The Next US President

I actually feel sorry for the Americans, what a situation to be in. Caught between the Devil and The Trump.
How did you let yourselves get into this sorry state where you no longer have a say in who runs your country. Anyone who might actually do some good has no chance of becoming president. Or if they did your congress and senate would neuter them. 🙁

We are stuck with Biff then for the Republican candidate !
C'mon the McFlys
Looks like the Saudies not happy with my uncle Obama...

Confirms to me Obama's done good work then :cheesy:

I actually feel sorry for the Americans, what a situation to be in. Caught between the Devil and The Trump.
How did you let yourselves get into this sorry state where you no longer have a say in who runs your country. Anyone who might actually do some good has no chance of becoming president. Or if they did your congress and senate would neuter them. 🙁

It started when Supreme Court Justices were nominated because they were politically favorable and not professionally competent.

A few years ago they said that foreign institutions and individuals could donate to political campaigns.

And they made another assinine decision (5-4 voting record ) that corporations were 'people' and therefore it was legal for companies to donate to political election campaigns.

And then there are SUPERPACS. Private, 'non profit' organizations that are created to raise money for the purpose of donating to political campaigns above and beyond personal limitations for individuals... ($2700).

I have seen a few reports, and I am sure it changes with different candidates and
different elections; but I have seen some reports that individuals are only responsible for 30-40 percent of the total money given to political candidates. The rest is from special interests etc...

When it gets to this level, politicians listen to the special interests and not the voters. The bad part is that voters know this or they don't care and they still elect second rate people to office.
Looks like the Saudies not happy with my uncle Obama...

Confirms to me Obama's done good work then

I think he has burned all our bridges in the Middle East.
The Israeli's don' t like him either.

He 'negotiated' a nuclear inspection agreement with Iran and has begun to renew trading with them but no one believes that Iran will agree to the terms and last week Iran was telling Obama (the U.S. ) to say out of the Persian Gulf and keep our ships out of the Middle East.

Which is pretty difficult to do considering that we have an aircraft carrier group located in Bahrain, directly across the Persian Gulf from Iran. Things went sour very quickly considering that they just negotiated this agreement a few weeks ago.
Sorry guys you tried hard but what a terrible mess the US has made in the Middle East. Wasted trillions of $ and millions of lives for what in return exactly ? Let me guess somewhere between nothing and a negative result so far. Time for a big re-think imho.

The country would be better off with most of the thousands at The Pentagon/State Dept. filling in potholes somewhere. Oh and dump Israel before it's too late not after. They have dictated US foreign policy for decades and are the only beneficiaries.

Don't know why I bother - it's like talking to inaminate objects.
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Sorry guys you tried hard but what a terrible mess the US has made in the Middle East. Wasted trillions of $ and millions of lives for what in return exactly ? Let me guess somewhere between nothing and a negative result so far. Time for a big re-think imho.

The country would be better off with most of the thousands at The Pentagon/State Dept. filling in potholes somewhere. Oh and dump Israel before it's too late not after.

Yeah we have. Good intentions, poor results. Saddam was a bad dude but he was not a threat to anyone outside of Iraq. He kept his thumb on all the competing interests in Iraq and kept the peace. Even if it was oppressive. When he was gone, it became a free for all.

And we (Obama Hillary Clinton) had no business bombing Libya or Syria. They were not a threat to the U.S. or anyone else in the Middle East. Just because someone else has a lifestyle we don't approve of does not mean we have the right to kill them. The people in the Middle East don't respect weakness. They want a strong leader........they don't care if it is a monarchy or a dictatorship as long as they are good to their people. I got that lecture from a cab driver (in Dallas, Texas)from Tunisia........🙂.........he was entertaining.

Now we are bombing Assad in Syria, whom Obama said two weeks ago that he was not a threat to the U.S. But when we weaken Assad, we strengthen ISIS, who has a major presence in Syria. It's like the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

Why are we strengthening ISIS in Syria and Iraq and then bombing them in Yemen and condemning them for the things they do in Paris and Belgium ?

Screw the Middle East, there will never be peace there. Just withdraw our people and military and let them fight each other. They have been fighting each other for 2000 years, they are not going to stop now because a bunch of pale skinned Jews and Christians from the West think they should.
I think he has burned all our bridges in the Middle East.
The Israeli's don' t like him either.

He 'negotiated' a nuclear inspection agreement with Iran and has begun to renew trading with them but no one believes that Iran will agree to the terms and last week Iran was telling Obama (the U.S. ) to say out of the Persian Gulf and keep our ships out of the Middle East.

Which is pretty difficult to do considering that we have an aircraft carrier group located in Bahrain, directly across the Persian Gulf from Iran. Things went sour very quickly considering that they just negotiated this agreement a few weeks ago.

Well that's another sign he has done well. There are many political power lobby groups and Israel with the Jewish lobby skews American politics just as oil does.

Iranian's don't like him either so that's all fair and square.

I think Obama's done a fantastic job along with Clinton. I reckon Bush was a big freaking mistake.

Trump likely to be a major catastropheeeeee if he ever gets in.

Republicans eff up the economy and Democrats repair it imo. Sort of works differently in the UK where the Labour party screws up and Tories put it right.

How perverse it all is 🙄
Go Obama...literally!

"I think Obama's done a fantastic job" 😆

Obama has almost doubled the debt.


Obama has made households poorer


But don't let ugly facts get in the way of an opinion.🙄


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Past Government debt has to be paid off - spent by Republicans fighting wars making US of A great again as Trump proposes to do. Iraq war has added literally trillions followed by banking crises.

Moreover, the financial crises is who's mess exactly?

Do you understand anything you mouth off about? Go and buy some more gold and then bitch about low interest rates see where it gets you. Numpty!

On another entertaining note, read somewhere that 70% of all antibiotics are given to animals.

Small footprint - they are given to healthy animals in the human food chain. You'd never guess WHY in a million years???

Then there is GM on plants.

Capitalism will eat and kill it self like an obese beast that the system aspires to become. Unchecked, unrestrained free for all madness.

Enjoy your food. 👍
All the beastly Capitalists can think of is more and more money. They don't care that in the next few years antibiotics will cease to be of any value and even minor operations will be severely risky. Perhaps there is a miracle antibiotic drug just waiting in the shadows to be produced in such small quantities on purpose so only the rich will be able to afford it.
They seem to forget money these days is just zeroes on a computer somewhere. Their care for others is zilch and deserve no care in return.
Well that's another sign he has done well. There are many political power lobby groups and Israel with the Jewish lobby skews American politics just as oil does.

Yes, the Israeli lobby (AIPAC) is among the most influential in the U.S.

Oil is always going to skew politics as long as it costs 46 dollars a barrel and we remain dependent on it. It might seem unfair, but if you think it makes life difficult, try living your life without it. Or with oil at 150 dollars a barrel like it was at a few summers ago.

Iranian's don't like him either so that's all fair and square.

I think Obama's done a fantastic job along with Clinton. I reckon Bush was a big freaking mistake.

Obama is a failure. Either you have been getting a biased report of his activities or you have not been paying attention.

Bush did a fine job under the circumstances. It was not his fault that the towers were bombed. Going to war in Afghanistan would have happened regardless of who was president. And he went to war in Iraq based on all the best available information. Saddam bragged about having nukes and chemical weapons. He actually had a nuke program in the 80's but the Israelis bombed it. Unfortunately, he was boasting about having a new program so he could bluff his way against Iran, because he feared them. He should not have done that. It got him hung.

Trump likely to be a major catastropheeeeee if he ever gets in.

Republicans eff up the economy and Democrats repair it imo. Sort of works differently in the UK where the Labour party screws up and Tories put it right.

How perverse it all is

Clinton was president at a very luck time in economic history and he knows it.
There was an explosive growth throughout the country in the IT industry and the stock market reflected it. As well as the housing industry.

But people wised up to paying for mail order dog food and 200 PE ratios and it crashed. And cheap mortgage loans backfired.

It would have failed whoever was president. It failed in the summer of 2008 during the election cycle and hit a low when Obama assumed the presidency. It had nowhere to go but up.

And when Obama was a Senator from Illinois while this was occurring, he did absolutely nothing to prevent it.

But he has managed to run our national debt up from 9TN to 19TN. And his golf game is consistent. He does those well.

Timing is everything Obama got lucky.
Clinton was president at a very luck time in economic history and he knows it.
There was an explosive growth throughout the country in the IT industry and the stock market reflected it. As well as the housing industry.

But people wised up to paying for mail order dog food and 200 PE ratios and it crashed. And cheap mortgage loans backfired.

It would have failed whoever was president. It failed in the summer of 2008 during the election cycle and hit a low when Obama assumed the presidency. It had nowhere to go but up.

And when Obama was a Senator from Illinois while this was occurring, he did absolutely nothing to prevent it.

But he has managed to run our national debt up from 9TN to 19TN. And his golf game is consistent. He does those well.

Timing is everything Obama got lucky.

How is Obama a failure? I think he has done much to correct Bush Jnr's failed policies like catching Bin Ladin and improving US standing in the World again.

Bush did a naff job if anything at all. Supporting his oil producing pals and launching an illegal and unjust war against Iraq. You need to read Bob Woodward's book. Iraq war was a setup. Also read Richard A Clarke's book Against All Enemies.

Obama plays basketball. I think you are referring to Bush playing golf and being unavailable for any meetings in his first 100 days in office.

You assessment of Iraq and Saddam is total nonsense imo. Read up on Colonel North and Raegan and him taking the 5th amendment.

9/11 was a bit of a setup too. Slam dunk case and all that.

What we now have is ISIS having just defeated Al-Qaida. Everything is attributed to ISIS an organisation created by the West to fight Assad. What we have is another ISIS being armed to fight Russia this time in Syria. Same scripted BS fodder for the masses.

Clinton and Obama got lucky you say. Wow! So I'm guessing that has nothing to do with decent Democrat policies. Market had no where to go but up??? You sure about that? Raising interest rates and turning off the debt ceilings may have led to alternative outcomes. Be interesting to see what the Republicans do then!

As for US debt. That's been doubling since 2000 but you only seem to focus on the hand over of the crashed global economy to Obama from 2009 onwards. Shouldn't you be even handed and consider what happened to debt in two terms before he took office?

Will have to agree to disagree I think and best leave it at that.

Obama did much good and Democrats only decent way forward for the US right now. imho. 👍
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