Re: Terrorism? Don't blame Americans, blame American financiers
Add these nobs to your list too. These people are US staunch allies... Beggars belief.
Even Iran isn't this bad. What next
They won't be staunch US allies forever ... the oil is running out, and they will soon realise the USA has been sucking up to them for the terrestrial black syrup!
But that story at your link is so sad - not only are women oppressed, but they promote their own oppression. I think they are going to be long-held as free labour and slaves to their men. Who knows what middle eastern women may have achieved had they been allowed an education, and the freedom to develop their intellectual side?
As things stand they are one peg above possessions, and no pegs above slaves.
At least that's how I see it.
Get this apologetic beat-up:
"We don't introduce ourselves as beautiful women who put on layers of make-up. Our audience is focusing on what we present to them, our ideas and our discourse."
Ms Barqi believes some people work in the media to become famous. But that is not why she became a presenter.
"We don't need fame," she explains.
Look, the real reasons behind this are these:
1) It is an admission of lack of character and integrity in the Middle Eastern male. It is an admission that they can not look at a female and retain respect, or control their cremaster muscles.
This has nothing to do with beauty, pre-occupation with appearance, or "focus on work instead of beauty"! It has to do with integrity, or lack of it in the male. This is a way to "fix" that problem.
If the male can not see the beautiful thing, then he cannot lust after it. That deals with his responsibility for his lack of self-control, doesn't it?
2) It is a form of enslavement and control of women. By accident of birth, half of a population will be female. "Bad luck, Jill. You were born with breasts. Now, for the rest of your life you will need to cover your entire body, except for your eyes. Sorry, but your male counterparts will be wanting to have sex with you, and we can't ask them to exercise virtue, personal integrity, character, responsibility and self-control. So we are asking you to do the next best thing - cover it all."
3) The whole concept is a misinterpretation of the prophet's writings, and is against the pure teaching of the Koran. It is based on F - E - A - R. But as I am not a scholar of Islam or the Koran, though I have oft read parts of it and remain interested, I must rely on the divided opinions of the scholars, whose brief it is to expound these things.
As these scholars are evenly divided over the partial or full covering of the female countenance and appendages, then it means that Satan has gotten into half of the scholars perhaps - I mean God is not divided against Himself, is he? So the author of Fear, Satan, the Father of Lies, has cunningly influenced this poor section of earth's people:
Abdullah bin Abbas reports that the Prophet was riding a camel with Al-Fadhl, Abdullah's brother, behind him.
A beautiful woman came to ask the Prophet about the Hajj of her father.
Al Fadhl began to stare at her; her beauty impressed him a lot.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) having noticed this while Al Fadhl was busy looking, put his hand behind and turned his face away from her hither and thither as she went along with them.
Al Abbas said to the Prophet, "you are twisting the neck of your nephew!"
The Prophet replied, "I noticed that both the boy and the girl were young; and I feared that Satan may intervene".
Note the word: "feared".
As a western Christian, I recall my mother never attending church without her hat and lacy tulle veil. She always wore gloves. By the late 1950's, that had largely passed into quaint religious history. Original Methodists!
The imposition of one form of religion or another, on another human being is the most damning sin that can be committed. Far from stirring feelings of adoration and love for our spiritual heavenly father, it has the opposite effect - building resentment and anger at the bondage of it.
Those who claim to be set free are in the strongest bondage of all.
Freedom from religion, is the first step to freedom through spirituality.
I am certain that God welcomes true humility and gratitude, but turns His back on atonement offerings (bribes) and ritual (rote bondage).
Just an opinion ... and intended for thinking readers. I won't know the truth of my views until I die.
Maybe I am wrong ... but I am free to be wrong.