trendie said:
What is the point of cutting and pasting whole tranches of other peoples work?
Even then, you post it out of context - your last post was taken from a text relating to UFOs and aliens.
Remo F. Roth = More Froth?
EDIT: It is good practice, accepted protocol, and respectful to acknowledge your sources, especially when using large chunks of other peoples text.
How funny
I was just going to edit my post - stating that I had removed any mention of UFO, and then I was going to explain why.
I am glad that you have again "jumped", as it just goes to show what way the majority think around here
I will now continue for those that are interested in thinking for themselves - and the reason I do not post direct links, is exactly because of what I have just said
The above article is a very good example of an article that has some relative information - and for me, the UFO experiences in dreaming do not hold any significance.
The broad outline, however, is very different, and very relative, again for me.
Why is this so?
Well, it is so because I can relate to what the words mean - that is why it is so :idea:
And why can I relate to what the words mean?
Easy, because I have formed an opinion, based on Historical Facts, that support this information :idea:
In case you all have not noticed, I have a little friend called LouDean, and he can be quickly summoned just by me shouting into a magic mushroom.
I am happy to see that you lot are not changing, for a moment there I thought you might be actually starting to think for yourselves, God forbid