2 Minutes 2 Midnight

2 Minutes 2 Midnight

Our law-enforcement agencies, politicians and corporate overlords are working hard, night and day, to protect us from this terrible disease. Consider sparing a thought for our brave boys in black this evening during your allotted compulsory appreciation window.

REPORT ALL NON-APPRECIATORS TO YOUR NEAREST SURVEILLANCE DRONE. Those guilty of virus denial or other forms of sedition weaken our morale and can cause outbreaks.

Remember, good citizenship will earn you a higher place on the vaccination schedule.
2 Minutes 2 Midnight

Wondering how the world got locked down because of Flu?

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2 Minutes 2 Midnight

Remember, it wasn't a hoax. The flu is very real.

And if you want real answers you don't get them in soft interviews like this.

But that's OK because enough facts are out there now
2 Minutes 2 Midnight
Brian Rose is an ex banker
Red flag
Brian Rose is complaining about being- censored on youtube
Another red flag.
For interviewing David Icke
Yawn..red flag. Icke’s been around for 30 years and he's all over youtube

I wouldn’t know. listening to David Icke repeat what he’s being saying since the internet was invented is, for me, like listening to a sedated tortoise in a slow motion replay

‘I know that sounds a little counter intuitive’

You mention David Icke's OLD idea's, do you think they are valid?
Maybe you missed this

Ah didnt realise you still had your panties in a twist over that. Still its easier to ignore someone than defend an indefensible argument.

The reason for my question was Ike believes the world is run by Lizard people, you know 'aliens from another planet' stuff. Now your either taking his ideas in a pick and mix fashion ie some are true and some are not in which case how do you know the ones YOU picked are true? OR you believe everything he says is true and humans are being controlled by alien lizards. In which case I withdraw my comment that your an idiot ... you're a complete whackjob!
You also seem to intimate the Americans didnt put a man on the moon which is absurd, even the Russians dont deny the Americans did that. I'm not going to 'cancel' you because thats childish and puerile if you cant back up your absurd claims then I will continue to point them out for what they are and let people with an actual brain decide for themselves.
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"Ah didnt realise you still had your panties in a twist over that"

"I withdraw my comment that your an idiot ... you're a complete whackjob!"

-" Hypocritical at best but dillweed probably."

"if you cant back up your absurd claims then I will continue to point them out for what they are and let people with an actual brain decide for themselves".

This is Postman's 'debating' style towards someone who has views he disagrees with.

For some reason it seems to trigger him.

Oh, and he'd like you all to make up your own mind if you have 'an actual brain' which implicitly means agreeing with him.

He's made it very clear that he intends to carry on in the same way every time I post something he disagrees with.

Why wouldn't I just ignore him at this point?

Hard to believe we're dealing with an adult here.

Ok I unreservedly apologies for calling you an idiot and a dillweed without evidencing it.
Lets have an adult discussion! You pick the topic.

-Why would people fake moon landings (plural)? And then multiple people around the world provide actual evidence this happened.
-Why would lizard people control the Earth and keep it a secret?
-Why would world governments want to kill everyone off with what you allege is harmful 5G radiation?
-Your chosen conspiracy theory.

We can do them all, but one at a time would help people make up their own minds about my or your sanity.
Why wouldn't I just ignore him at this point?

Hard to believe we're dealing with an adult here.

You're joking, right?
Have you seen your posts mate?

It's difficult to take you seriously with the way you approach these things.

Take a breather... compose yourself... and just say clearly and concisely what you are trying to say.
If you are making a claim, back it up... again, clearly and concisely.

If you feel that what you are saying is important... then surely it's important enough to say it in the correct manner.
No need to call people names and swear... just say what you have to say like someone who hasn't lost their mind.

I mean no offence to you, but you are coming across as someone totally unhinged,
Surely you owe it to your cause to come at this from the correct angle?
Ok I unreservedly apologies for calling you an idiot and a dillweed without evidencing it.
Lets have an adult discussion! You pick the topic.

-Why would people fake moon landings (plural)? And then multiple people around the world provide actual evidence this happened.
-Why would lizard people control the Earth and keep it a secret?
-Why would world governments want to kill everyone off with what you allege is harmful 5G radiation?
-Your chosen conspiracy theory.

We can do them all, but one at a time would help people make up their own minds about my or your sanity.

Accepted. Wipe the slate clean.

I have not said anything about 5G, you must have confused me with someone else.

I'm not an Icke fan. I think he's a gatekeeper. But I think he has done more than most to get people to look at things critically.
That's the most important thing imo.

I'd suggest some simple parameters. Why don't we use what professional detectives use as a basis.?-

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You're joking, right?
Have you seen your posts mate?

It's difficult to take you seriously with the way you approach these things.

Take a breather... compose yourself... and just say clearly and concisely what you are trying to say.
If you are making a claim, back it up... again, clearly and concisely.

If you feel that what you are saying is important... then surely it's important enough to say it in the correct manner.
No need to call people names and swear... just say what you have to say like someone who hasn't lost their mind.

I mean no offence to you, but you are coming across as someone totally unhinged,
Surely you owe it to your cause to come at this from the correct angle?

Well let's give it a shot Nowler. Why not join in.?

I didn't swear at anybody. I called Jon a Dillweed and he 'liked' the post.I guess he recognised the joke and understood the context.

You'd see that if you read closer....remember what happened last time you rushed to print without checking the story?
Accepted. Wipe the slate clean.

I have not said anything about 5G, you must have confused me with someone else.

I'm not an Icke fan. I think he's a gatekeeper. But I think he has done more than most to get people to look at things critically.
That's the most important thing imo.

I'd suggest some simple parameters. Why don't we use what professional detectives use as a basis.?-

Just post your favorite pet theory and we will investigate it.
It's too nice a day to stay inside so I'm off out now for the rest of the day. Give it your best shot and I'll respond tomorrow.
2 Minutes 2 Midnight

Even now, as the CDC lights a fuse to the bombshell admission that almost nobody died of covid

Even now, as they tiptoe into the sunset from the disaster they deliberately created

Even now that the plandemic has proven to be everything that the conspiracy theorists claimed it was
and nothing that the defenders of tyrants and useful idiots feared it might be- even while they were shown the evidence again and again and again and again

Still the creepy mask wearers have not seen through the lies.

Now that almost nobody died of a flu virus can 2+2=4?

Now can we restart the economy ?

Now can we walk the streets without seeing creepy mask wearing zombies everywhere?

Now will the media stop with the relentless bull crap scaremongering?

Now can matt Harmcock stop acting as if this is a thing.?

Now can people stop finding ever more insane ways to be inhuman
like hugging granny through a piece of plastic.
and teaching kids that human contact is dangerous?

Now can one single person on the entire planet who caused this misery
stand up and say we were wrong, I was wrong and I’m sorry?

Because if the answer is no, then we are not 2 minutes 2 midnight- we are seconds from it.