The Next US President

A nice bit of hypocracy from the US President himself, blaming Britain and France over the mess in Libya. The US record of patching up failed states in the Middle East is just very poor. Either they meant to degrade Syria and Iraq to help Israel against her enemies or as is probable made crass decisions.

It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black imo or is it white in these mixed up days ?

Its all part of the game. Politicians speak for their home audiences. Slag each other off, then its all back to business.

As far as these three countries are concerned, I'd say the US government must be somewhat pleased as all 3 are eliminated for the foreseeable as major regional powers/threats. The difficulty is that other people have unsportingly stepped into the power vacuum, like ISIS and Russia but time will tell where that line leads.
Its all part of the game. Politicians speak for their home audiences. Slag each other off, then its all back to business.

As far as these three countries are concerned, I'd say the US government must be somewhat pleased as all 3 are eliminated for the foreseeable as major regional powers/threats. The difficulty is that other people have unsportingly stepped into the power vacuum, like ISIS and Russia but time will tell where that line leads.

ISIS is a Western tool for destabilizing states. Re-incarnation of Al-Qaida.
ISIS is a Western tool for destabilizing states. Re-incarnation of Al-Qaida.

Indeed. Some in the West might be happy to see a geographically-focused movement with only regional ambitions, rather than a de-centralised global movement that's a threat on every continent.
If you look historically the US has always used its citizen to get itself out of crisis. Within the next few decades the kids coming out of college will essentially not have any jobs. The forecasts made by all major economic institutions state that job vacancies will decrease about 2 percent every year for the next decade.....if people have no jobs how will they bail the gov with bonds? However, I have come to the conclusion that if we do not see the supreme court selection within the next year we may have the greatest proof that there is a silent civil war.....since the last time we have seen this vacancy not filled for this period of time was during the civil war. ****ing idiots are destroying the country.
I think the lesson of Ronald Reagan's success was that he came across as a decent guy. He could be relied upon to do the decent thing via his chosen staffers. He had a big smile and a ready wit. In fact the sort of guy the Trumps of this world had no hope against. Running a country is not the same as running a business imho. Trump talks and acts as a bully.
just saying there is a deep divide within government

Division amongst people seeems to be here already.

Trump’s rhetoric has done little to keep it in check. When the Republican frontrunner appeared in St Louis earlier on Friday, for an event that entailed more than 30 arrests, he complained: “Part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long [to kick protesters out] is nobody wants to hurt each other any more.” Trump added: “There used to be consequences. There are none any more. These people are so bad for our country. You have no idea folks, you have no idea.”

Who's country is this republican talking about??? Maybe somebody should hurt him:idea:
What I find amazing, absolutely amazing 😱 is that Trump appeals to the very base and severely impaired, poorly educated people. The very people capitalism has turned over and over again.

GOP and America are very much looking into the abyss with the separation of the party. Long article but gives a flavour of what's to come. It was written on 1st of Feb so what we are seeing is already crystallising in front of us. Just hope those guys don't start taking their guns to those rallies. :whistling

Those most opposed to Trump are Republicans with higher incomes and more education. A Republican Party under Trump might see a rise in its share of the white working-class vote, but it would also see an exodus of white-collar professionals. Peter Wehner, one of George W. Bush’s senior aides, recently wrote in the Times that he couldn’t support Trump under any circumstances.

“Mr. Trump’s virulent combination of ignorance, emotional instability, demagogy, solipsism and vindictiveness would do more than result in a failed presidency; it could very well lead to national catastrophe,” he warned. “If Mr. Trump heads the Republican Party, it will no longer be a conservative party; it will be an angry, bigoted, populist one. Mr. Trump would represent a dramatic break with and a fundamental assault on the party’s best traditions.” Similarly, Michael Gerson, George W. Bush’s longtime speechwriter, noted in the Washington Post, “If Trump were the nominee, the G.O.P. would cease to be,” because “Trump would make the G.O.P. the party of racial and religious exclusion,” and thus “break it to pieces.”
Rubio has anounced that he is withdrawing his candidacy because he lost to Trump in his home state of Florida. Trump now has more than half of the delegates needed to win the Republican nomination.

Trump reminds me of that character Biff in Back to the Future films. All bluster and unpleasantness. With himself scooping the pot for himself. Bullying his way to the top. Aaaaagh Not for me !

The Hispanic vote in Florida should have squidged him out. But no ! He steams on.
Is Trump still bleating on about the Mexican wall ?

He can build a wall, but what about the tunnels 😆,29307,1895418,00.html

Let's collapse them!

  1. 61.1% of delegates for the nomination have already been won by Trump. There are 944 remaining delegates.
  2. He needs 480 more delegates.
  3. 480/944 = 50.8%.
  4. He only needs half of the remaining delegates to win the nomination.


Again I cannot believe how far trump has got to........unbelievable

Hillary Clinton is by no means perfect but the alternatives now are becoming simply impossible,to contemplate for the rest of the world in terms of global economics and political harmony
Democracy seems to give to the electorate the sort of people they deserve. So hard cheese USA if you elect him you deserve him.
The us people have never really bothered much worrying about global economics and politics ......but if they vote him in and stir up the domestic political,and economic hurricane it will,create........then so be it