
Maybe he got it from the George W Bush library.
Yeah I think Don used to do them in his spare time 😆

Thank God silly Willy and Dipstick Dave didn't win the vote on attacking one of the contestants in Syria. I seem to remember the 2 idiots dropped a squad into Lybia, literally by parachute and got ignominiously captured !!

The Parliamentary worm at last had the courage to say NO to the US's puppets in charge of the UK. Blair's gone thank goodness. Not without being handsomely rewarded with a cushy diplomatic job for Uncle Sam though.

Just to recap on the US's recent record.

Took sides in Vietnam and got beaten militarily. Wasted over a million lives, ( 50+ thousand US troops too ).

They supported Iraq and encouraged them to attack Iran. Then a few years later invaded Iraq at great cost in blood and treasure. WMD ? er no !!

They invaded Afghanistan, again at a huge cost. Now they are bankrupt by $17 trillion and achieved nothing.

Can they learn even the simplest of lessons from these disasters ? We shall have to wait a few more days to see if they get stuck into the Syrian mess !!

The only beneficiaries seem to be the Israelis ! Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Egypt etc. more or less temporarily scrubbed from their list of enemies ! A breathing space for them to build more settlements on other people's land !!

Doesn't look good does it ?
The leaders of Western Civilization throwing it all away !!
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Thank God silly Willy and Dipstick Dave didn't win the vote on attacking one of the contestants in Syria. I seem to remember the 2 idiots dropped a squad into Lybia, literally by parachute and got ignominiously captured !!

The Parliamentary worm at last had the courage to say NO to the US's puppets in charge of the UK. Blair's gone thank goodness. Not without being handsomely rewarded with a cushy diplomatic job for Uncle Sam though.

Just to recap on the US's recent record.

Took sides in Vietnam and got beaten militarily. Wasted over a million lives, ( 50+ thousand US troops too ).

They supported Iraq and encouraged them to attack Iran. Then a few years later invaded Iraq at great cost in blood and treasure. WMD ? er no !!

They invaded Afghanistan, again at a huge cost. Now they are bankrupt by $17 trillion and achieved nothing.

Can they learn even the simplest of lessons from these disasters ? We shall have to wait a few more days to see if they get stuck into the Syrian mess !!

The only beneficiaries seem to be the Israelis ! Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Egypt etc. more or less temporarily scrubbed from their list of enemies ! A breathing space for them to build more settlements on other people's land !!

Doesn't look good does it ?
The leaders of Western Civilization throwing it all away !!

Some people suspect the Kennedy assassination was a Pentagon job because he was going to cut the US defence spending.

With billions spent on weapons of mass destruction in the US one can't expect them to talk peace. It is big business.

I agree with what you say from a public purse point of view in wasting money and other peoples lives, however, remember it is someone's wage and profit when those billions are wasted (I mean spent).

It used to be the communists/geurillas/socialists in Latin America and now its the Muslims in the Middle East. Increasingly as I get older, I see it as just business, nothing personal from the USA.
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Some people suspect the Kennedy assassination was a Pentagon job because he was going to cut the US defence spending.

With billions spent on weapons of mass destruction in the US one can't expect them to talk peace. It is big business.

I agree with what you say from a public purse point of view in wasting money and other peoples lives, however, remember it is someones wage and profit when those billions are wasted (I mean spent).

It used to be the communists/geurillas/socialists in Latin America and now its the Muslims in the Middle East. Increasingly as I get older, I see it as just business, nothing personal from the USA.

Isn't that the Mafia catch-phrase ? And sort of toiminall !!

The capitalist philosophy will turn the planet into 1 big garbage heap with a few trillionaires, I expect.

"Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies[1][2]) is an assertion made by Mike Godwin in 1990[2] that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[2][3] In other words, Godwin said that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis."

new_trader's law: As a trade2win discussion grows longer, regardless of topic or scope, someone inevitably blames it all on Capitalism.
We have two evils, here, not one. One is the Radical Terrorism Group which, even if it is not suicidal itself, seems to be able to brainwash other people into being suicidal for it. This is very difficult to combat and going into Syria will not solve the problem..

If we are unable to prevent illegal immigrants from enterng our countries, how are we going to prevent them from bringing lethal stuff in?

On the other hand, we have the Unscrupulous Capitalist Group which instills patriotism, indignation, what have you, into the population and starts a very rentable war with another country, preferably one that is rather unsavoury to the rest of us. Everything very legal and and leaves the taxpayer to pick up the pieces, afterwards.

We have to appreciate that both sides are evil and erradicate them. Why is it that powerful leaders can embroil us in a war without consulting, properly, the taxpayers? Because powerful people get them into power, that's why!

I do not believe that the American people have been consulted in this matter. In a democratic country the people are supposed to be free. That vote in parliament proved to me that the Brits are that little bit more free.
"Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies[1][2]) is an assertion made by Mike Godwin in 1990[2] that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[2][3] In other words, Godwin said that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis."

new_trader's law: As a trade2win discussion grows longer, regardless of topic or scope, someone inevitably blames it all on Capitalism.

Just another rotten ism system imho of " rob the poor and give it to the rich "
We have two evils, here, not one. One is the Radical Terrorism Group which, even if it is not suicidal itself, seems to be able to brainwash other people into being suicidal for it. This is very difficult to combat and going into Syria will not solve the problem..

If we are unable to prevent illegal immigrants from enterng our countries, how are we going to prevent them from bringing lethal stuff in?

On the other hand, we have the Unscrupulous Capitalist Group which instills patriotism, indignation, what have you, into the population and starts a very rentable war with another country, preferably one that is rather unsavoury to the rest of us. Everything very legal and and leaves the taxpayer to pick up the pieces, afterwards.

We have to appreciate that both sides are evil and erradicate them. Why is it that powerful leaders can embroil us in a war without consulting, properly, the taxpayers? Because powerful people get them into power, that's why!

I do not believe that the American people have been consulted in this matter. In a democratic country the people are supposed to be free. That vote in parliament proved to me that the Brits are that little bit more free.

You are losing your cool Splitto. You are not seriously suggesting a police state are you ? Eradicate ?
There's no absolute, confirmed evidence of who is responsible for using these chemical weapons although, the prime suspect has to be the Assad regime.

The bottom line here is that it's against International Law to attack or invade a sovereign country who poses no threat to you. At least the majority of MPs had the sense to bear this in mind when voting last night.

The USA will, probably, attack as it will give them the chance to test their latest weaponry in a live "war" scenario🙁

The argument I have heard is - they the Syrian's have used it before and thus it must have been the Syrians. (Well Iraq used them on Iran with many more deaths - with Thatcher and Raegan's satellite intelligence on troop movements and locations)

I like what Putin has suggested. If there is intelligence it should be presented to the UN.

Response: Well it's intelligence so we can't reveal our sources. The evidence! It's all assessment based. Well that's just great!

Not saying they didn't fire it. Just saying we need evidence. UN investigators brief is to identify if chemical weapons were used. Not who used them.

I hear there is a Panorama program going out soon to manipulate public minds and outrage showing more deaths of women and children. That should change opinions.

Must be another slam dunk case I reckon... :whistling
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You are losing your cool Splitto. You are not seriously suggesting a police state are you ? Eradicate ?

Yes, I should pick my words more carefully. Capitalism is a way of life for us but it does show some evil faces, at times. Wasn't there some talk about the Vice President, Cheney, and his relationship with Haliburton, which had some lucrative contracts in Iraq?
Wondering what effect an attack would have on the U.S. stock market on Monday. Maybe i should have bought more Put options....
Wondering what effect an attack would have on the U.S. stock market on Monday. Maybe i should have bought more Put options....

I don't know who makes cruise missiles etc. but one could go long them. What a world !!
I don't know who makes cruise missiles etc. but one could go long them. What a world !!

The world has, always, been a menace for someone . Read up on the Viking and Norman invasions of Britain. It is the same as always, with the advantage that we can, with more modern weapons, kill more people. However, when it comes down to it, once you and I are dead, the rest have to look after themselves.

Be philosophical about it all and, for Heavens's sake, get cheerful! 😀

What a moaner! 😆
I don't know who makes cruise missiles etc. but one could go long them. What a world !!

Or short the cleaning company that does the presidential palace, I would be pulling a sicky this week if i worked in there 😉
Russia sends missile cruiser "Moskva" to Mediterranean to join the two marine carrying amphibious assault ships already in place there.
Russia sends missile cruiser "Moskva" to Mediterranean to join the two marine carrying amphibious assault ships already in place there.

Lot of not much imo... Unless of course the master plan is to rid the world of all non-US friendly tyrants... 😉

1. Iraq
2. Syria
3. Iran
4. Russia?

Power to the people and all that... 😎
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Russia sends missile cruiser "Moskva" to Mediterranean to join the two marine carrying amphibious assault ships already in place there.

Just escalating the problem and turning a minor problem in world terms into a major one. Quite how all those naval ships are going to save lives is problematical.

They could both agree to ban weapon sales to the combatants but that would be too sensible and too easy !!
Maybe Putin just wants to be there to support any UN resolution. Somebody has to deliver the strongly worded letter to Assad and marine assault troops should be able to find the palace without too much trouble.