How To Lose Money Trading

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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Another mass cull (105 posts this time 😱 ) although I'm not sure why I'm bothering.

as I said earlier - before I deleted it!! - there are some good points made by people between the dross, so I think it's worth keeping for that.

From my own experience I would say that the quickest way to lose money is to take notice of what online mentors have to say. They really do not know much more than you/us. And do avoid learning to read candles, this would be quite likely to lead to you winning more and losing less.

The second best way is to try and run before you can walk. I am thinking of people lucky enough to have some sizeable savings who want to get in at big money per point ,rather than learning with pennies per point over several months

The third best way to lose money is to be impatient. Try wanting to get there far too quickly. Try rushing into trades without thought, in combination with all of the above. Try wanting to be "in" all the time. And certainly, you should feel that you are doing something wrong, or at least,are not game, for not being in all the time. It is also a great help after a few weeks in your desire to lose money, to start taking yourself seriously as a trader, and to become a little bolder.

Try also not to dwell on the following, the avoidance of a loss is just as profitable as a win, as far as your account goes.

Try also the avoidance of stop losses, after all , you wouldn't want to get caught up in a spike would you.

Try also winning a few big pay outs, this should set you up for a huge pay in

I have been very successful at losing money, and all of the wisdom that could have been gotten for pennies I have acquired at large expense.

I am no longer able to decide whether these losses are the price that must be paid for the education, or whether I am a fooking idiot.
barjon said:
Another mass cull (105 posts this time 😱 ) although I'm not sure why I'm bothering.

as I said earlier - before I deleted it!! - there are some good points made by people between the dross, so I think it's worth keeping for that.


delete it, and have somebody manage the issue adequately. as i said before,

1) the topic is of interest to many,

2) the problem is that there is no dialogue, so this is prone to what it has become

barjon said:
Another mass cull (105 posts this time 😱 ) although I'm not sure why I'm bothering.

as I said earlier - before I deleted it!! - there are some good points made by people between the dross, so I think it's worth keeping for that.


Hey, barjon, I get to use my pictures more than once, what a bargain.

jog on
Where have all the postings gone, long time passing?
Where have all the postings gone, long time ago?
Where have all the postings gone?
Barjon's axed them, every one!
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the gurus gone, long time passing?
Where have all the gurus gone, long time ago?
Where have all the gurus gone?
Its their bedtime, every one!
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?
err, was the puzzle solved ? or was that butchered in the cull?

henks on stanby, which is wonderfuls...
jacinto said:
.......................1) the topic is of interest to many..............,


That's why I have kept clearing it of extraneous posts even though the broad topic is discussed elsewhere as db has indicated.


jacinto said:
thank you, this looks better. that way I dont have to ban myself all the time :cheesy:

Yes, the other thread is about the subject, not about the thread-starter.
barjon said:
Another mass cull (105 posts this time 😱 ) although I'm not sure why I'm bothering.

as I said earlier - before I deleted it!! - there are some good points made by people between the dross, so I think it's worth keeping for that.


Whoooooah, hang on barjon.

The clue is 9 & 6 letters.
I suggested "Platignum Lounge" (being, in fact, very serious) and you delete it?
blimey barjon just noticed you pic in the Klab which bears more than a passing resemblance to a holiday pic I have of Ronnie Biggs
Who's who??


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CYOF said:
Well, I am glad that some of you find this a big joke, for I do not, at all.

I stated in the first post that this was my last attempt, and as the same old carry on is now gathering momentum, Again, I am no longer willing to dedicate my precious time to assist those who are starting out, and who may be interested in the views of experienced traders.

It has been brought to my attention that there are indeed more serious matters that need my focus at this current time, and with that, I will now allow the dunces, as Socrates rightly says, to continue to disrupt and de-rail any thread that is worthwhile.

Jon, please move this thread to the foyer, the second one in the last week, and close it.

This is really getting out of hand and is going beyond a joke.

I have more serious things to be doing, really.

Au Revoir.

WTF! I really cannot believe you are having a paddy (pun totally intended) about this.

Your really not all there are you?

For the sake of T2W it should be moved to the foyer as soon as but if there was ever a description of a fragile, messed up psychological state, damn this is it.

As for all the posts deleted, I don't remember one out of place. What is to be expected if after 5 pages of no's, a bloody hangman is posted! Unless I forgot the rules of the game, the thread was running just as it should!?

What a good laugh, made my morning, cheers
CYOF said:
Welcome Newbie2be, do you mind if I call you Obe1Canobe, as the name has a nice ring to it.

All of your points are indeed relative, and what is more, without experience you are susceptible to becoming Inspired, and if you become Inspired, then you run the risk of never discovering the true Art of trading, which is, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Aha, maybe that will be another question?

Thank You Obe1Canobe.
Thats fine. The true art of trading is that it has 2be E N J O Y A B L E and in case you have something else in mind, it might become as obvious to me as yesterday,s 15min chart. 😕 :-0
the quickest way to lose money trading, is to trade.

but more specifically what CYOF is looking for? "emotional trades"

that's it... you might not lose, but that's how.
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