The biggest evil

Rebekah Brooks - she's a witch!

Bring back burning on the stake...


Her husband, Charlie, also spoke out, saying that the charges were "an attempt to use me and others as scapegoats, the effect of which is to ratchet up the pressure on my wife, who I believe is the subject of a witch hunt." He added that he had "grave doubts" that his wife would "ever get a fair trial, given the volume of biased commentary which she has been subject to."


She was the editor of a Murdoch-run paper, running biased campaigns against those who didn't agree with them.

🙄 Oh, the irony, the irony. 🙄
The biggest evil currently is the country invading everybody else.

Pakistan cannot be touched. They are a stated buffer for the Chinese. Anyone messes with the Chinese buffer zones gets sent home. It was demonstrated time and again in the past.

So why is it that when India kicked Pakistan's ass 3 times the Chinese did not lift a finger?
Biggest evil is in your heart. Each country has kind people, and bad ones. You can't list the country simply then do the judgement...
It is generally believed that Pakistan has more terrorists per square mile than anywhere else.
Some of their clerics are on the dark side and brainwash youngsters, sending them out to kill.
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It is generally believed that Pakistan has more terrorists per square mile than anywhere else.
Some of their clerics are on the dark side and brainwash youngsters, sending them out to kill.

Don't you mean enemy combatants? 😉

However, I do agree regarding their Madrabadass schools are full of brain diseased blind gits. 👎
While you're busy wondering which "axis of evil" is todays flavour of the month, you may want to consider that more people drop dead from smoking-related cancers, liver-disease from "life-style" aspects of alcohol consumption and heart-disease from a constant diet of foods made up mostly of fats and sugars and preservatives, than any terrorist organisation could hope to achieve.

Cancer, liver disease, heart disease?

Trendie, more people are killed in the UK by wasp stings than terrorism.

We really need to get a sense of proportion on this matter, whilst we still have a few liberties left (the terrorism bogey man has been a wonderful smokescreen for recent Governments to smash up liberties and ancient protections against tyrannical power).
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Behead wasps!

I don't personally think terrorism is a red herring. I think it is real. I don't think it is used as an excuse to take away our freedoms.

I think liberals are the problem. If it were not for the raving liberals insisting we 'play by the rules' with terrorists, the problem would have been wiped out long ago.
Evil politicians - power mad people like Hitler
Incompetent politicians - the present world financial crisis was allowed to happen by them. Could have easily been stopped years ago.
Still in some parts of the world these killers are hailed as heros and get away with murder.

Not sure I understand what you mean here Pat. You referring to Bush Junior and Mr B'liar or someone else.

Anyhow I was shocked and stunned by the NRA Chief's suggestion today.

NRA chief breaks post-Newtown silence to call for armed guards at schools | World news | The Guardian

This guy is a nutter and should really be locked up. But that's just my opinion and I'm sure he'll get a congressional medal or something for holding up freedom and liberty instead...

The USA sounds like a pretty sick puppy to me.

Apparently, most of NRA's members are republican. Just goes to show - and I'm still trying to figure it out... 🙄