Fingers crossed and 2 Hail Marys then ?
They have ruined Europe
If the crossed fingers and 2 Hail Marys work, then they won't have. 😀
Fingers crossed and 2 Hail Marys then ?
They have ruined Europe
Fingers crossed and 2 Hail Marys then ?
They have ruined Europe
Nassim Taleb thinks the collapse EU would be a good thing (Times -last Saturday -link requires you to sign up though). Upshot is he thinks decentralisation is the way forward (ie, believes NHS should be decentralised). A poor summary by myself, I know, but maybe someone can get the article online?
NHS needs standardisation and consolidation. Whole problem imho is that there are too many regional variations.
It should provide the 80% key services and charge or drop the expensive, unaffordable top 20%.
Euthanasia should be legalised too. I see no benefit in inflicting humuliating suffering on people to prolong life for the good and benefit of no one.
The needs of the many outweigh the wants of the few.
As for the EU - amendment not dismantling is what is required. Fiscal union is a must for monetary union. Clearly obvious as politicians of member states can't be trusted. Some less so than others.
Killing people doesn't solve the problem, Atilla. Too many are being born. That is the cause of all our woes.
That is a clearly a misconception.
Problem is people want it all.
1. Too many people born or
2. People live dreadfully longer into vegetable state expecting it all with 5 star service.
Prolonging dead wood at the expense of new life is not the answer! I am not advocating killing people but emphasis is on allowing one to die gracefully.
Europe has an aging popullation that is not sustainable at the 5 or even 2 star service level. That is one reason why the demographics of countries are changing. Germany has to import 500,000 immigrants every year to maintain her popullation size. Declining birth rates are a major concern to Western economies.
You get nil puan. :cheesy:
Impending pension crises in next 20 years will sort things out I'm sure.
Studies of animal populations show that they die out if their food sources extinguish. It is the law of life. Man has learned to store and preserve food but, that, too has limits. The planet cannot support all those people.
Your point about German population being replaced by immigrants. Absolutely! The white populatiens will be one of the first to go. We are like the red squirrel being wiped out by the grey.
More people die due to obesity than to hunger and starvation! | LifeZone
GM food rubbish has a large part to play in causes of obesity too.
I wasn't talking about white grey or red squirrels. More to do with average age of popullations getting considerably older and impending pension crises.
If not for grey squirrels the NHS would have very few doctors or nurses.
You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.
We are all doomed, mate, but you don't know it, yet. 😀
Let's see if I can make a crust on the Euro, before I go!.
Killing people doesn't solve the problem, Atilla. Too many are being born. That is the cause of all our woes.
You seem to have a thing about Cathlics (I'm not one, BTW, although I'm married to one). .
Atilla's idea of euthanasia will not work, either. Hitler tried it. A fat lot of good that did.
It's worth mentioning that there is a fair bit of difference between valuntary and non-voluntary euthanasia.
It could even be argued that forcing a terminally ill person to continue to suffer needlesly against their will is closer to the idea of terminating them against their will than it is to offering them the opportunity to choose to meet the inevitable with dignity.
One of the major issues with an ageing population is that we don’t yet have the medical capabilities to deal with advanced age related issues such as Alzheimer’s.