That's because the campaign is over. Time to bind wounds. You wouldn't expect them to insult each other face to face while they are trying to transfer power.
If one has nothing good to say about a man, he could simply have thanked Obama for receiving him at the White House.
Wouldn't like to make up words to fill the space but I suspect that's exactly what Trump does because he does not come across as sincere or genuine.
I've noticed he keep repeating the words;
"Let me tell you what we are going to do"
"We are going to do fantastic things. We are going to do wonderful things. We are going to do spectacular things."
He repeated the same stuff embellishing half truths with no detail all the way through.
In one of the congratulation pics, he went to kiss his wife and they simply bent to touch cheeks rather than stepping up to or embracing each other. There was a gap of about a foot between bodies.
Anyhow I thought that was strange. Not how I would congratulate my wife or expect a stand offish response.
Now with respect to his campaign manager that was full sideways body contact and close. Then there was another peck on the cheek from a black lady and immediately could tell that was very brief and not desired but had to be gotten out of the way.
I think Mr Trump has much learning and polishing to do considering the circles he'll be mixing in.
When it comes to Putin the guy is so difficult to read. He'd make a fantastic poker player. Expressionless. Like a spider. Only moves if you look away from it/him.
Good luck to him though. He deserves a good crack of the whip. Either he'll clean out the swamp or become as one with it.
Just my thoughts. :whistling