brut: cant do a decent mangina with one of them
Phil: lol
Phil: you would just push it inside
Urban Dictionary: Mangina tree
brut: yep
brut: - porn you wish you never saw - Public Transportation Fap Fap
brut: i seen a guy do that on a london buss
Phil: LOL
Phil: now thats funny
SPANISH89: aloha soz the government phoned back again
brut: good news?
SPANISH89: stripping for gays?? :S
brut: - porn you wish you never saw - Nearly Impaled For Realz
SPANISH89: and its not hard to do it T....
Phil: rofl
Phil: go to the pictures
Phil: - porn you wish you never saw - Zombie Tits
SPANISH89: well it is for nerds n geeks
SPANISH89: but if you got enough confidcence and over-charm n body its easy
T: I would say, for your cliets, it would be very hard
T: just for the record
Phil: - porn you wish you never saw - Pussy Tongue
T: I do not believe, for one second, that you have been a male escort
SPANISH89: eeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Phil: your an ugly ****
Phil: oops, didnt mean to press enter
Phil: oh well
SPANISH89: lol i honestly dont care what you belive mate
T: good
SPANISH89: im not applying for you
T: lets clarify
SPANISH89: its just something that i did while i was at college was it was easy money and doing what im best at
T: you HAVe been an escort, and clients would pay you 106 GBP per minutue go go down on you you
SPANISH89: yep
keano: lol
T: lol
SPANISH89: easiest money i ever made
SPANISH89: if your short on funds mate i cna put you in touch with them..
SPANISH89: although they arent really into nerdy middleaged blokes soz
keano: dont think he's gonna believe you mate....
T: I am long reality pal
trendie: why would a woman pay? (being thick here)
Phil: why arent you still doing it....
T: its a total fantasy
SPANISH89: cos it was manky
Phil: and how old were you when you were doing this?
Phil: 17?
T: didn;t you know he did work experience as an astronaut?
keano: most of the guys on t2w are convinced spanish is a pathelogical indifferent personally
SPANISH89: ugly old women touching you
SPANISH89: but cash is cash
SPANISH89: and yea 16 t 17
trendie: a woman needs nly go to nearest club, and prop up the bar. and take her pick
T: well that might not be the case
SPANISH89: its not teh sort thing you would lie about tbh if i wanted to seem liek a 'stud' or hunklol
T: they might just want some good company w/ conversation over dinner
T: which S89 has absolutely no hope of providing
Phil: lulz
trendie: they can go join a college and do some courses - and take their pick