Maths Debator says: (20:37:25)
tell me about your job for lulz also please make clear if you mind if I post anything IU find funny on t2w/et
( spanish89 says: (20:40:46)
lol nah i don mind you posting 🙂
( spanish89 says: (20:41:11)
Il be Public-Security-Operative, working for local government alongside police
Maths Debator says: (20:41:31)
Maths Debator says: (20:41:33)
( spanish89 says: (20:42:39)
cant say which bourgh cos dont trust t2w 😉
Maths Debator says: (20:43:22)
that's what I meant mate
Maths Debator says: (20:43:37)
you can tell me what you like, the point is I want to post about it because it is ****ing funny
Maths Debator says: (20:43:46)
so you need to tell me what I can say and what I can't 😉
( spanish89 says: (20:46:36)
whats funny about a job? :S
( spanish89 says: (20:46:59)
its not amazingly high or low pay..
Maths Debator says: (20:47:03)
well if it's security related it's cause you don't display classical integrity 🙂
Maths Debator says: (20:47:18)
anyway t2w is getting very boring, it needs some spanish fun
( spanish89 says: (20:47:24)
they dont wnat intergrity in this job lol
Maths Debator says: (20:47:40)
maybe but I doubt they advertise it in that manner
( spanish89 says: (20:47:56)
its very complex though
Maths Debator says: (20:48:16)
"power hungry SS rejects required to join SA. Don't worry about Rohm, he was a bit of a ****"
( spanish89 says: (20:48:30)
cos its the local government employing my department
Maths Debator says: (20:48:35)
brb gonna have a ****
( spanish89 says: (20:49:19)
but the boss is very scary and doenst actlly give you any paperwork or follows corporate procedures or stuff like that :S
( spanish89 says: (20:49:42)
but he makes it sound and seem like he owns the the ntire unit
Maths Debator says: (20:52:06)
lol yeah why should he?
Maths Debator says: (20:52:16)
where is it you're working old chap?
( spanish89 says: (20:52:45)
cant say the bourgh sorry cos dont trust anyone online 😉
Maths Debator says: (20:53:09)
mate, you know exactly what I will and won't say, and you made the right choice 😀
Maths Debator says: (20:53:30)
if you tell me to keep something secret then I will, otherwise it's all over the papers 😀
( spanish89 says: (20:55:17)
its in london
( spanish89 says: (20:55:20)
i can say that
Maths Debator says: (20:55:37)
Maths Debator says: (20:55:50)
that can go on t2w?
( spanish89 says: (20:57:07)
Maths Debator says: (20:57:30)
there was that other great ****, forget what it was
Maths Debator says: (20:57:40)
but the previous stuff on ET needed to go on t2w as well
Maths Debator says: (20:57:42)
Maths Debator says: (20:57:46)
if I give you my t2w password
Maths Debator says: (20:57:56)
can you post there for me making it obvious it is you?
The following message could not be delivered:
but the previous stuff on ET needed to go on t2w as well
The following message could not be delivered:
The following message could not be delivered:
if I give you my t2w password
The following message could not be delivered:
can you post there for me making it obvious it is you?
Maths Debator says: (20:58:10)
Maths Debator says: (20:57:40)
but the previous stuff on ET needed to go on t2w as well
Maths Debator says: (20:57:42)
Maths Debator says: (20:57:46)
if I give you my t2w password
Maths Debator says: (20:57:56)
can you post there for me making it obvious it is you?
The following message could not be delivered:
there was that other great ****, forget what it was
( spanish89 says: (21:00:54)
( spanish89 says: (21:01:01)
post under your username?
Maths Debator says: (21:01:10)
Maths Debator says: (21:01:13)
why the **** not
Maths Debator says: (21:01:18)
so long as it's obvious it's yoyu
( spanish89 says: (21:01:54)
um ok
( spanish89 says: (21:02:03)
how do i make its obvious ist me though?? :S
Maths Debator says: (21:02:18)
well I would post something saying I gave you my password
Maths Debator says: (21:02:24)
and then it would be lulz
Maths Debator says: (21:02:25)
( spanish89 says: (21:02:35)
u can post it and il just post in my ET journal linking back to it confiming it
Maths Debator says: (21:02:57)
yeah, that might be easier
Maths Debator says: (21:03:02)
then no pwd problems are needed
Maths Debator says: (21:03:12)
actually **** it, give me something to post and I'll post it
Maths Debator says: (21:03:15)
easy 😀
( spanish89 says: (21:03:21)
i have so soo many worries tho that i cant even trade at moment 🙁
( spanish89 says: (21:03:45)
ok 🙂
( spanish89 says: (21:04:03)
this job is just veryy complex and dodgy tho
( spanish89 says: (21:04:14)
i dont get how its endedup like this..
Maths Debator says: (21:04:15)
( spanish89 says: (21:04:41)
since we actually work with the police constantly, have same radio where we sepak to eachother..
( spanish89 says: (21:05:07)
they come into our room if they get warrant 1st and we go into theirs..
Maths Debator says: (21:05:24)
lol where are you working?
( spanish89 says: (21:05:31)
and our depeartment is based in teh local government's complex
( spanish89 says: (21:05:44)
but the boss wants em to pay him £500 cash :S
( spanish89 says: (21:05:59)
to ''prove my committment'' to the job he said... :S
( spanish89 says: (21:06:20)
and the work we do is basically illegal.
Maths Debator says: (21:06:44)
don't pay him any ****ing money, that's just nicking ****
( spanish89 says: (21:06:51)
well theres some legislation cos of the old ''doing it for the greater good''
( spanish89 says: (21:07:08)
and its in the interest of public safety
( spanish89 says: (21:07:10)
( spanish89 says: (21:07:18)
we bascially stalk ppl
( spanish89 says: (21:07:20)
when police cant legally do it :S
( spanish89 says: (21:07:32)
i dont get why he even wants my money exactly tho
( spanish89 says: (21:07:39)
he says i will get it back
( spanish89 says: (21:07:50)
but the whole setup is so odd
Maths Debator says: (21:08:00)
what is your acutal job supposed to be?
( spanish89 says: (21:08:19)
cos he wants cash, and no receit or contracts about it
( spanish89 says: (21:08:19)
we just all have to trust eachother in the unit :S
Maths Debator says: (21:08:33)
sure, but what is the job?
( spanish89 says: (21:08:46)
public -security-operative
( spanish89 says: (21:09:00)
il have a license soon when i do the test after training
( spanish89 says: (21:10:22)
its kind of like the secruity intelligence services,
but we focus more on surveilance of teh public for the public
Maths Debator says: (21:10:46)
so you're working for private companies?
( spanish89 says: (21:10:48)
we have individuals who we know and are building cases up against, but dont actually 'target ppl'
( spanish89 says: (21:11:58)
instead just have to surveil the public in our bourgh and if we see any ppl who we are building cases against we watch them closely, but our priority is just making sure the everyday public is safe
( spanish89 says: (21:12:19)
( spanish89 says: (21:12:27)
for the local-government
( spanish89 says: (21:13:44)
we work with the police all day and have link to the local shops through 'town link' and to bus and train secruity...
( spanish89 says: (21:14:06)
but we cant actually 'tell the police to arrest someone or go somewhere'...
Maths Debator says: (21:14:18)
so who is it you work for?
( spanish89 says: (21:14:33)
and they cant ''tell us to watch someone or tracksomeones activity''
( spanish89 says: (21:14:43)
for the local government
( spanish89 says: (21:14:57)
but our boss makes it so that he is bascially in charge of it all
( spanish89 says: (21:15:34)
and we dont get all that corporate stuff like 'sickness pay or pension or have any procedures for annua;l leave n stuff....
( spanish89 says: (21:15:51)
and thats wht i relal dont like.. :S
( spanish89 says: (21:16:21)
cos the only reason i left trading for this was cos i wanted a normal easy job with no stress
Maths Debator says: (21:16:24)
I still don't understand quite
( spanish89 says: (21:17:30)
i dont get how the *** i managed to get such a complex job where i dont even know if il get paid at the end of the month, if il get arrested for doing this job,
or have any job security.. 🙁
Maths Debator says: (21:17:53)
what exactly is yourr job?
( spanish89 says: (21:18:07)
im a public security operative.
Maths Debator says: (21:18:16)
yeah but wtf is that
( spanish89 says: (21:18:16)
il explain a day for you...
( spanish89 says: (21:19:05)
its basically a cross between the police, a pcso, mi5
( spanish89 says: (21:19:34)
it sounds exciting and cool, bt its not its just confusing and scary when all i wanted was a dull 9 t 5 job 🙁
Maths Debator says: (21:23:42)
lol mi5
Maths Debator says: (21:23:51)
what is the day then?
( spanish89 says: (21:24:20)
we do actually have a link to the mi5 control centre
( spanish89 says: (21:24:26)
its not called mi5 though...
( spanish89 says: (21:25:20)
since mi5 dont deal in 'security', they merely deal in building the cases against ppl / analysising intellience
( spanish89 says: (21:25:58)
but all the main security agencies have an emergency line called the CCC line
( spanish89 says: (21:26:47)
cant remember what exactly they stand for, but that channel is only used by us or police in event of a natioanl emergency like those bombs on buses n stuff
Maths Debator says: (21:27:15)
sure but that doesn't mean your lot are of much use
Maths Debator says: (21:27:21)
although I still don't undertand what you do 🙂
( spanish89 says: (21:28:47)
basically on an average day id start at 7am, go into teh control room and scheck all around the cities to see whats going on, whos about and whos not,
check theres no traffic emergencies....
( spanish89 says: (21:29:18)
also see what the night team did and what happend overnight
Maths Debator says: (21:29:46)
lol which cities?
Maths Debator says: (21:29:52)
I still don't get who you're working for
( spanish89 says: (21:29:57)
then we would check with the police about if theres any operations going on that day and where about
( spanish89 says: (21:30:44)
and then we would put surveilance on them,
and would also still be overseeing the city checking for any suspicious activty...
( spanish89 says: (21:31:06)
and when cash in transit vans go banks put survielance on them..
( spanish89 says: (21:31:56)
then if i need to i my go out on foot to trail somone to gather surveilance if we cant get it on the cameras and if the police arent legally allowed to
( spanish89 says: (21:32:04)
i work for the local government
( spanish89 says: (21:32:19)
but its a very complex setup 🙁
Maths Debator says: (21:33:59)
Maths Debator says: (21:34:05)
what's the point in your setup
( spanish89 says: (21:35:26)
to keep the public secure n safe
( spanish89 says: (21:35:45)
thats our 1 need
( spanish89 says: (21:36:00)
but we can basically go agaisnt it however we want
Maths Debator says: (21:36:01)
nah I still don't understand what you actually do
( spanish89 says: (21:36:15)
as long as thats the result its the end justify the means
( spanish89 says: (21:36:15)
its complex
( spanish89 says: (21:36:20)
i still dont understand it
( spanish89 says: (21:36:56)
i never even knew these sort of units and security organizations even existed
Maths Debator says: (21:37:46)
who are you protecting?
( spanish89 says: (21:40:06)
the public
Maths Debator says: (21:40:50)
sure but there aren't shadow orgs that employ people to protect 'the public'
Maths Debator says: (21:40:55)
or at least not like this
( spanish89 says: (21:42:48)
its not a 'shadow org'
( spanish89 says: (21:43:02)
its the loal government
( spanish89 says: (21:43:22)
we work from their business complex..
Maths Debator says: (21:43:58)
what area are you protecting then?
( spanish89 says: (21:44:08)
but it doenst feel professionally run from the corporate side though ;?
( spanish89 says: (21:44:11)
i cant say
( spanish89 says: (21:44:31)
we cover 1 bourgh, which has 1 major city and 4smaller 1s