I think the EU is in terminal decline
As soon as the Germans get fed up supporting the lame duck countries with their debts then it will collapse whether Trichet and the EU supporters like it or not.
Greece. Portugal, Italy, Ireland etc. haven't played a fair game. They have just spent and spent what they didn't have. They are like black holes sucking the EU dry of resources.
Even on a political level a lot of the laws that everyone has to rubber stamp are pretty ridiculous especially on the human rights for terrorists and criminals, immigration etc. The MEPs enjoy a sumptious lifestyle and produce a load of hot air and rubbish.
The annual cost to Britain, France and Germany is just too great and the returns are too little. The PIIGs got fat on 30 years of handouts and are now bust. The only sensible course if anyone wants to save the EU is to eject them from the EU lifeboat.