US and UK foreign policy


Legendary member
Because the markets are basically influenced by events around the globe I think it is worth taking a look at Iraq currently. The situation seems to be lurching towards civil war despite what Bush and Blair say.
Perhaps the South will unite with Iran - all Shiites togethor
The Centre with Saudi Arabia - all Sunnis togethor
The Kurds on their own as ever
And what do the US and UK taxpayers get for their 800 billion dollars invested by Bush and Blair ?
On the plus side just about nothing
On the negative side - the hatred of 1/3 rd of the world's population ( Muslims )
Not much of an investment of our hard earned cash, is it ??
What's worse is that having bungled Iraq they are now turning their attention to Iran. Have they learned anything from Iraq ? I doubt it. They are too biased to see that they are both hopelessly incompetent.
We have 2 more years to endure of the two biggest losers in World history !!
Very true pat instability is even more than before and now all this has rocketed the Oil price its only now that people are really talking about high oil price especially at $75 I wonder what is the next step Iran has denied cutting shipments to US and Europe but than again it all starts with a rumour.
on the plus side they have secured exclusive and preferential contracts on iraq oil reserves for american refining and petrochem firms.

Mission accomplished.

Sectarian strife is muslim against muslim in Iraq, looks like they are taking out their hate on each other. A bit of additional hatred from a largely poor and repressed 1/3 of the worlds population isnt worth a US dime as far as future oil wealth and US foreign policy is concerned IMO.

Growing US energy demand coupled with huge energy growth in India + China and normal expansion in the rest of the world makes a macro economic energy supply shortage picture for a finite resource that means who-ever controls the majority of the oil over the next fifty years from now, will control the majority of the worlds wealth.

I'm sure the UK and US knows exactly what its doing with Iraq and what it will do with Iran, if you're talking cold hard foreign policy numbers.