The Next US President

Maybe the Democrats will replace her with a smoke filled room candidate. Sanders would be a disaster though. Poor USA with such an awful choice. At the risk of incurring the wrath of leftish European so called liberals (ha ha), the USA hasn't done anything to deserve such a nightmarish choice of Clinton or Trump or maybe Sanders. Neither has the rest of the world.
There isn't even any point in buying stock in nuclear proof bunker suppliers in a Trump created nuclear winter.
chronic cough? ....which may or may not be associated with Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Cancer or many other possibilities.

One thing for certain, it's not pneumonia or allergies.

It has, always, seemed to me that pneumonia comes after the body has been weakened by some other illness. Maybe, it is what the doctors and media feed to the public, I don't know. But I have heard the word "pneumonia" many times in that respect.

Anyway, I wish her well, poor woman. I'm not into US politics but she has a lot of guts---always has. A pity to go down with health problems when she is fighting for the prize of her life.
It has, always, seemed to me that pneumonia comes after the body has been weakened by some other illness. Maybe, it is what the doctors and media feed to the public, I don't know. But I have heard the word "pneumonia" many times in that respect.

Anyway, I wish her well, poor woman. I'm not into US politics but she has a lot of guts---always has. A pity to go down with health problems when she is fighting for the prize of her life.

Will they accept a sick President ?
Probably not. Might stop her meddling in the Middle East though.
Will they accept a sick President ?
Probably not. Might stop her meddling in the Middle East though.

I doubt it. I'm afraid that she'll have to stand aside. This health rumour must damage any prospects that she had.
Donald Trump has been a real estate developer, entrepreneur and host of the NBC reality show, "The Apprentice." He is the nominee for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.

Yes, Trump the neo-fascist bigot is typical of his kind of lying amateur historian(or even occasionally self styled professional historians like the extremist hater David Irving) who haven't got a clue because they can't see beyond their hatreds and prejudices.
At the other end of the political spectrum are the likes of Red Ken Livingstone and Jeremy Corbyn and their amateur "historical" reading. Repeat the lies often enough and they become accepted as facts as Goebbels said.
Prejudice breeds extremism breeds hate breeds conflict breeds pain and suffering.
Tolerance, the basis of civilisation, is unacceptable to them.
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I keeeeeeeeeep telling yoooooooo guys put Kermit the frog up for election and he woud probably win. Otherwise we ar stuck with a sicko.
The pressure of life or millions of deaths has never been more accentuated. Whoever, better had reorganise the Presidency before disaster rather than afterwards, as in the present system.
Congress should show some courage and take away the President's executive powers. A man like Trump is likely to push things into a Fascist dictatorship with himself as boss. Happens all the time in tin pot republics.

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Hilliary is not an admirer of Putin, doesn't hate all Mexicans, doesn't denigrate ethnic groups or women, actually knows that Obama (for all his faults) didn't create Daesh and has some understanding of world affairs. Unlike the brutish ignoramus.
So I'd rather have an ill Hilliary than a mad Doctor Strangelove. Let's just hope she picks a decent VP....if she hopes to get elected.....and if we all want to avoid a nuclear war.
That would be terrible.
It might even mean the end of t2w !
Because of an infection? And Trump's personality disorder gets a pass?
Yep, I fear so dbp.

Having some sort of a 'personality disorder' is pretty much an essential quality for political leadership these days. Look at our very own Mrs May: within days of taking office she stood up in the House of Commons and said she'd be prepared to deploy nuclear weapons. To my way of thinking, no one of sane mind could seriously consider such action - let alone follow through with it. In some ways, her comments are more chilling coming from her than they would be coming from the likes of big Don.
Any potential aggressor needs to know that the price of an attack on us would be catastrophic, hence May's comment. Mutually Assured Destruction has enjoyed a populist revival since Putin got stroppy.
Anyway, Tim, you'd be ok from fall out down the old tin mines. No one is going to target Devon or anywhere west of GCHQ or Portsmouth and Plymouth as there is nothing else worth hitting .
The John Lewis depot won't be hit so that's ok. It's us poor devils living in and around London who will be vaporised by Trump starting a war when he falls out with his mate Putin.
Any potential aggressor needs to know that the price of an attack on us would be catastrophic, hence May's comment. Mutually Assured Destruction has enjoyed a populist revival since Putin got stroppy.
Hi Richard,
Yes, I understand the message and the logic behind it. However, my personal view is that the sort of person or group that would attack us and thereby cause Mrs May to respond are the likes of IS who - by (my) definition - are as mad as a box of frogs and wouldn't give a toss about whether or not we retaliated. I know I'm something of a lone wolf on this topic here on T2W, but one area in which I'm in 100% agreement with Jem Corbyn is his view on nuclear weapons. Utterly pointless and an appalling waste of money, IMO.
OK Tim. Isn't it possible that new threats arise in the next 30 years which are difficult to predict at the moment ? Few people thought there would be a resurgent Russia. I think it's very difficult to be successfully intimidated by a hostile power if they believe you have the means and will to destroy their forces if forced to do so by an existential threat. If the US continues to dissociate itself from Europe and NATO we need the ability to defend ourselves. It's just not worth the candle to any nation state to attack us when we have the ultimate deterrent. In my view. But I do respect yours ! 🙂
The cost over the course of development and building is actually very little when you look at the annual expenditure of the government. For me it's an insurance policy.
I think these posts are relevant to the thread as the growing threat of a Trump presidency destabilises our safety. Trump likes Putin and has stated he might not agree to continue to abide by NATO article 6 whereby an attack on one member is an attack on all.
The cost over the course of development and building is actually very little when you look at the annual expenditure of the government. For me it's an insurance policy.
I think these posts are relevant to the thread as the growing threat of a Trump presidency destabilises our safety. Trump likes Putin and has stated he might not agree to continue to abide by NATO article 6 whereby an attack on one member is an attack on all.
Hi Richard,
I take on board your points which, as always, are well made. However, for me, it all comes down to something that vaguely approximates sanity. I simply don't believe that any potential aggressor to us, the US, EU or any other of our allies is going to care two hoots about our nuclear capabilities. Mentally ill people don't care about logic or the consequences of their actions. They'll just laugh in our faces and shout 'bring it on'.

Imagine if Saddam Hussein actually had WMD and he'd used them against us, the US or whoever. What possible benefit would there have been in nuking Bagdad? Who would have gained from that? We (i.e. the west) wouldn't. The ordinary people of Baghdad obviously wouldn't. Meanwhile, Saddam's long gone. I can't imagine a scenario - and no one has ever outlined one to me - in which a nuclear response from the west would help anyone or solve anything. Mad psychopaths are just that. Having a nuclear deterrent won't make them less so.

I'm afraid Richard that we'll just have to 'agree to disagree' on this one!