S&P 500 cash weekly competition for 2014 with PRIZES!

1954 - Food rationing in Great Britain ended this year with the lifting of restrictions on sale and purchase of meat, 14 years after it began early in World War II and nearly a decade after the war's end.

Going long with system again.

On a personal note hedging by going long on DAX and DOW30 saved me last week from big losses. Still a bad week last week but not half as bad as it could have been.

Do not have much faith in the strength of these new highs. I guess with negative interest rates, low gilt yields and falling commodity prices, equities is the only place to be.

Carry on as we were 👍
If I were 50 years younger I would be tempted to buy up a profitable company with no interest cheap money like Pfizer tried to do with AstraZenica and use company profits to pay off the debt like Man Utd.
This may be a reason plus QE for the markets' rise and rise just like 1929. Speculators borrowing as much as possible for gambling on the markets.
On a personal note hedging by going long on DAX and DOW30 saved me last week from big losses. Still a bad week last week but not half as bad as it could have been.

Do not have much faith in the strength of these new highs. I guess with negative interest rates, low gilt yields and falling commodity prices, equities is the only place to be.

Carry on as we were 👍

Well anything is possible , even 30K for Dow isn't far fetched , one should be prepared and use protection , example : options ....
If I were 50 years younger I would be tempted to buy up a profitable company with no interest cheap money like Pfizer tried to do with AstraZenica and use company profits to pay off the debt like Man Utd.
This may be a reason plus QE for the markets' rise and rise just like 1929. Speculators borrowing as much as possible for gambling on the markets.

Yes I've read somewhere companies are buying back stock with borrowed money to make returns look better but no real growth. UK also worried about low or no productivity growth.

Reminds me of that hooker joke paying back debt. No real productivity gain but pass the monies around.

Scary stuff going round imo. Musical chairs sort of thing. Someones going to have a hard landing 😉
The year I first..............aaaaaaaaaaah happy memories
1962 pls
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Bulls to bears table updated.

Missing our VielGeld again 🙁 ... Hope his not lost in one of those great Canadian forrests with the big bears coming out of hibernation. :cheesy:

I think we are due for another let down soon but simply a matter of timing. Head says get the fred out of there and system says go long dude, clean up the floor. 😀

Footy due for kick off this week too. Should be fun.

Wishing you all G8 luck & joy. 👍
Well done to WackyPete for getting bronze this week. :clap:

Looks like the averages have run away with the points again 🙁

Tribute and back slaps to us all then I'd say. 🙂

Weighted Average

Two week's forecasts left. My money is on Malaguti who is the only one who stands a chance of taking top spot. What a turn out.

League Table here...
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Let's hope the averages win this quarter, so the prize increases. Then I make my move and - voila.

Let's hope the averages win this quarter, so the prize increases. Then I make my move and - voila.


Here is what the league table looks like at the moment for end of year running totals for 2014 year end.

1st - Average
2nd - W_Average
3rd - Gaffs Prize Winner
4th - Malaguti Prize Winner
5th - WackyPete Prize Winner

Consistency is the name of the game... 🙂


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1902 - June, Congress authorizes Louisiana Purchase Expo $1 gold coin

Brain and System now back in synch again... 👎

Surprised someone somewhere can't put a gloss on all the mishaps in the World. Not even Mr Bliar and who could have guessed we'd see him on TV again? I'd like to know who his dentist is? :cheesy: