
The Americans have a woeful record of mishandling the situation in the Mid East.

They supported Iraq with money/weapons and pushed them into a fight with Iran. Then Iraq turned against them.
Whilst backing Iraq they were also selling arms to Iran. This is why Saddam turned. ie: In November 1986 when President Ronald Reagan confirmed reports that the United States had secretly sold arms to Iran.The Iran-Contra Affair

They supported the Mujahadeen/Taliban with money/weapons in Afghanistan against the Soviets and then had a fight with them. Bankrupting themselves in the process.
Technically they bankrupted the Russians re:Afghanistan back then.

Subsequently they used the Taliban & Osama bin Laden to setup the 9/11 fiasco to demolish 2 unrentable buildings to in a white flag case to justify war on Iraq to take oil. Inside job - The 9/11 Truth Movement - . Unable to tame the Sunnis with torture - they miscallculated with their democracy movement not realising the Shia make up 55% of the popullation in Iraq.

They support Israel up to the hilt with money/weapons who then do as they like.
They also support Saudi Arabia and other dictatorships in ME. Israel is necessary as long as oil exists in the ME. Israel knows the US cannot be trusted forever.

They support Egypt with money/weapons who currently don't know what they are doing.
More stand-offish here. Lessons have been learnt imo.

Personally I wouldn't trust US know-how to run a flea circus !!

Quite funny when you look at it the way you said.

However, I do feel lessons have been learnt. Let's hope US regains strength and peace and prosperity prevails again. 🙂
Quite funny when you look at it the way you said.

However, I do feel lessons have been learnt. Let's hope US regains strength and peace and prosperity prevails again. 🙂

If the buildings were 'unrentable' what were all those people doing in them? So 9/11 can now be explained as an insurance job?

No shortage of nutters is there.
If the buildings were 'unrentable' what were all those people doing in them? So 9/11 can now be explained as an insurance job?

No shortage of nutters is there.

I think enough has been said on another thread - but if you wish to believe we are the good guys and this is something beyond imagination then you can continue living in your cotton wool world of how wonderful we are.

The facts speak for them selves imo and anyone interested can read more about it on these old threads.

We'll keep this one on Syria.

[Disputed Rumor] Report: Assad near death after assassination attempt
Quite funny when you look at it the way you said.

However, I do feel lessons have been learnt. Let's hope US regains strength and peace and prosperity prevails again. 🙂

That's what worries me, they think they are "God's Gift" to the world and never learn by their own or other people's mistakes. Didn't they notice what happened in Afghanistan to the Soviets or what happened to their occupying force on the ground in Iraq ? Blundering along in the same old way. A great mistake to believe one's own propaganda !!
An idiot's Guide to Understanding the Middle East

I came across this chart on my travels around the net and, for anyone like me who struggles to follow who supports who and who hates who in the middle east - I found it quite useful!

I, for one, am glad that Cameron lost the debate last night. I was in favour of Blair going into Iraq. I have changed my mind for more than one reason.

Too many of our young men have been killed and injured but Blair seems to be doing alright.

Neither Iraq, Afghanistan nor, it seems to me, Libya, are any better off from our interference.

If we are worried about the chemical weapons being used, in turn, on us, intervention in Syria will not help. That genie is out of the bottle, the same as the nuclear threat.

1000, and more, years ago Europeans were slaughtered and the villages and towns burnt in the path of Vikings and Normans. We have evolved from that. Today, other races are just as barbaric. The problem is, though, that the weapons at their disposal are not swords and axes. They have to evolve into civilised societies and they must do that, themselves. Until that happens, none of are safe unless we do as the Normans did, wipe them all out. If we don't want to do that, because it is "uncivilised", going into these countries is a waste of time.

I'm fed up with the UK following the US around like a poodle and am glad that parliament forced opiionated and dangerous government leaders to change their plans.

There's hope for us, yet.
I came across this chart on my travels around the net and, for anyone like me who struggles to follow who supports who and who hates who in the middle east - I found it quite useful!

View attachment 165790

Apparently Iran are indifferent to the U.S.
No one hates Israel, and Iraq, Yemen and Somalia aren't even on the map (ok Somalia stretches it a bit...) 😛
I admire your ability and concentration to follow all those lines. 🙂

I gave up after that, sh1t loads of errors, the arrow head is at the hated.
No one hates Al Qaeda either by the looks of it.
Looks like someone drunk did it with crayons :cheesy:
I gave up after that, sh1t loads of errors, the arrow head is at the hated.
No one hates Al Qaeda either by the looks of it.
Looks like someone drunk did it with crayons :cheesy:
Hi L_v,
Yes, I take your point! I don't think I looked at it long enough or carefully enough. Perhaps you'd care to do a more accurate, up-to-date and easier to follow version?
Hi L_v,
Yes, I take your point! I don't think I looked at it long enough or carefully enough. Perhaps you'd care to do a more accurate, up-to-date and easier to follow version?

Touche 😆
If there was anything for me to gain I would,
process is simple enough though, get a map, google
for wiki political history for each country in the zone.
Build chart...hard part.

To be accurate, would be something like this, not my idea of fun...:


  • article-0-09562375000005DC-283_964x699.jpg
    246.5 KB · Views: 166
I, for one, am glad that Cameron lost the debate last night. I was in favour of Blair going into Iraq. I have changed my mind for more than one reason.

Too many of our young men have been killed and injured but Blair seems to be doing alright.

Neither Iraq, Afghanistan nor, it seems to me, Libya, are any better off from our interference.

If we are worried about the chemical weapons being used, in turn, on us, intervention in Syria will not help. That genie is out of the bottle, the same as the nuclear threat.

1000, and more, years ago Europeans were slaughtered and the villages and towns burnt in the path of Vikings and Normans. We have evolved from that. Today, other races are just as barbaric. The problem is, though, that the weapons at their disposal are not swords and axes. They have to evolve into civilised societies and they must do that, themselves. Until that happens, none of are safe unless we do as the Normans did, wipe them all out. If we don't want to do that, because it is "uncivilised", going into these countries is a waste of time.

I'm fed up with the UK following the US around like a poodle and am glad that parliament forced opiionated and dangerous government leaders to change their plans.

There's hope for us, yet.

I was deployed twice on Op Telic and I assure you 99% of Inf in the British army love a fight. I kid you not that half of my platoon weren't even aware there was a difference between Iraqis and Pakistanis and were happy to shank either. It's only when they get injured or need Legion/HfH money do they need to play on the 'poor boys fighting abroad' image and you needn't paint men from different nations as having different violent desires. I hated all of that soldier worship stuff (it's the politicians fault they're dying! etc...) when I was in since I found it terribly patronising, as if we didn't know why we joined a professional army - they warn you numerous times during assessment, basic and phase II. Anyway, it has its purpose though I won't argue with that. Gives Chelsea pensioners something to do.

The basis of conflicts such as these are not whether anyone is more civilised or not but the extent to which the batsh!t crazy texts of monotheistic religions maddens the region. It is not a coincidence that countries lifted out of believing every word of the Torah re-written (i.e. general if not open dismissal of all Abrahamic religions) and whose women have control over their own wombs generally have less violence. Unless of course you throw South America and the insane homicide rates into the mix. Of course S America is the main bastion of Catholicism these days 😉

Moral bankruptcy caused by religion is the absolute worst I have ever come across. You'd be amazed how many people genuinely believe they will be rewarded for their 'good' works on this plane. Incredible! Human stupidity knows no bounds.

"This cannot be believed by a thinking person!" Here's to you Hitch.

I hate arguments of a qualitative nature so won't be getting into any prolonged bouts about this stuff, but thought I'd share my perspective on your post since I have more 'experience' than most. I don't doubt that without religion people would find ways to be absolute moronic cnuts either way, but this is the label we have to work with right now.
I am not a lover of churches, priests, either, although I am a believer.

The point that I would make here, though, about the church, like it not, is that the Roman Catholic priests and monks were the only ones capable of teaching anyone anything 10 or 11 centuries ago. All the Anglo Saxon kings and William 1 were incapable of writing or reading anything. The priest became an indespensible part of life, in those days, and formed part of the king's civil service.

I put Asiatic religions in the same category. The priests will teach ignorant people to think for themselves in the same way that we did. Imagine how far behind us they are! This is my view on things, anyway.

Us going in there and knocking the crap out of them is not going to change that one iota. They have to do it themselves.
I, for one, am glad that Cameron lost the debate last night. I was in favour of Blair going into Iraq. I have changed my mind for more than one reason.

Too many of our young men have been killed and injured but Blair seems to be doing alright.

Neither Iraq, Afghanistan nor, it seems to me, Libya, are any better off from our interference.

If we are worried about the chemical weapons being used, in turn, on us, intervention in Syria will not help. That genie is out of the bottle, the same as the nuclear threat.

1000, and more, years ago Europeans were slaughtered and the villages and towns burnt in the path of Vikings and Normans. We have evolved from that. Today, other races are just as barbaric. The problem is, though, that the weapons at their disposal are not swords and axes. They have to evolve into civilised societies and they must do that, themselves. Until that happens, none of are safe unless we do as the Normans did, wipe them all out. If we don't want to do that, because it is "uncivilised", going into these countries is a waste of time.

I'm fed up with the UK following the US around like a poodle and am glad that parliament forced opiionated and dangerous government leaders to change their plans.

There's hope for us, yet.

You are right to be cynical Splitlink. This is the axis-of-evil fiasco part two. To vade war chasing after oil termed as national interest. Iran will be next after tearing apart Syria. You can count on it. This Al-Nusra Front are blood curdling nutters of the same breed as Talibans and we the west are backing them. 🙁
There's no absolute, confirmed evidence of who is responsible for using these chemical weapons although, the prime suspect has to be the Assad regime.

The bottom line here is that it's against International Law to attack or invade a sovereign country who poses no threat to you. At least the majority of MPs had the sense to bear this in mind when voting last night.

The USA will, probably, attack as it will give them the chance to test their latest weaponry in a live "war" scenario🙁
There's no absolute, confirmed evidence of who is responsible for using these chemical weapons although, the prime suspect has to be the Assad regime.

The bottom line here is that it's against International Law to attack or invade a sovereign country who poses no threat to you. At least the majority of MPs had the sense to bear this in mind when voting last night.

The USA will, probably, attack as it will give them the chance to test their latest weaponry in a live "war" scenario🙁

I'm afraid that America is a bit forgetful of the fact, also, that it used napalm against civilians in Vietnam. What is more horrible, to be bombed with nerve gas or to die covered in blazing napalm?

Whatever, the British parliament has clipped Cameron's wings and that has to be a good thing.
Apparently Iran are indifferent to the U.S.
No one hates Israel, and Iraq, Yemen and Somalia aren't even on the map (ok Somalia stretches it a bit...) 😛

Obviously a true accurate assessment of an idiot's understanding to the ME.

Probably produced by one of our intelligence agencies for ministerial digestion. :whistling
My negativity on the entering into another conflict in the Middle East is not the real reason for my post. I do not care if the US, regardless of their reasons, hammers Syria. Assas & Co. is a barbaric regime and nothing is too bad for him.

I objected to the probability that a small group of cabinet ministers could enter the UK into a war, without consuliting Parliament and the people. This is not a situation in which we, or our friends and allies, are under attack, neither is Syria likely to be a serious danger to our security.

This is not a national emergency and, therefore, it is right for the populace to be asked. especially when the negative feelings are obvious to anyone who listens to the media, If he had got a "yes" vote I would have had a different view.

The UK has gone into Iraq and Afghanistan, made a no-fly zone, with France, over Libya. The UN has plenty of other countries able to take a turn, even if not powerful enough to do so actively, at least to put some money into the pot.
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Perhaps, I'm being unfair on Cameron and he had the debate because he thought that it was the right thing to do and that he did not want to be the same as Blair. I like to think so and will continue to believe that he is better than Ed.