Well they do it in the UK and, no doubt, all over the globe👍
Yes indeed but man is evolving.
With technology consequences of actions are immediate and public opinion does matter and acts as a hurdle.
When those soldiers defending the freedom of US citizens by torching Fellujah they confiscated the mobile phones of the medical doctors in the hospitals so the attrocities could not be communicated to the outside world.
Even today the birth defects in Fellujah are far higher than any where else in the World. They couldn't torture the evidence out of the individual so they turned the whole town over.
They then told us they broke the back of the resistance.
I wish somebody could explain how this protected the freedoms of USA and how any soldier - general - commander in chief can justify these outrageous actions? :-0
I was playing online chess once with an American - and he said - well they started it.
If you want to ask patriotic questions in the national interest ask why three building crashed down in an examplery demolition style (one that only smouldered and wasn't hit by anything), where the disintegrated plane is - you know the one that hit the pentagon and why no investigation on the fall of the towers ever carried out and metal scrapped within 15 days.
Ask why president Bush turned down military engineers recommendations to consolidate flood defences for New Orleans (costing $95m) but willing spent a 1 trillion on fighting a war to catch a home bred CIA trained terrorist who we only have the word and evidence of CIA. Who was also effectively buried at see. I wouldn't be surprised if his living it up in Monaco after a face lift.
I reckon every US citizen should go to
http://www.911truth.org/ and become an active participant for explanation as to what justifies all these attrocities.
World super power threatened by the Worlds weakest country with hardly a government - THE GREAT AFGHANISTAN! Surprised they were able to restrain them selves and not nuke the country...
Ask the question who gained from all this and where did the money go?
I feel as a citizen of the western world and I am on a campaign to continue to ask these questions. I wish good people would wake up and start asking the same questions and demand justice for us all.