SPANISH89 from x.x.x.225 joined the chat 3 minutes ago
Big AL: can I add you Nik
Masq: let's web cam
Nic: plse do
Phil: uhoh
Nic: no cam
Big AL: ty, aint got a cam
Masq: just some cyber sex?
Big AL: lol
Masq: my long gleaming sword is waiting to be unholstered
Big AL: added
SPANISH89: how do you chnage the rooms screen name??
Phil: liek this
keano: easy (if you know how) ...bit like trading
Phil: im, short ftse. sl b/e
Phil: lets hope
Phil: check cable oot
Masq: should have been long eur/usd - ****
Masq: damn poker
Big AL: u play poker masq
Masq: this is going to do either one of two things in the next 30 mins
Masq: yeah, a bit - not so much these days
Big AL: I used to play a lot, done well but got bored playing it all day !!!
Masq: where did you play?
Big AL: full tilt and bodog mainly, started out on VC
Masq: trading can be a lazier thing, but i hate the waiting around. I like poker because you're constantly thinking
SPANISH89: is choc in
Big AL: made tons on bodog
Phil: erm
Masq: yeah, i played FTP - i stopped when i found out about rakeback and i was getting screwed over
Nic: back in a bit
brutusog: later
Masq: this move up is clearly a piece of bull****
keano: reading the spanish posts on t2w.
Masq: and unless data is awful it'll get smashed back down
Phil: euro
Phil: support into resistance
Phil: and downtrend confluence
Masq: lol phil
Masq: what does that mean
choc: who has futuresbetting here?
brutusog: yo
brutusog: sup
choc: how do you put a stop limit/market order on to the ladder?
SPANISH89: ive got an old account with them choc
brutusog: 2 ways
brutusog: can do it on the instant ticket
brutusog: and it will be added to the ladder
Phil: whats eurjpy doing
brutusog: enter it into the ticket and select everything
brutusog: its next to the ladder
brutusog: lhs
SPANISH89: oooh ive just foundout legally i am exempt from 100percent of council tax too.
Big AL: lol you signing on then ??
brutusog: or you can just stick it in either far right or far left cloum on ladder
brutusog: thats memory choc
brutusog: not got it open atm
keano: lol....
SPANISH89: signing on?
choc: thanks mate
Big AL: dole
SPANISH89: haha
Big AL: so you can get council tax rebate
keano: lol spanish.
SPANISH89: nah cos then id have to be available for crappy work that job centre find u
SPANISH89: and bobseekers pays 35quid per week...
Big AL: lol you think they find you work
🙂 how amusing
keano: you cant affor your council tax!! ?
Big AL: so how u qualify for council tax rebate
SPANISH89: nah u sign on and get the money, but they expect you to take any job
keano: i probably pay more than you for keeping my hot tub warm!
SPANISH89: my mate did it and tehn 1weekend they said they found him a job in some ****
brutusog: just do housing benefit spanish
Big AL: lol
SPANISH89: 140quid per month, i pay more than that in comission per each 1 trade!
Big AL: hehe
Masq: so you take the job and get sacked?
SPANISH89: im declaring myself unemployed tho
Big AL: not sure how you get your council tax paid then
SPANISH89: but not gna get jsa
SPANISH89: just housing benefits and coucnil tax benefit
SPANISH89: or rather over 800quid per month
Big AL: u classed as self employed or summut
SPANISH89: i was
SPANISH89: but ive now made mysefl unemployed
Big AL: haha me too
SPANISH89: i will get a job to do at nghts and taht fits around trading if i get offered i want
Masq: i'm unclassified lol
SPANISH89: but it has to pay over 20k per year minimum
SPANISH89: of itd be cheaper to be unemployed
Big AL: lol yeah it usually is
SPANISH89: i didnt know i could get coucnil tax benefit too tho
SPANISH89: well i was making my nextdoor nenightbour pay all my tax for me anyways for last 7months
SPANISH89: but then he had to move out cos he couldnt afford that
SPANISH89: and then the council found me and started trying to make me pay
SPANISH89: but now im exempt
Big AL: lol how the **** was you making nabour pay ??
SPANISH89: cos the flats were brand new builds and it was a rushed move in as teh landlard wanted to rent them fast i didnt register as moving in..
arabianights: spanish you have an interview at futex coming up yeah?
SPANISH89: and the council didnt know the exact layout of the flats
Big AL: lol so he got stung for the lot
SPANISH89: so when i got the form i just filled it in saying my nextdoor neighbour just rented it all as 1big flat
arabianights: hahahaha
SPANISH89: and he was getting ****ed for 236quid per month of it
SPANISH89: all my water bills n heating bills n gas n everything
Big AL: so I bet he was just a bit pissed
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SPANISH89: i did feel kinda guilty cos hes only 20 and really nerdy and timid and still a trainee architect student from uni
Big AL: so didnt he find out ??
SPANISH89: so he had to put it all on his student loan as he only earns 700per month
SPANISH89: nah, he moved out though cos he said he couldnt afford it
Big AL: lol I wonder why
SPANISH89: even had a farewell drink with me and didnt suspect anything
Big AL: lol
Big AL: priceless
SPANISH89: must have seemed odd tho he came to my flat and saw all my colourful stobes lights and stuff on all day
Big AL: so what did the council say when they changed it
Big AL: lol
SPANISH89: they just tried to now make me start paying tax
SPANISH89: but i am unemployed so exempt
Big AL: spose they didnt give a **** as they got their money
SPANISH89: i was trying to tricj slev into taking his flat
Big AL: where u live ??
SPANISH89: and could setup a new account for him to fund it
SPANISH89: about 5mons from hwere futex is
SPANISH89: in surrey
SPANISH89: so i was trying to make a business case of why slev should live here to be near his work
Big AL: lol
Big AL: it does make sense