The Next US President

They have the guns and they won't be used for cooking.
Half wits will be emboldened by the above probably.
Tourism would suffer as the US reverts back to primal violence.
Such a shame after all the hard work to make a decent society. Was it not mainly because of international meddling
that the US is now self destructing.

Interesting polls :idea:

and the best...

It seems some of the worst nations are also the best countries to live in.

We in some respects all profit/benefit from the abuse of others. Dog eat dog world. :whistling
They have the guns and they won't be used for cooking.
Half wits will be emboldened by the above probably.
Tourism would suffer as the US reverts back to primal violence.
Such a shame after all the hard work to make a decent society. Was it not mainly because of international meddling that the US is now self destructing. It is extra hard having been no. 1 in the world. Britain managed to survive the same fate early 20th century having been No.1 for a century.

It isn't because of international meddling that we are self-destructing. The US has been divided since the beginning because of slavery. This division eventually erupted into the Civil War. Then we became distracted with Reconstruction, the Spanish-American War, WWI, the Depression, WWII, and Korea, and it wasn't until the enactment of civil rights legislation in the 50s and 60s that it became clear that the divisions never healed. The Republicans then went full bore with their strategy to assume control of state governments. And here we are.

Putting Democrats back in charge isn't going to solve anything, though it may put a temporary lid on the most urgent problems. The chief difficulty is that we aren't and never have been "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." How does one fix that?
It isn't because of international meddling that we are self-destructing. The US has been divided since the beginning because of slavery. This division eventually erupted into the Civil War. Then we became distracted with Reconstruction, the Spanish-American War, WWI, the Depression, WWII, and Korea, and it wasn't until the enactment of civil rights legislation in the 50s and 60s that it became clear that the divisions never healed. The Republicans then went full bore with their strategy to assume control of state governments. And here we are.

Putting Democrats back in charge isn't going to solve anything, though it may put a temporary lid on the most urgent problems. The chief difficulty is that we aren't and never have been "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." How does one fix that?

If you can't beat'm join'm.

Devide and Conquer.

Let people have their cake and eat it.

Maybe some foreign power can deliver independence to the US of A :idea:
I'm not sure that Europe, including England, fully understand the damage that a divided America can inflict.
I'm not sure that Europe, including England, fully understand the damage that a divided America can inflict.

I see Trump is endorsing torture FGS
He is also cozying up to former enemies who let's face it haven't reformed their barbarous activities as evidenced by Allepo.
That makes old friends into new enemies unless they also endorse Putin's atrocities.
He is busting for a fight with China ! Yes things are looking bad imho.
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I see Trump is endorsing torture FGS
He is also cozying up to former enemies who let's face it haven't reformed their barbarous activities as evidenced by Aleppo.
That makes old friends into new enemies unless they also endorse Putin's atrocities.
He is busting for a fight with China ! Yes things are looking bad imho.

All empires over extend before they deflate like balloons.

I think having 3 or 4 superpowers better than having just one. Oligopoly better than Monopoly. Perfect competition far more desirable to Oligopoly. :idea:
All empires over extend before they deflate like balloons.

I think having 3 or 4 superpowers better than having just one. Oligopoly better than Monopoly. Perfect competition far more desirable to Oligopoly. :idea:

I would have thought having near equal rivals is much more likely to end in war as rivalries get played out. Perhaps I'm wrong.
The Arab strategy of letting the USA bankrupt itself in competing in The Middle East has been very successful at small cost. So it will work against Russia too, as they pretend to be a world power.
All empires over extend before they deflate like balloons.

I think having 3 or 4 superpowers better than having just one. Oligopoly better than Monopoly. Perfect competition far more desirable to Oligopoly. :idea:

Always appreciating your expertise in Games Theory, Atilla, I have searched everywhere for "Oligopoly" as a xmas pressie, but I can only find "Monopoly" which is a game the kids stopped playing with me long ago because I always won.

I'm still struggling with your last line, "Perfect competition far more desirable to Oligopoly."

I did find this on the Ann Summers site, though. Thrilling isn't it?


  • kinked-demand-model-graph.gif
    11.8 KB · Views: 143
Always appreciating your expertise in Games Theory, Atilla, I have searched everywhere for "Oligopoly" as a xmas pressie, but I can only find "Monopoly" which is a game the kids stopped playing with me long ago because I always won.

I'm still struggling with your last line, "Perfect competition far more desirable to Oligopoly."

I did find this on the Ann Summers site, though. Thrilling isn't it?

There is another concept of kinked-demand called economic rent which can be found in some areas of your chart. You can usually identify these by gentlemen wearing bowler hats and carrying brollies even on warm sunny days.

If you are successful in Monopoly then I'm sure you'll know one can find as much supply of kinks as one has money to purchase at Piccadilly Circus toilets of all places. 😉
I wouldn't know about that, so I'll defer to your personal experiences at piccadilly circus, an area whose offerings you are clearly familiar with.
I wouldn't know about that, so I'll defer to your personal experiences at piccadilly circus, an area whose offerings you are clearly familiar with.

Being a heaving capitalist I know all about economic rent. Same as your good self we used to play monopoly when camping with the kids but we moved up to playing Realy Nasty Bankers Game. Might be up your street as a prezzie this Christmas perhaps.

Londoner at heart I am indeed, although, never got to wear bowler hats but I do have a rusty wheel barrow in my garden.
Since I have two very close family members who are investment bankers, I am not going to buy that game as I can't be certain of winning.
The EU being the exception that proves the rule I suppose!

The EU is a club, not an empire.

I can see how you can get it wrong thinking UK is still one and not having it all her own way.

Carry on as you were...
That's just the trouble with everyone here. Trump hasn't taken office yet. Obama is so weak other countries are taking advantage of him, right up until the end.


Obama I think was Great. Sorted out many of the US issues. He will be sorely missed in due course.

Trump should keep a lid on his opinions and someone should take his twitter account away until he does become 'Precedent' :cheesy:

His message – itself without precedent given his status as a president-elect commenting on an international incident before assuming power – was likely to worsen fears of increased US-China tensions under his presidency that have grown over his rhetoric on trade and policy towards Taiwan.

Signs were written on the internet but electorate chose to ignore them.
That's just the trouble with everyone here. Trump hasn't taken office yet. Obama is so weak other countries are taking advantage of him, right up until the end.


When they say "sorted out a lot of issues", I wonder what they mean.
When they say "sorted out a lot of issues", I wonder what they mean.

Not sure. I don't think he did much at all except let other countries take advantage of us because he is too weak to do otherwise. He also amassed more debt than ALL other presidents before him combined, and we have nothing to show for it. He has also fuelled hate and did nothing for race relations.
