The biggest evil

Your conclusion is too early. It's usual for the story to change within a few days to implicate the country needing invaded. .

Norway has to sort out its own radicals. I assume BJ is rabitting on about invading people with tongue in cheek as they say or is he ?
I thought Libya was already being invaded.

No doubt other muslim countries will follow. I think the west has to do this if population figures for the future are anything to go by. They have to soften the islamic countries up a little by intoducing a bit of the west.

Can you imagine what it may be like to live in a world ruled by current Islamic values? Not all Islamic coutries are extremists but they are certainly biased towards other religions. Take Malaysia for example, not really extremist but if you are not muslim it aint easy for you.
I thought Libya was already being invaded.

No, the BRIC countries strategically set a trap in libya for the US and NATO to fall into. To attain the west's goal, nothing short of a ground invasion will work. When they do send in the ground troops (it will not be sanctioned by UN), they will have lost the moral high ground in the eyes of the rest of the world. It's a lose-lose situation.
The latest from a CNN video is that there is yet no motive for the killings. My guess is that the motive is waiting to be synthesized according to the desired goal. One possibility of which would be invasion.
Interesting point made on TV was nobody seems to be referring to this incident as terrorism but the single act of a lone gunman.

Yet we are told he was planning this for 9 years. Hardly the act of a madman.

Did he have help in his actions? My guess would be sure he did. Someone, somewhere always knows. People aren't made this way - they become.

Moreover - just like the muslim fundamentalists need some freaking excuse their actions - so does this twit calling him self a Conservative Christian.

I'm now wondering if this has anything to do with politics and how will Norwegians vote in the next elections.
According to the news he can look forward to a max of 21 years in jail if convicted. None are more comfy than Norwegian jails probably - 4 meals a day, en suite facilities, TV, computer games, waited on hand and foot etc. I am surprised there isn't a queue waiting to get in.
The deterrent factor is rather small.
thanks safvan I would watch it but on my dial-up connection it would take all day
If it was up to me instead of a death sentence - welcomed by some, I would have a fight-off of any such person as the Norwegian killer in a cage and to the death. No poncing around in comparative luxury for the next 50 years at the tax payer's expense. Oh no He would have to take his chances in this country with The Yorkshire Ripper, the Bosom strangler, Moors murderer etc. i.e. the lone survivor from the previous battles.

If it was up to me instead of a death sentence - welcomed by some, I would have a fight-off of any such person as the Norwegian killer in a cage and to the death. No poncing around in comparative luxury for the next 50 years at the tax payer's expense. Oh no He would have to take his chances in this country with The Yorkshire Ripper, the Bosom strangler, Moors murderer etc. i.e. the lone survivor from the previous battles.


She sounds interesting. Does she employ her enormous cha-chas to throttle and smother her victims? You've gotta go some way or other, that sounds like a good one to me. This is what I imagine the Bosom Strangler looks like:

She sounds interesting. Does she employ her enormous cha-chas to throttle and smother her victims? You've gotta go some way or other, that sounds like a good one to me. This is what I imagine the Bosom Strangler looks like:


Whoops must have been a Freudian slip - we got the lot in this country

I meant The Soham Strangler
According to the news he can look forward to a max of 21 years in jail if convicted. None are more comfy than Norwegian jails probably - 4 meals a day, en suite facilities, TV, computer games, waited on hand and foot etc. I am surprised there isn't a queue waiting to get in.
The deterrent factor is rather small.

Haha - you weren't far wrong.

In November two court-appointed psychiatrists deemed the 33-year-old was psychotic and paranoid schizophrenic at the time of the attacks, which would normally mean he could not be sentenced to prison.

In a 38-page letter he wrote in jail and sent to various Norwegian media — of which extracts were published in the daily VG on Wednesday — Breivik said that being deemed criminally insane was unbearable to him.

“I must admit this is the worst thing that could have happened to me as it is the ultimate humiliation,” he wrote.

“To send a political activist to a mental hospital is more sadistic and evil than to kill him! It is a fate worse than death.”

Breivik has said he committed the attacks on July 22 last year to protect Norway from multiculturalism. They were the worst outbreak of violence there since the end of World War Two.

“I knew of course what was right and what was wrong, but I acted instinctively,” Breivik wrote in the letter.

He criticized the two psychiatrists, Torgeir Husby and Synne Soerheim, as unable to be objective.

This is like a comedy act except it's not funny. Perhaps they should put him in a psychiatric ward and drug him to eternity. I mean if it says it is worse than death than surely that must be good.

I was wrong. He should not be executed but locked up in a mental institution. Poetic justice... 🙂
No, I think that it is your conclusion that was too early, Joe. For Heaven's sake, let's see if we can get to the bottom of this without invading anybody. Invasion seems to be the solution for all our problems and guess who we are going to ask to do it? The Yanks, of course. You know who the Yanks are, don't you? That lot on the other side of the Atlantic who, conveniently, get the stick when things go wrong.

That old adage of practice makes perfect doesn't seem to apply to the Americans. They have been invading other countries since Cuba in the 19th century. Every time it's a disaster from being chased off the beaches like The Bay of Pigs to Iraq and Vietnam. Let's put it kindly, they should stick to business and making movies, music etc. and leave the fighting to others.

What's even worse is that they pull others into their own disasters and then insist on mismanaging it. I mean common guys try a little more, almost everything more intelligent than the simple amoeba learns from its mistakes eventually.
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I was wrong. He should not be executed but locked up in a mental institution. Poetic justice... 🙂

Anders Behring Breivik: Insanity diagnosis would be ‘worse than death’ | News | National Post

Waste of taxpayer's money just to make the b*stard suffer a little bit !
It costs people their jobs etc. to pay for people like him who want to be executed anyway. They forced fed the Moor's murderer to keep him alive against his wishes !

The bleeding hearts mean well but have gone too far.
Rebekah Brooks - she's a witch!

Bring back burning on the stake...


Her husband, Charlie, also spoke out, saying that the charges were "an attempt to use me and others as scapegoats, the effect of which is to ratchet up the pressure on my wife, who I believe is the subject of a witch hunt." He added that he had "grave doubts" that his wife would "ever get a fair trial, given the volume of biased commentary which she has been subject to."
