The Next US President

He didn't block the investigation. He declined to publicize it before the election in order to avoid Republican accusations of attempting to influence the outcome. Can we move on?
I'll do you a favour, I'll put you on ignore so that you no longer need to try deflect a discussion because it isn't going your way.
The thread is about the next US president. Nonetheless, putting me on Ignore is a wise choice.
No Sh!t sherlock, where did you come up with that revelation. You seem to always deflect or run away from a conversation when it isn't playing your tune. Putting you on ignore just saves me the aggravation of having to respond to you. Unfortunately for you this taptalk app doesn't seem to play ball with ignore so it will have to be based on me biting my tongue.
UNICEF: Cuba has 0% Child Malnutrition

Maybe the yanks could learn something from Cubans.

That is only because Cuba allowed UNICEF to see what they wanted to see.
If UNICEF was unbiased and they had 20/20 vision they would have seen that food is still rationed and that 66-75 percent of women have to prostitute themselves at some time in their life just to buy food.

I wonder if UNICEF reported on any of the 20 homes that Fidel owned or the mass graves around the island? Or perhaps the people doing the survey were just as Communist as Castro and had an agenda to report glowing results.
Obama's Legacy

America’s first vote on President Barack Obama’s place in history teeters on the edge as some find him a great president – but plenty find him among the worst, a new McClatchy-Marist poll finds.

As Obama heads toward the exit, almost the exact same number of Americans put him at the top as put him at the bottom: 16 percent said he’ll be remembered as one of the nation’s best presidents; 17 percent called him among the worst chief executives ever.

The rest are in the middle, with 24 percent calling him above average, 28 percent calling him average and 14 percent saying he was below average.

Obama’s current job approval numbers are near his all-time high. But that doesn’t translate into a comfortable place in history. He has been and remains a polarizing figure.

One-third of Democrats saw Obama as a potentially great president. Forty-one percent of Republicans said Obama was among the worst. Among supporters of the tea party, the movement that helped the GOP win a House of Representatives majority in 2010, half saw him as among the worst.

“He falls into the category of the worst,” said Jerry Ruby, 69, a retiree from Grapeland, Texas. “He put us in so much debt we’ll never get out of it.” The national debt doubled, to nearly $20 trillion, during Obama’s presidency.
“He falls into the category of the worst,” said Jerry Ruby, 69, a retiree from Grapeland, Texaris. “He put us in so much debt we’ll never get out of it.” The national debt doubled, to nearly $20 trillion, during Obama’s presidency.

Only because Republicans keep cutting taxes on the rich and refuse to address defense spending. The money has to come from somewhere, so it's borrowed.

But then this thread isn't about Obama.
Oh NO you didn't vote for him too did you ?
( click the picture )


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Only because Republicans keep cutting taxes on the rich and refuse to address defense spending. The money has to come from somewhere, so it's borrowed.

But then this thread isn't about Obama.

I am surprised anyone thinks its a good investment ?
I am surprised anyone thinks its a good investment ?

Bush spent 8 trillion (true cost not the stated 4 trillion) fighting Iraq war

Obama spent 8 trillion recovering from sub-prime crises

Trump planning on giving 6 trillion on tax cuts

Blame the Chinese for pegging rates and the Mexicans for taking jobs

Spending money on weapons which have a certain shelf life is a collosal waste

Turkey's queuing up for xmas.
I am surprised anyone thinks its a good investment ?

Fear is as effective on nations as it is on the populace, and the military and the weapons manufacturers -- what Eisenhower termed the "military-industrial complex" -- have each and in combination done their best to keep us afraid ever since the Russian partitioning of Berlin at the "end" of WWII (e.g., the HUAC hearings in the 50s).

Now we have India, Pakistan, N. Korea, China, the ME and on and on, and the public is extremely vulnerable to empty promises, not only in the US but all over the world.
Only because Republicans keep cutting taxes on the rich and refuse to address defense spending. The money has to come from somewhere, so it's borrowed.

But then this thread isn't about Obama.

Well, it's hard to cut taxes for the poor when 40% pf Americans don't pay taxes.

Defense spending is almost a fixed cost. When people see the numbers they immediately think of guns and soldiers. I forget the statistics and I don' t have the time to research it, but about 40% of the Defense budget goes to retirees and another 10-15 percent goes to the VA ....Veterans Administration for health care of ex veterans.

Currently we have about 1.3MN soldiers on active duty. That's the smallest percentage per capita since 7 December 1941.

We only have about 225 ships in our Navy and when Reagan was president we had about 500.

If we didn't have troops in 100 different nations around the world we might not have to have as many soldiers. But, as long as our politicians keep committing us to conflicts overseas and our allies don't pull their weight maintaining their military obligations it's not going to change anytime soon.

I'd like to cut our budget too, but if you think Peace is expen$ive, try war.
It's not about cutting taxes for the poor vs cutting taxes for the rich; it's not about cutting taxes at all. It's about paying the freight so that we don't have to borrow. And if the rich aren't willing to step up, the debt rises. Or we resort to "austerity". And how has that worked out?

As for defense spending, if you've forgotten the statistics and don't have the time to research it, no point in going into it.
China 'seizes US vessel' in S China Sea

Trump needs to wake up to the consequences of his shooting from the hips cowboy antics. Guy's not President yet and already stirring up the waters.

I almost felt sorry TexasRanger with his write up as if the US needs protection, as it can't go around the world kicking ass anymore because other nations and have the audacity to fight back.

We all know spying and hacking takes place as a matter of course but to bring it into the public domain and accuse Russia of hacking and spying is lame.

What ever next? Mustn't forget to build that wall...
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Watched this film on Amazon Prime yesterday. Very very funny and not so funny depending on your pov.

They have the guns and they won't be used for cooking.
Half wits will be emboldened by the above probably.
Tourism would suffer as the US reverts back to primal violence.
Such a shame after all the hard work to make a decent society. Was it not mainly because of international meddling
that the US is now self destructing. It is extra hard having been no. 1 in the world. Britain managed to survive the same fate early 20th century having been No.1 for a century.