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I was under the impression you could afford better than a Nova...

Unfortunately I went all in with a scamish stop and had to trade all of my worldly possessions to cover my debts, leaving me with only enough cash to buy this badboy:

At least you will be able to bring school girls back to your flat with that monster a la spanish...
Unfortunately I went all in with a scamish stop and had to trade all of my worldly possessions to cover my debts, leaving me with only enough cash to buy this badboy:


Man that's a doozie ... I cant tell which end is the front !😱
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That's a girls car.

You need something like this...



and my personal MDF favourite...

SPANISH89: lol the jobspayment deartment

SPANISH89: but its from their head office number

SPANISH89: and u cant clal back to the human branch there 🙁

SPANISH89: they owe me 180quid per month and i wnat it!

SPANISH89: instead of having to pay for my own food and alcohol

SPANISH89: oooh could crash now nic

SPANISH89: head n shoulders ahs formed

Phil: *****

brut: scrotum

Phil: buttock

brut: japs eye

Phil: tramps smile

brut: chocolate octopus

Phil: lolz

Phil: how;s your day?

Nic: scrotum too

brut: improving

brut: lol

brut: always do better in the afternoon

brut: when there is more to work off

Phil: i'm going to stop trading on ftse close

Phil: then go to the gym

Phil: yeah

Phil: news me = love

brut: im off to gym later as well

brut: then pancakes

Nic: hmmm pancakes

SPANISH89: ive got a date later with this oldish lady :/

SPANISH89: she was my taxi driver

SPANISH89: and sorta asked me out for a drink lol

Nic: how old is oldish?

SPANISH89: anywhere between 30 t early 40s :/

brut: run neon tiger theres alot on your mind

Phil: she has wrinkles under her eyes probably

Phil: haha

Phil: hope you get raped

SPANISH89: ive done stuff liek this before, but not for like pleasure dates lol

brut: smokes 400 a day

SPANISH89: thanks 😉 il think about you while im tiedup in the back of her taxi

brut: who were you escorting 4?

SPANISH89: how do you findout how old a woman is??

SPANISH89: was elf employed

brut: same as a tree

SPANISH89: self*

Phil: lol

brut: nice

SPANISH89: so much easier than trading

brut: got accepted to an agency

Phil: steal her purse

SPANISH89: it was longtime ago tho

Phil: shouldnt be too hard for you

brut: same

SPANISH89: nearly 2years ago

brut: 3 years

Phil: 100 years

SPANISH89: oooh what agency?

brut: some swanky one in london

SPANISH89: you let them wank u off n stuff?

SPANISH89: and u did men too?

brut: pretty good rates as it gos

brut: nah

brut: if wasnt with gf would do it again

SPANISH89: im gna go back into it i think 🙂

brut: ****ing easy money

SPANISH89: since i fancy a holiday

brut: some milfs too

SPANISH89: you got picture?

SPANISH89: why the **** am i watching a fish stockmaket on my tv??!! LOL

brut: mine?

SPANISH89: yea

brut: not any more

brut: did have it done

SPANISH89: nah i mean can i see a picture of you...

brut: ohh to see my girth?

brut: what heat are you packing?

SPANISH89: lol nah im not gay

SPANISH89: just anormal face pic...

Phil: yeah right

SPANISH89: heat?

brut: he he

keano: whose packing heat?

Phil: 1450 again

brut: width / length

Phil: cable

brut: ?

SPANISH89: this ransquawk bloke is wierd..

SPANISH89: he keeps saying 'get ready'

SPANISH89: and making odd nosises every 5mins



SPANISH89: 8.6inches, and quite chunk..

SPANISH89: dont have a cendly ruler tho

SPANISH89: bendy*

SPANISH89: why?

Phil: lol

Phil: you gay

SPANISH89: nah not into gayness

brut: well its important for escorting

brut: depite what chicks say

brut: the dont make small dildos

SPANISH89: lol i just used body as charm more always

SPANISH89: thats wht got me into it all

brut: what were you on an hour?

SPANISH89: cos i was abodymodel from 11, and it sorta just flowed..

SPANISH89: per hour?

SPANISH89: i didnt charge like that

brut: how ?

Phil: lol, the scoutmaster used to take pictures of you naked

SPANISH89: if they wnated just dinner it was 40quid, cos i feel guilty of asking more than that for them to sit with me n watch me gobble some food lol

SPANISH89: but for sexual stuff i charged by the thing

SPANISH89: and by the time of it..

SPANISH89: scoutmaster?

brut: full penetration?

brut: oral?

brut: brown town?

SPANISH89: never actually did **** in pussi on them

SPANISH89: they sucked my **** and it was 106quid per minute

SPANISH89: although if they were like propa minger it was 180

brut: per hour you mean?

SPANISH89: nah per min.

keano from x.x.x.9 left the chat 5 seconds ago

SPANISH89: they only did 1min tho..

keano from x.x.x.9 joined the chat


keano: LOL

SPANISH89: well had teh occasional 2mins

SPANISH89: but anymore than that n itd have been manky

Phil: yeah....manky....

brut: you got better paid

SPANISH89: i went to their houses, chatted with them n stuff, did the min t 2mins, then had a drink then went

brut: 100 quid for 1 min off **** suck

SPANISH89: so was more friendly and nice for them

SPANISH89: they wanted to touch my body n stuff tho lots

SPANISH89: and for me to strip for them whil ethey watched

SPANISH89: ive already applied for a few jobs asa stripped now again bar for hen nighst n stuff

SPANISH89: but most only hire through agencies

SPANISH89: any of you know any hen nights coming up?? 🙂
brut: i know a guy who was a stripper but retired now

brut: was with a good agency

brut: maybe can put you in touch

trendie: this has got to be the most surreal this chat has ever been

brut: he said stripping for gays pays best

Phil: orlf

Phil: spanish's natural talent

brut: 😉


brut: 😉

brut: you copy and paste phil

trendie: LOL

Phil: duh

Phil: 🙂

brut: lol

T: spanish you are full of ****

T: How do you suppose you would get through a night as being an escrot

T: you havent even got through puberty

brut: roflmao

Phil: micro penis - Google Image Search
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brut: cant do a decent mangina with one of them

Phil: lol

Phil: you would just push it inside

brut: Urban Dictionary: Mangina tree

brut: yep

brut: - porn you wish you never saw - Public Transportation Fap Fap

brut: i seen a guy do that on a london buss

Phil: LOL

Phil: now thats funny

SPANISH89: aloha soz the government phoned back again

brut: good news?

SPANISH89: stripping for gays?? :S

brut: - porn you wish you never saw - Nearly Impaled For Realz

SPANISH89: and its not hard to do it T.... 😉

Phil: rofl

Phil: go to the pictures

Phil: - porn you wish you never saw - Zombie Tits

SPANISH89: well it is for nerds n geeks

SPANISH89: but if you got enough confidcence and over-charm n body its easy 😀

T: I would say, for your cliets, it would be very hard

T: just for the record

Phil: - porn you wish you never saw - Pussy Tongue

T: I do not believe, for one second, that you have been a male escort

SPANISH89: eeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Phil: your an ugly ****

Phil: oops, didnt mean to press enter

Phil: oh well

SPANISH89: lol i honestly dont care what you belive mate 😉

T: good

SPANISH89: im not applying for you 😀

T: lets clarify

SPANISH89: its just something that i did while i was at college was it was easy money and doing what im best at

T: you HAVe been an escort, and clients would pay you 106 GBP per minutue go go down on you you

SPANISH89: yep 😉

keano: lol

T: lol

SPANISH89: easiest money i ever made

SPANISH89: if your short on funds mate i cna put you in touch with them.. 😉

SPANISH89: although they arent really into nerdy middleaged blokes soz

keano: dont think he's gonna believe you mate....

T: I am long reality pal

trendie: why would a woman pay? (being thick here)

Phil: why arent you still doing it....

T: its a total fantasy

SPANISH89: cos it was manky

Phil: and how old were you when you were doing this?

Phil: 17?

T: didn;t you know he did work experience as an astronaut?

keano: most of the guys on t2w are convinced spanish is a pathelogical indifferent personally

SPANISH89: ugly old women touching you

SPANISH89: but cash is cash

SPANISH89: and yea 16 t 17

trendie: a woman needs nly go to nearest club, and prop up the bar. and take her pick

T: well that might not be the case

SPANISH89: its not teh sort thing you would lie about tbh if i wanted to seem liek a 'stud' or hunklol

T: they might just want some good company w/ conversation over dinner

T: which S89 has absolutely no hope of providing

Phil: lulz

trendie: they can go join a college and do some courses - and take their pick
SPANISH89: if i wanted for some reason to makeup to a load of random blokes in an online chatroom that im sorta stud id probably just makeup some **** aboutfcking fit girls aily

SPANISH89: ahhh you would be surprised T 😉

SPANISH89: i may know how to wind everyone up when i wnat...

T: i think it IS the kind of thing YOU would lie about because you have some sort of complex, and ny DENYING that you do infact bring it attention to something that deep down you know is UNTRUE

SPANISH89: but i also know exactly how to use all the charms when i need to 😀

brut: - porn you wish you never saw - Girl Gets Publicly Jizzed On

T: just get in your wheelchair and take a picture

SPANISH89: ok mate if you dont wana belive me you dont have to.. 🙂

T: then you'll get the attention you spastic

SPANISH89: its not a huge thing even that i have a need to publicse

trendie: harsh

T: fair

trendie: lol

SPANISH89: lol i would mate but your mum sat on it and well you seen her... 😉

T: **** whyam i eben here

T: joke

T: total ****ing joke

T: by guys

SPANISH89: adios 😉

SPANISH89: bi babe x

keano: l8r

SPANISH89: why is that bloek so angry always?? 🙂

Phil: what just happened there

trendie: as a trivial aside, hows Dow and Oil doing?

SPANISH89: he got woundup about something i did 2years ago for easy cash, threw a hissy fit and stormed out in ahuff 😀

SPANISH89: and they are doing **** still

SPANISH89: sideways moevment

brut: dow stepping down

SPANISH89: did anyone actually earn anything while that was all going on?? lol

Phil: yes i shorted cable 14450 for the secon time and went long at 14400area

keano: im pretty much done for the day. Lost £400 on GJ and made 2k on SPX rally.... May try long again this evening

Phil: reckon this is due to range down here for a while before breaking down (i hope).

Rather than follow Buddhist teachings, why don't budding acolytes just find out about Spanish... and do the opposite?
anyone know when channel four are gonna start following him around with a camera for their next unreality program?
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He'll be dusting off his Shat (Staines) Underpants if he hears their may be
some filming involved....Go Super Spandex Draw Some Lines........
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