The Little Circle

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jiggly said:
with regards to the story,

I believe that the best solution based on these facts is to only trade early in the day.

not always!
the moral of the story is to be aware when and where there is potential turning points
so my first thought was closer to the answer than my second, consider who you would be buying from and who to sell to.???
jiggly said:
so my first thought was closer to the answer than my second, consider who you would be buying from and who to sell to.???

As Andy rightly says, if you are aware of potential turning points then you can trade with low risk for high reward.

I am beginning to think that there are not many successful traders on this site!

Some of the questions that are been asked on other threads, are, to say the least, just pure and utter nonsense, and will do nothing but lead to one wasting their time and effort.

It does serve as a good reminder though, that the market will always have the 95%, and by seeing this on a daily basis, it makes it easier to accept the Facts, for it is sometimes very hard to believe that 95% of traders, or possibly even more, can be so silly each and every day 😱
jiggly said:
so my first thought was closer to the answer than my second, consider who you would be buying from and who to sell to.???

If you really want to do some serious thinking jiggly, then get your mind around this, for the mind is indeed, the weaver of our future.

Do not let others try and tell you how to think - for you must think for yourself, whether you know it or not - and even more important - you must work it out for yourself :idea:

"In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God." (John 1:1). As a result of this definition of the Christian God as the Logos, our consciousness developed - especially since the birth of natural science in the 17th century - in an extremely one sided way. Therefore we are not used anymore, to see the world and the universe with the help of the Eros, as Medieval people yet were able. We have repressed this principle, complementary to the Logos consciousness.

Eros - understood in its original definition as the principle of relation - can be compared with the wave principle of quantum physics. The Copenhagen interpretation of Niels Bohr tells us, that what we call matter is also a complementary phenomenon: It depends on our observation's instrument, which aspect of it we see, the wave or the particle. If we state that the particle principle is comparable with Logos, we can conclude that there is a great possibility that, by the repression of the psychic observation's instrument of Eros, we have projected the bipolarity of the consciousness into the complementarity of the macrocosmic aspect of matter.

Because the Eros principle is the background of this today constellated creation myth, it is completely natural that the archetype behind it is the so-called coniunctio, the sexual union of a god and a goddess. Therefore, it is this archetype, which will compensate the Jewish/Christian Genesis.

The purely masculine god of the Genesis created the world by the principle of separation and discrimination, i.e. Logos. The novel future world, however, will be incarnated by its contrary, the unification. In Medieval alchemy this synthesis is represented by the sexual union of the king and the queen, for example in the Rosarium Philosophorum.

As in quantum physics, the necessary condition for the incarnation of this new creation would be its observation by human consciousness. Contrasting to natural science, such a renewed researcher of the future must however learn first to dwell consciously into the altered state of Eros.

Up until today Western science, however, has developed in the opposite direction. Since the 17th century, the deification of the Logos ego led to an omission of the development of the introverted Eros consciousness. Therefore, the conscious observation of the microcosmic coniunctio in one's own body and soul, which is autonomous and absolutely independent of our consciousness, is not possible anymore. Instead of concentrating on the resulting birth of the World Soul's "children", the empirically observable natural "inner quantum leaps", Western science was and is yet misled by a deeply unconscious power complex which enforced it to produce artificial quantum leaps in outer matter. The destructive consequences of this behaviour are the atomic bomb and the nuclear plants. Since the invention of the atomic bomb, will power, a Logos principle, produces artificially liberated radioactivity of outer matter, i.e. in the macrocosm: The World Soul is raped by the will-power of Western science and forced to give birth to "children" She does not want to incarnate at all.

Because of the repression of the Eros consciousness, the divine feminine principle is not, as in Medieval times, able anymore to present her creations to mankind in the introverted world of the microcosm. As a logical conclusion of this repression, She is now forced to incarnate her "children" in the macrocosm. Further, as a raped woman, She seeks for revenge and rapes her victims, too, by forcing them into an unconscious change from the will-powered Logos into the will-less Eros. Like this She pummels or even destroys the extraverted Logos consciousness:
Only a radical change of our consciousness and of its old-fashioned paradigm can prevent us from participating in the most horrible effect of this development - of the destruction of mankind, be it psychic, be it physical, or both.

Remo F. Roth

What is the point of cutting and pasting whole tranches of other peoples work?

Even then, you post it out of context - your last post was taken from a text relating to UFOs and aliens.

Remo F. Roth = More Froth?

EDIT: It is good practice, accepted protocol, and respectful to acknowledge your sources, especially when using large chunks of other peoples text.
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Trendie - Bullexcrement detector

trendie said:

What is the point of cutting and pasting whole tranches of other peoples work?

Even then, you post it out of context - your last post was taken from a text relating to UFOs and aliens.

Remo F. Roth = More Froth?

Well done trendie, if you read back on some of his posts you will see the language is not consistent. Rather like catching out a lazy student who cuts and pasts work that is "alien" to his normal pattern of speech. It seems he has a need to impress or maybe he is lonely in the hills or needs a hug (Cameron - Conservative party). (Now back to marking essays) 😢
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trendie said:

What is the point of cutting and pasting whole tranches of other peoples work?

Even then, you post it out of context - your last post was taken from a text relating to UFOs and aliens.

Remo F. Roth = More Froth?

EDIT: It is good practice, accepted protocol, and respectful to acknowledge your sources, especially when using large chunks of other peoples text.

How funny 😆

I was just going to edit my post - stating that I had removed any mention of UFO, and then I was going to explain why.

I am glad that you have again "jumped", as it just goes to show what way the majority think around here 🙄

I will now continue for those that are interested in thinking for themselves - and the reason I do not post direct links, is exactly because of what I have just said 🙄

The above article is a very good example of an article that has some relative information - and for me, the UFO experiences in dreaming do not hold any significance.

The broad outline, however, is very different, and very relative, again for me.

Why is this so?

Well, it is so because I can relate to what the words mean - that is why it is so :idea:

And why can I relate to what the words mean?

Easy, because I have formed an opinion, based on Historical Facts, that support this information :idea:

In case you all have not noticed, I have a little friend called LouDean, and he can be quickly summoned just by me shouting into a magic mushroom.

I am happy to see that you lot are not changing, for a moment there I thought you might be actually starting to think for yourselves, God forbid 😱
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neil said:
Well done trendie, if you read back on some of his posts you will see the language is not consistent. Rather like catching out a lazy student who cuts and pasts work that is "alien" to his normal pattern of speech. It seems he has a need to impress or maybe he is lonely in the hills or needs a hug (Cameron - Conservative party). (Now back to marking essays) 😢

CYOF said:
Do not let others try and tell you how to think - for you must think for yourself, whether you know it or not - and even more important - you must work it out for yourself

Whats makes this example of cutting and pasting, and passing someone elses work off as ones own funny, is CYOFs battle-cry of "think for yourself". 🙄
trendie said:
Whats makes this example of cutting and pasting, and passing someone elses work off as ones own funny, is CYOFs battle-cry of "think for yourself". 🙄

I do believe that you have magnified that central image on the left by 1000 times :cheesy:
CYOF said:
I do believe that you have magnified that central image on the left by 1000 times :cheesy:

I do believe that the central image on the left dropped out of your left nostril.

Your like one of those bad forex scam websites. Page after page of words, stories, reiteration of the wonders you preach and the points you try to make. Then a few more stories and words in bold and then some MORE IN CAPITALS, spliced in with a few smilies 😱 😕 yet never actually getting to the point. Round in circles (how apt!) you go, over and over the same point with no substance apart from the odd copied and pasted story.

Is all your pointless rambling leading to anything other than the advertising of bulldozers 'platinum lounge'?

Which incidentally, no one seems interested in at all anyway apart from you and Soc.
CYOF said:
Is that the best you can do :cheesy:

As for the hammer, if it hit you right between the eyes, you would more than likely not even feel it 😆 😆 😆

Day after Day, I am getting Better and Better, in Each and Every way

Yes, thats right, keep taking the lithium. 🙄

I am open-minded, and intelligent enough, to be able to extract worthwhile information wherever it may be. I believe this is true for most of the membership here.

But, passing off other peoples work as ones own thoughts, is just silly.
But, then extolling others to think for themsleves, it goes from being silly to being hypocritical.

Now, that we know to paste entire sentences (bounded by quotes) into Google to check your sources, you are going to have to actually write something, rather than cut and paste.

Are you allowed crayons?
wasp said:

Your like one of those bad forex scam websites. Page after page of words, stories, reiteration of the wonders you preach and the points you try to make. Then a few more stories and words in bold and then some MORE IN CAPITALS, spliced in with a few smilies 😱 😕 yet never actually getting to the point. Round in circles (how apt!) you go, over and over the same point with no substance apart from the odd copied and pasted story.

Is all your pointless rambling leading to anything other than the advertising of bulldozers 'platinum lounge'?

Which incidentally, no one seems interested in at all anyway apart from you and Soc.
Since you mention me, I will reply to you.

Neither he nor I are advertising anything, If we were, we would take up a banner which would be the correct and moral thing to do.

The Platinum Lounge is mentioned from time to time because it is truly an Alladin's Cave of Wonders. Because of it's unique content, it has to be protected. Therefore I have been appointed the gatekeeper for it, to ensure and guarantee unsuitable people are kept firmly out. Therefore no one can get in unless they are personally known to the owner or myself.

I will add that this post is honorary, just in case anyone gets any ideas about vending or merchandising or other nonsense.

The Annex, which is The Star Chamber, is totally under my exclusive control and that of my deputy in the event of my absence. Again admittance is by invitation only, in order to be able to have interchanges of ideas with individuals already very advanced and in the secure knowledge all discussions take place behind locked doors to absolutely guarantee complete secrecy and privacy.

Some of the work done in The Star Chamber, if considered suitable is passed on to the Platinum Lounge as a matter of interest to the members there.
Ah, I enjoyed that thoroughly 😆 , and I will now add to Socrates' Truthful words.

You see, a certain group continue to persist in this rubbish selling nonsense, why, well it should be clear by now!

What is to be - will be :idea:

Anyone can change their own circumstances if they so desire - but they must first learn to Think for themselves :idea:

Ye all come along with your high and mighty words of wisdom, which it is very obvious that it is nothing more than complete and utter frustration :idea:

Ye cant see this - for ye are blinded by yere own ignorance - but many can see it :idea:

So, continue as ye will, for ye are indeed helping others, whether ye know it or not.

Jiggly, do you now see What I Mean :idea:
Good morning Jon,

The link is not working, or am I banned again?

Thank You
barjon said:
mornin' cyof - try it now

Thank you jon,

What are you trading btw?

I have decided to postpone my Daytrading of Nas Stocks until later this year, and I am now concentrating on FTSE 100 Options, for they are indeed a very interesting market.


uk equities via cfds - can't get to grips with options despite the threads :cheesy:

good trading

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