jacinto said:
........................the indecision-balance issue............j
I've been thinking about it some more. Trying to understand process and intent. And trying to find another way of looking at it.
In my head, I turned it into a practical 3D scenario, because that 's the way I think (allegedly) , or "watch the movie" I sometimes call it
😆. Like this. You have courtyard with a big square table in it. To the North is a queue of people who already have merchandise, and want to sell. They are in a queue (usually..) with the higher prices at the back. To the South is another queue of people who want to be buyers, they don't have merchandise, but want to queue at the table, with the higher prices at the front and the lower prices at the back. Above their heads is an electronic sign, with the prices that the 2 people nearest to the table are willing to trade at, the bid and offer prices. To the sides are more people, who may or may not have any merchandise. But they can see the table, and can come to the table from the side to deal with either party as long as they don’t quibble and just take the price that is offered. And you and me, we’re out on the street, standing on the pavement thinking about the government, to quote Bob Dylan, looking at a relay of the prices. ( In reality, in forex the situation is not “merchandise / no merchandise” but “merchandise A or merchandise B”, but to understand the process, I am looking at “merchandise / no merchandise”. And the funny thing about the merchandise is that a lot of people want to get it, so that once they’ve got it, they can get rid of it to someone else for more (or less if you are short) money. Funny old world. You can’t get rid of it unless you’ve got it, and once you’ve got it, you want to get rid of it again.)
So what happens when a doji prints? The prices above the table fluctuate around a intermediate level. They go up a bit, stop, come down a bit, stop and wobble about a mean level. And what is happening? The guys at the side may or may not have merchandise, but right now, they see no reason to go to the table. Or if they are going to the table, they are going both to buy and sell – they are not applying disproportionate pressure. The flow is even. They are pretty content with where they’re at. And the guys North and South of the table aren’t sniffing anything unusual in the wind either. They not getting any whispers from their mates in the banks. They are just kind of bumbling along, servicing their regular clients way beyond the Courtyard, no undue pressure.
So, is this indecision or is this balance? Maybe it is neither. Maybe it is just a regular flow.
Where it gets interesting, of course, is when people need the merchandise, and the whispers get to the guys at the tables, and the crowd at the side all want to get there first (and we’re on the pavement singing “your debutante knows what you need, but I know what you want… oh mama, can this really be the end…..” )
PS Cable just broke North of its range and is at 350. Quite interesting how there is so much action in the Asian time space lately.