions the IPCC's decision to cite a WWF report to support its claim that 40 per cent of Amazonian forests could disappear as a response to declining rainfall and even be replaced by tropical savannah.
WWF Australia chief executive Greg Bourne says that is not what the WWF report said and he wants to know where the IPCC conclusion came from.
"My understanding is that in the fourth session report, whilst they were looking at all the detail, they then cited one of our reports," he said.
He says the report from 2000 was misinterpreted and then quoted by the IPCC."
"The IPCC has clearly made a mistake here. They have cited something that is not a primary reference and obviously it has weakened the IPCC's assertion," he said.
"[It] sounds like certain journalists are picking on that... and that creates, obviously, the potential for doubting the IPCC's overall conclusions."
Mr Bourne agrees that the IPCC risks damaging its own credibility.
"It is embarrassing for the IPCC, but the climate sceptics are attacking the detail because the big picture in unequivocal and they cannot attack that," he said.
No, the "sceptics" don't have to attack anything.
The "big picture" is far from "unequivocal", and despite Mr Bourne's attempt to cover it all with a very large blanket, "they" can see that the truth has been tampered with a little bit here and there.
In fact the longer the alarmists weave their web of lies and fraud, the more of it bubbles to the top of the pit.
Well done ABC for pointing out the truth.
But keep on believing what frauds like Gore, Hansen, Mann, Jones and their ilk are attempting to foist on us, and you may yet get your awards.
Astonishing that Craig has the b4lls to go on about "credible sources" given the recent torrent of revelations about where the IPCC gets its information from.
There was a mistake in the IPCC report. It should not have gotten through review but it did. It has been acknowledged and will be corrected. Mistakes happen.
While the time scale for the melting of the Himalayan glaciers was wrongly forecast it doesn't alter the fact that glaciers are retreating worldwide at quite a rate. That is a physical reality.
That particular error has no bearing on the rest of the IPCC reports. Having nothing useful to say about the enormous body of evidence for AGW, denialists can do nothing other than nit pick at the occasional error that is bound to occur from time to time. Intellectually feeble stuff.