I have a better way. Let's do away with this bollox monkey dictatorship and give everyone a vote on anything of critical importance. That's proper democracy.
There is no better way. There's another way and you may, or not be, lucky. How can we say that we live in a democratic society when only 40% of the electorate can be bothered to get off their arses and vote? The politicians say that they are desolated because the turnout was so low. BS! They love a low turnout--they have more chance of turning the vote in their favour if the turnout is low. If everyone in UK and Spain voted we would have socialists in power all the time. The right wing would never get in.
What do you think is of critical importance, BTW? We have been promised a vote on EU many times and, now, it is Scotland. Government has no intention of giving their power away to anyone until the next election, when only 40% will turn out, anyway.