
on any spanish89 discussion threads would you like to -

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never experienced an arcade myself but £2000 sounds a lot especially aswell with a split of say 50/50.

You can see why new traders struggle at arcades, with small limits even if they did £3000 a month that leaves them with £500 after £2000 desk fees then giving the arcade a split, ouch give me trading from home any day
Why does he think the prop shop industry is going to change it's prices and set-up for him. And another thing, the day futex give him £80k to trade with, let alone a position there, is the day i become a Buddhist monk. Clue - it ain't gonna happen spanish.

Also, as his discipline is so dreadful in trading, how on earth did he think he was going to get a job in the fire brigade which is one step down from a forces role where self-discipline is a prerequisite?
sorry-confsuing post. i was paying 1200 amonth for my desk fees.

i was just saying cqg is pretty punchy.
F*ck me. This is the latest pearl of wisdom from spanish. The guy just doesn't learn.

And in relation to the discussion earlier about stoplosses-

Yes stoplosses are important as they 1 of the ways you can exit a trade that you dont want to hold for longer than the time that you choose to let it get stopped out.

However you dont go on your computer every morning and sit there for 16hours per day staring at a chart just to ''workout how to only lose a medium size amount of your money ''!!


This is why i never ever do 'scalping', since people who trade like that are just comulsive gamblers, who have to much money so 'test' the market with small stoplosses, and so lose small amounts of money alot of times per day!

If you want to waste your money 'testing' market levels and getting stopped out regularly then please do, as its those peoples money that paid for my extravagent lifestyle for the last 9months!

However i would STRONGLY ADVISE everyone to stop worrying so much about what size your stoploss is....

And instead start focusing on-

And then you nail that trade and enter then as it starts to rise back up!

And then you just have to focus trying to hold as it shoots steeply and fast into profit, and resist the urge to cash in too soon! 😉

Its nothing to do with 'picking tops and bottoms', since that phrase doenst even make any sense since theres 1000s of different timeframes of which every level is the top as bottom of that certain timeframe...,

Its simply-
Not being a twat or fool and jumping into trades just cos they look like they have a fair chance of moving in the direction that your betting in, but using a nice stoploss to protect yourself from too big a loss!

A ''stoploss'' is simply a word that was created by spreadbetting companies and is just a synonym for 'order to end trade in losing money'.

And while lots of people do like taking losses through this type of present automatic order instead of manually,
it is just 1 TINY part of trading ffs!

Its not what trading is about though! lol

Trading is about making money consistently.

It dont matter how you do it, where you do it, when you do it, dont even matter what you wear while doing it!

As long as you do consistently rake in the cash though thats all that matters.

And the best most effective way of doing that is 'Having extreme patience, waiting for ridiculously overdone moves, wait even longer till the reversal movement starts,
smash the market hard and fast with your trade the and only then,
and rake in the cash.
How anybody can read S89 saying,

"A ''stoploss'' is simply a word that was created by spreadbetting companies and is just a synonym for 'order to end trade in losing money'"

and take him seriously and even think he's worthy of backing (!!!) is far, far beyond my understanding.
It's great 😀

I find the funniest part is how he bitches and whines all the time (no mates etc?) and then has the audacity to try and big up his 'luxurious lifestyle'.

No mates, not much cash, no car, no woman... 👍
This guy should be a role model in how 'not' to think about trading, and also how 'not' to trade. He'd make a perfect example in a textbook case study;

Trader A - Paul Tudor Jones says cut your losses and don't average down.

Trader B - Spanish says don't use stop losses and attempt to out-muscle the whole oil market spreadbetting with £6 per point.

Students, which trader will still be here in a year?

His beliefs are so funny that it's tragic in the end, but it still provides me with a lot of amusement when this thread or his own one gets going again with some more gems.
If it wasn't for the fact people have met him, I'd say it was a huge wind up.
I can only assume that they are in on it, having a huge laff at everyones expence

It's far too elaborate and too much effort to be a windup - just google for spanish89.

He is one of lifes great characters. Christ is he going to come down to earth with a bump one day!
It's far too elaborate and too much effort to be a windup - just google for spanish89.

He is one of lifes great characters. Christ is he going to come down to earth with a bump one day!

I know mate, a pretty big hole in my theory I agree lol but an internet troll is a troll and if he and his mates are getting a kick out of taking the p!ss all over the net, passes the time in the office does it not 😉

my bets are he next turns up at futex or something similar, now that would really grip everyone wouldn't it :-0 😀
SPANISH89 from x.x.x.225 joined the chat 3 minutes ago

Big AL: can I add you Nik

Masq: let's web cam

Nic: plse do

Phil: uhoh

Nic: no cam

Big AL: ty, aint got a cam 🙁

Masq: just some cyber sex?

Big AL: lol

Masq: my long gleaming sword is waiting to be unholstered

Big AL: added

SPANISH89: how do you chnage the rooms screen name?? 😀

Phil: liek this

keano: easy (if you know how) ...bit like trading 🙂

Phil: im, short ftse. sl b/e

Phil: lets hope

Phil: check cable oot

Masq: should have been long eur/usd - ****

Masq: damn poker

Big AL: u play poker masq

Masq: this is going to do either one of two things in the next 30 mins

Masq: yeah, a bit - not so much these days

Big AL: I used to play a lot, done well but got bored playing it all day !!!

Masq: where did you play?

Big AL: full tilt and bodog mainly, started out on VC

Masq: trading can be a lazier thing, but i hate the waiting around. I like poker because you're constantly thinking

SPANISH89: is choc in

Big AL: made tons on bodog

Phil: erm

Masq: yeah, i played FTP - i stopped when i found out about rakeback and i was getting screwed over

Nic: back in a bit

brutusog: later

Masq: this move up is clearly a piece of bull****

keano: reading the spanish posts on t2w.

Masq: and unless data is awful it'll get smashed back down


Phil: euro

Phil: support into resistance

Phil: and downtrend confluence

Masq: lol phil

Masq: what does that mean

choc: who has futuresbetting here?

brutusog: yo

brutusog: sup

choc: how do you put a stop limit/market order on to the ladder?

SPANISH89: ive got an old account with them choc

brutusog: 2 ways

brutusog: can do it on the instant ticket

brutusog: and it will be added to the ladder

Phil: whats eurjpy doing

brutusog: enter it into the ticket and select everything

brutusog: its next to the ladder

brutusog: lhs

SPANISH89: oooh ive just foundout legally i am exempt from 100percent of council tax too. 🙂

Big AL: lol you signing on then ??

brutusog: or you can just stick it in either far right or far left cloum on ladder

brutusog: thats memory choc

brutusog: not got it open atm

keano: lol....

SPANISH89: signing on?

choc: thanks mate

Big AL: dole

SPANISH89: haha

Big AL: so you can get council tax rebate

keano: lol spanish.

SPANISH89: nah cos then id have to be available for crappy work that job centre find u

SPANISH89: and bobseekers pays 35quid per week...

Big AL: lol you think they find you work 🙂 how amusing

keano: you cant affor your council tax!! ?

Big AL: so how u qualify for council tax rebate

SPANISH89: nah u sign on and get the money, but they expect you to take any job

keano: i probably pay more than you for keeping my hot tub warm!

SPANISH89: my mate did it and tehn 1weekend they said they found him a job in some ****

brutusog: just do housing benefit spanish

Big AL: lol

SPANISH89: 140quid per month, i pay more than that in comission per each 1 trade! 😀

Big AL: hehe

Masq: so you take the job and get sacked?

SPANISH89: im declaring myself unemployed tho

Big AL: not sure how you get your council tax paid then

SPANISH89: but not gna get jsa

SPANISH89: just housing benefits and coucnil tax benefit

SPANISH89: or rather over 800quid per month

Big AL: u classed as self employed or summut

SPANISH89: i was

SPANISH89: but ive now made mysefl unemployed

Big AL: haha me too 🙂

SPANISH89: i will get a job to do at nghts and taht fits around trading if i get offered i want

Masq: i'm unclassified lol

SPANISH89: but it has to pay over 20k per year minimum

SPANISH89: of itd be cheaper to be unemployed 😀

Big AL: lol yeah it usually is

SPANISH89: i didnt know i could get coucnil tax benefit too tho

SPANISH89: well i was making my nextdoor nenightbour pay all my tax for me anyways for last 7months

SPANISH89: but then he had to move out cos he couldnt afford that

SPANISH89: and then the council found me and started trying to make me pay

SPANISH89: but now im exempt 🙂

Big AL: lol how the **** was you making nabour pay ??

SPANISH89: cos the flats were brand new builds and it was a rushed move in as teh landlard wanted to rent them fast i didnt register as moving in..

arabianights: spanish you have an interview at futex coming up yeah?

SPANISH89: and the council didnt know the exact layout of the flats

Big AL: lol so he got stung for the lot 🙂

SPANISH89: so when i got the form i just filled it in saying my nextdoor neighbour just rented it all as 1big flat

arabianights: hahahaha

SPANISH89: and he was getting ****ed for 236quid per month of it

SPANISH89: all my water bills n heating bills n gas n everything

Big AL: so I bet he was just a bit pissed

brutusog: J Stuart & Co (Garages) Ltd : Meteorite Silver with Black Cherry Hide

SPANISH89: i did feel kinda guilty cos hes only 20 and really nerdy and timid and still a trainee architect student from uni

Big AL: so didnt he find out ??

SPANISH89: so he had to put it all on his student loan as he only earns 700per month

SPANISH89: nah, he moved out though cos he said he couldnt afford it

Big AL: lol I wonder why

SPANISH89: even had a farewell drink with me and didnt suspect anything

Big AL: lol

Big AL: priceless

SPANISH89: must have seemed odd tho he came to my flat and saw all my colourful stobes lights and stuff on all day

Big AL: so what did the council say when they changed it

Big AL: lol

SPANISH89: they just tried to now make me start paying tax

SPANISH89: but i am unemployed so exempt

Big AL: spose they didnt give a **** as they got their money

SPANISH89: i was trying to tricj slev into taking his flat

Big AL: where u live ??

SPANISH89: and could setup a new account for him to fund it

SPANISH89: about 5mons from hwere futex is

SPANISH89: in surrey

SPANISH89: so i was trying to make a business case of why slev should live here to be near his work

Big AL: lol

Big AL: it does make sense 🙂
How does it work out of interest? You rent a flat, pay for a few months, then write to the coucil saying that you cant afford to pay and that you're unemployed, and then they start paying it for you?
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