
on any spanish89 discussion threads would you like to -

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    Votes: 29 36.7%
  • couldn't care less

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Good stuff :cheesy: shame he blocked me on msn messenger. I wish I had have saved some of those conversations, absolute gold material..

I was steaming last night and had forgotten all about it, then today had the fun task of going through a pile of msn convos checking I hadn't said anything too stupid to anyone... saw that and thought I should save it for posterity!
Does anyone think that the job is the kind of people who go around fining people for overfilling their bins?
Anyone feel sorry for give-us-a-lift- can't -afford -a -car -or -train-fare- to -the -traders -meet -in -Chessington s89 having to walk from Addlestone to Staines?
Rhetorical question.........
Anyone feel sorry for give-us-a-lift- can't -afford -a -car -or -train-fare- to -the -traders -meet -in -Chessington s89 having to walk from Addlestone to Staines?
Rhetorical question.........

ah, Richard, I think what you're trying to say euphemistically is "Fook him !" ??
does this mean I can get a refund from my subscription to his Advisory Service ?
I bought Oil at $144 like he said to do, but it's dropped $100 and I don't know what to do now, and he's not around to advise me ? It's all very confusing .....
I still don't quite get these Spanish Stops. when exactly am I supposed to make money ?

Okay fair enough, he got me a job shagging old tarts for GBP106 a pop, but I feel destined for greater things .....
To bring the thread back on topic:

Spanish89 says: (19:10:13)
Spanish89 says: (19:10:13)
why do ppl on t2w think i work in staines?? :S haha
Maths Debator says: (19:10:31)
Maths Debator says: (19:10:48)
you might as well reply in that thread, there are basically no mods now 😀
Maths Debator says: (19:10:53)
probably get away with it for a bit
Spanish89 says: (19:11:48)
cant be bothered to *lol
Spanish89 says: (19:11:58)
they make me laugh reading how angry they get tho
Spanish89 says: (19:12:17)
especially that korean fool, rachoothe *lol
Maths Debator says: (19:12:21)
no ****ing clue what they're arguing about at the moment
Spanish89 says: (19:12:21)
he bought oil at 140...
Spanish89 says: (19:12:28)
lost loads of money
Spanish89 says: (19:12:42)
and now is trying to blame that on me... 😀
Spanish89 says: (19:13:00)
even though i was teh 1 who called evryne on there an idiot for buying the 140s when *was selling
Spanish89 says: (19:13:29)
theres some new man on there whos calling everyone paedophiles now tho... lol
Maths Debator says: (19:14:46)
that's what I mean, ****ing hilarious
Spanish89 says: (19:17:04)
why were they all so angry that i setup a road-side car wash btw?? :S
Maths Debator says: (19:17:35)
didn't sound too plausible
Spanish89 says: (19:18:11)
when i trade and rake in thousands per week they get angry,
when i trade at £1 per tick from 1k account and double that monthly they get angry,
when i decide that trading is too risky and so just go out and wash cars for a day to earn cahs they get angry... :S
Spanish89 says: (19:18:39)
whats in-plausible about me washing some cars?? :S lol
Maths Debator says: (19:19:09)
it was more the bunch of gorgeous girls that were supposed to be there
Maths Debator says: (19:19:18)
anyway I don't think anyone is angry
Spanish89 says: (19:19:20)
they dont think i can do professional jobs, cant do anything that equires morals or sensitivity,
cant do low paid manual work liek washing cars....
Spanish89 says: (19:19:27)
so what can i do?? lol
Spanish89 says: (19:19:34)
goregous girls?? lol
Spanish89 says: (19:19:40)
they were quite fit yea
Spanish89 says: (19:20:06)
but they were just some local chavs who i met in the jobcentre when they were there claiming their weekly dole
Maths Debator says: (19:24:37)
it is the way you write stuff I think
Maths Debator says: (19:24:55)
mundane things become somewhat grandoise sounding
Spanish89 says: (19:25:27)
lol *what do they expect from me tho?? :S
Maths Debator says: (19:29:33)
I think now people expect what you give them 😀
Spanish89 says: (19:30:37)
im a 19year old guy who spent school and college ***ing around not dong any work and just roaming aorund having fun and trying to get as many girls as possible for kinky sex
Spanish89 says: (19:31:08)
i left college and within 1week i was earning a few hundred quid per day from my living room..
Spanish89 says: (19:31:51)
3montsh later i lived in a luxury flat in the most expensive area in england raking in rughly £1,000 per day for doing no real work *🙂
Spanish89 says: (19:32:50)
so i proved eveyone on t2w wrong, all the education system and teachers wrong, and did nothing yet made loadsa.. 🙂
Spanish89 says: (19:33:11)
so ppl cant really expect me to be some kind of humble geeky nerd *lol
Maths Debator says: (19:35:13)
they can try
Maths Debator says: (19:39:13)
anyway I'll give those two chaps a bit of time to argue then I'll post this on that thread
Maths Debator says: (19:39:20)
anything else you want to say for them?
Spanish89 says: (19:40:37)
im just curious as to why they spend so much time debating me and what i do in my life,
instead of them actually learning how to trade and generate decent returns on their accounts.. lol
Spanish89 says: (19:41:42)
Because everyone on there claims they have 6figure accounts,
and yet if that was true they should easily have be able to become a millionaire within 6months
Spanish89 says: (19:41:56)
yet they have traded for years and years and yet are all sstill struggling 😉
Maths Debator says: (19:42:44)
I have a six figure account and couldn't make a million from it in 6 months without a lucky bit of news!
Spanish89 says: (19:43:29)
you cant be as good as you think you are then mate
Maths Debator says: (19:43:32)
Spanish89 says: (19:43:33)
im not being rude
Spanish89 says: (19:43:36)
its just the facts
Spanish89 says: (19:43:57)
its true 🙂
Spanish89 says: (19:44:31)
if u had followed my trades for teh 6months last year you would be a mulyi-millionaire by now
Maths Debator says: (19:44:43)
if I'd started off a billionaire
Spanish89 says: (19:45:04)
Spanish89 says: (19:45:26)
i started with £759, made just over £31,000 profit by end of year
Maths Debator says: (19:45:42)
anyway this is a debate about risk really, I'm sure if I risked 50% of my account on every trade I could quite easily make a million quid in a month
Spanish89 says: (19:45:46)
so if u had made same entery and exits at equivalent size form your account you would have made same % return too
Spanish89 says: (19:46:08)
most the ppl on t2w havemt got a clue what ''risk'' really means tho lol
Spanish89 says: (19:46:17)
you cant ''quantify'' risk
Spanish89 says: (19:46:28)
you can make it into numbers and odds..
Spanish89 says: (19:46:34)
but that is just gambling then
Spanish89 says: (19:46:55)

But anyways the entire traidng community is built on nonsense saying haha
Spanish89 says: (19:47:10)
whole R:R thing...
Spanish89 says: (19:47:25)
only ever risk 2% account, always have atleast 1:3 RR
Spanish89 says: (19:47:37)
that should mean that you make 6% profit each trade
Spanish89 says: (19:48:08)
unless your a gambler or complete thicko you should have MINIMUM 60% trades profitable
Spanish89 says: (19:48:26)
so should easily be making triple digit returns monthly *😉
Spanish89 says: (19:48:37)
and thats based on the rules that t2w preachs...
Maths Debator says: (19:49:38)
sounds very easy put like that...
Maths Debator says: (19:49:47)
so to sum up for that thread
Maths Debator says: (19:49:49)
in one line
Maths Debator says: (19:49:57)
what is it you wanna ask (take time if you like)
Spanish89 says: (19:50:06)
it should be easy..
Spanish89 says: (19:50:14)
well traidng is quite easy as its just entry and exit
Spanish89 says: (19:50:39)
But according to thier 2% rule and 1:3 RR thing they should all be making 100%+ per month
Spanish89 says: (19:51:00)
so the fact that they arent means that sometging isnt right with them
Spanish89 says: (19:51:43)
and that they are complete and total thickos and gamblers to not even be able to get 50% of their trades profitable *😀
Spanish89 says: (19:51:58)
(Not my opinion, just the facts based on the maths)
This thread is going down the pan:whistling


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