
I have a better way. Let's do away with this bollox monkey dictatorship and give everyone a vote on anything of critical importance. That's proper democracy.

There is no better way. There's another way and you may, or not be, lucky. How can we say that we live in a democratic society when only 40% of the electorate can be bothered to get off their arses and vote? The politicians say that they are desolated because the turnout was so low. BS! They love a low turnout--they have more chance of turning the vote in their favour if the turnout is low. If everyone in UK and Spain voted we would have socialists in power all the time. The right wing would never get in.

What do you think is of critical importance, BTW? We have been promised a vote on EU many times and, now, it is Scotland. Government has no intention of giving their power away to anyone until the next election, when only 40% will turn out, anyway.
There is no better way. There's another way and you may, or not be, lucky. How can we say that we live in a democratic society when only 40% of the electorate can be bothered to get off their arses and vote? The politicians say that they are desolated because the turnout was so low. BS! They love a low turnout--they have more chance of turning the vote in their favour if the turnout is low. If everyone in UK and Spain voted we would have socialists in power all the time. The right wing would never get in.

What do you think is of critical importance, BTW? We have been promised a vote on EU many times and, now, it is Scotland. Government has no intention of giving their power away to anyone until the next election, when only 40% will turn out, anyway.

Anything that affects someone's wallet is critically important. When someone is affected in that way, they will vote if they believe have a chance to change that circumstance. Given the current dictatorship, people don't have a say on their circumstance.

An endless war is an issue of critical importance to most people. If they are given a vote on that, does anyone doubt the wars will be ended in 5 minutes flat ?

Everyone affected by an issue should have a say and vote in the issue. That would be genuine democracy. It would be illogical to think someone affected by an issue would refuse to vote on that issue.

The socialists can't always win because they are no less scumbags than the right wing. Socialists fine everyone and make everyone criminals by strict application of endless laws that they put in place, and a lot of it are for financial gain. The socialists don't steal any less from you. But they justify their stealing by setting you up as a criminal.
How can we say that we live in a democratic society when only 40% of the electorate can be bothered to get off their arses and vote?

Haha, this has nothing to do with measurement of the system as being democratic, all your statement implies is 60pc are lazy.

The UK and US's political system is a monopoly, not a democracy. We cannot vote for a change in the system. That's why the majority do not vote, it makes no difference to most if its labour, tories, democrats or republicans in power. Same sh1 diff bucket.
Anything that affects someone's wallet is critically important. When someone is affected in that way, they will vote if they believe have a chance to change that circumstance. Given the current dictatorship, people don't have a say on their circumstance.

An endless war is an issue of critical importance to most people. If they are given a vote on that, does anyone doubt the wars will be ended in 5 minutes flat ?

Everyone affected by an issue should have a say and vote in the issue. That would be genuine democracy. It would be illogical to think someone affected by an issue would refuse to vote on that issue.

The socialists can't always win because they are no less scumbags than the right wing. Socialists fine everyone and make everyone criminals by strict application of endless laws that they put in place, and a lot of it are for financial gain. The socialists don't steal any less from you. But they justify their stealing by setting you up as a criminal.

What happens if contents of your wallet depends on maintaining status quo dictatorship :idea:

Count how many times you've used the word EVERYONE? Does that include you and all other socialist as well?

You sound like somebody in the making of a crazy tyrant to me. :eek:
Just a general observation point.

All good things in the evolution of man has come from change.

Not much good comes out of keeping things constant and stale.

No change no development.

Change is life. Otherwise we'd still be a single cell life form. Fish at best.
Thank goodness some unlikely countries stopped the USA and poodle UK from charging into the Syrian disaster.
That little moron Haigue is jumping up and down with frustration. You would think the West's politicians would have learnt something from the foreign intervention disasters of the past 50 years. But no - still the same old rhetoric and then send in the army. Wasted all their country's wealth already ! and thousands of our lives.
If they were in the front line they wouldn't be so keen imho

Syria is for the Syrians to sort out
I think someone should sort it out because they can't do it themselves, but not us. We've done more than enough.
You sound like somebody in the making of a crazy tyrant to me. :eek:

I vote for tyranny by the masses. A bit of head rolling on the streets is what will bring some changes. The herd on the whole prefers to graze in peace and tranquillity. We can trust it even if there are some occasionally stampedes.

I think someone should sort it out because they can't do it themselves, but not us. We've done more than enough.

We could invite the Russians and the Chinese to do a bit of UN military intervention here.

We could invite the Russians and the Chinese to do a bit of UN military intervention here.

They are much too sensible to fall for that one !

It's just the idiotic Americans who would stick their noses in, with the Brits being dragged in too. I wonder what cushy job Uncle Sam has lined up for Cameron & co.
Blair and Brown have done very nicely
Does anybody have any crackpot left wing conspiracy theories on why the west is supporting the Syrian uprising? Do we need more camels or something? Is Latakia going to be the new Benidorm?

Where's Atilla when you need him?

Well there's got to be some kind of gain from it....why do governments only intervene with some international disputes as to there are also issues in Mali, Congo etc...seems like the west only gets involved if there's a pipeline involved!!
Well there's got to be some kind of gain from it....why do governments only intervene with some international disputes as to there are also issues in Mali, Congo etc...seems like the west only gets involved if there's a pipeline involved!!

I wish our stupid Governments would stop intervening and wasting so much money that is badly needed at home.

Put the fatcat politicians in the front lines and no more trouble.
We do have conflicting ideas, at times, but I am with you on this one. I am sorry for the Syrians but we should stay out.
Well there's got to be some kind of gain from it....why do governments only intervene with some international disputes as to there are also issues in Mali, Congo etc...seems like the west only gets involved if there's a pipeline involved!!

You do realise there are pipelines in Congo, Nigeria etc etc? Makes your argument look rather silly.
You do realise there are pipelines in Congo, Nigeria etc etc? Makes your argument look rather silly.

This is why there is AFRICOM. Although it is in Germany at the moment and looking for a way in. Libya is the first foot hold.
There is a rumour going around Assad has been wounded or assassinated by one of his body guards!!!

You do realise there are pipelines in Congo, Nigeria etc etc? Makes your argument look rather silly.

It isn't, really, silly. The point is that the word "interests", instead of "pipelines" should have been used.
Does anybody have any crackpot left wing conspiracy theories on why the west is supporting the Syrian uprising? Do we need more camels or something? Is Latakia going to be the new Benidorm?

Where's Atilla when you need him?

The west is supporting the Syrian uprising for a number of reasons

1) The Assad regime has close links with Iran, so to interfere would reduce Iranian sphere of influence in the region

2) The Sunnis are supported by the Saudis who happen to provide us with a lot of the oil

3) Russia has got economic ties with Syria. So support for the jihadi rebels would fly in the face of Russian interests

There is probably a 4) and a 5) although I'm not privy to it. But it would certainly not be something to do with it being in the interests of the Syrian people
The west is supporting the Syrian uprising for a number of reasons

1) The Assad regime has close links with Iran, so to interfere would reduce Iranian sphere of influence in the region

2) The Sunnis are supported by the Saudis who happen to provide us with a lot of the oil

3) Russia has got economic ties with Syria. So support for the jihadi rebels would fly in the face of Russian interests

There is probably a 4) and a 5) although I'm not privy to it. But it would certainly not be something to do with it being in the interests of the Syrian people

The Americans have a woeful record of mishandling the situation in the Mid East.

They supported Iraq with money/weapons and pushed them into a fight with Iran. Then Iraq turned against them.

They supported the Mujahadeen/Taliban with money/weapons in Afghanistan against the Soviets and then had a fight with them. Bankrupting themselves in the process.

They support Israel up to the hilt with money/weapons who then do as they like.

They support Egypt with money/weapons who currently don't know what they are doing.

Personally I wouldn't trust US know-how to run a flea circus !!