Recommend me a mentor

Learning to trade is no different than doing a degree or even a phd in some cases. Everyone has to start somewhere and everyone has different learning speeds and natural talent. All a mentor is going to do is show you methods and outlay an overall strategy. In the banks they start out as assistants and slowly work their way into trading. Their journey is only different from ours by the banks strict disciplines.
I read a post on here the other day from a trader who worked in the institutional side. Basically they do the same as us but their punishment is more official. At the end of the day you can go to 10 of the best mentors, spend a year with them and still not get it.
My experience is that you cannot transfer experience only knowledge. The problem with this is that it is the experience that gets you to your goal, knowledge alone isn't enough. Plan on spending a great deal of your time gaining experience through mistakes and success. Some people get it faster than others.
I'm no pro yet but I have 7 winning months in a row which has taken me since 2004 to achieve. All I can say is that it isn't the mentor that made the difference it was learning about myself and how I see the market that did. Good luck anyways

A couple of excellent posts LSB. 👍
A couple of excellent posts LSB. 👍

Thanks, hope it helps those that need it. I wasn't privy to transparent info from experienced traders in my hard times, only massive egos and negative "you never going to make it" fools. Come to think of it I, wonder if they were only mouth and nothing more.
I was only joking. I thought you needed some hope, that's all. If you read my posts, it would become obvious I don't believe in trainers. Although I do believe in those who want to give back. I am like that myself, except in other fields. If I receive alot, I would have no trouble giving back some. Although I have received diddly squat from this forum so far. I think the place is full of noobs, losing money. Consequently they are stingy.

They exist, I seed 'em, I seed 'em with ma own eyes!
However, I prefer a nice loafer myself


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Learning to trade is no different than doing a degree or even a phd in some cases. Everyone has to start somewhere and everyone has different learning speeds and natural talent. All a mentor is going to do is show you methods and outlay an overall strategy. In the banks they start out as assistants and slowly work their way into trading. Their journey is only different from ours by the banks strict disciplines.
I read a post on here the other day from a trader who worked in the institutional side. Basically they do the same as us but their punishment is more official. At the end of the day you can go to 10 of the best mentors, spend a year with them and still not get it.
My experience is that you cannot transfer experience only knowledge. The problem with this is that it is the experience that gets you to your goal, knowledge alone isn't enough. Plan on spending a great deal of your time gaining experience through mistakes and success. Some people get it faster than others.
I'm no pro yet but I have 7 winning months in a row which has taken me since 2004 to achieve. All I can say is that it isn't the mentor that made the difference it was learning about myself and how I see the market that did. Good luck anyways

The truest words ever spoken. When I admitted to myself that I was nothing other than a stupid, greedy, lazy, chancing, perverted ******* then all I had to do was give myself a routine to make me follow rules and trading success followed.:smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::whistling
Learning to trade is no different than doing a degree or even a phd in some cases. Everyone has to start somewhere and everyone has different learning speeds and natural talent. All a mentor is going to do is show you methods and outlay an overall strategy. In the banks they start out as assistants and slowly work their way into trading. Their journey is only different from ours by the banks strict disciplines.
I read a post on here the other day from a trader who worked in the institutional side. Basically they do the same as us but their punishment is more official. At the end of the day you can go to 10 of the best mentors, spend a year with them and still not get it.
My experience is that you cannot transfer experience only knowledge. The problem with this is that it is the experience that gets you to your goal, knowledge alone isn't enough. Plan on spending a great deal of your time gaining experience through mistakes and success. Some people get it faster than others.
I'm no pro yet but I have 7 winning months in a row which has taken me since 2004 to achieve. All I can say is that it isn't the mentor that made the difference it was learning about myself and how I see the market that did. Good luck anyways

Some great points in your post. For me, a mentor can only be a stage in the journey. It doesn't mean you'll make it. Your comment about institutional traders is very well taken. Many of those who are trained do NOT make it and therefore, as you put it, their punishment is "more official." The Make Me a Trader BBC series with Lex Van Dam ( was done by van Dam in part because when he was at Merrill Lynch he noticed that the successful traders (who all had either MBAs ot other relevant qualifications) had certain personality traits and this was the main thing, in his view, that separated good traders from bad ones. So that brings us to that aspect of trading that is 80% psychological. We could all have the same training and yet some will fail and others will succeed.

Technical training is obviously very important but "spending a great deal of your time gaining experience through mistakes and success..." and "it isn't the mentor that made the difference it was learning about myself and how I see the market that did", as you rightly note, are KEY. Thanks for your post.
Yesterday, 1:27pm #6068
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Re: Introduce Yourself


Hello all. I've been studying trying to learn and hope this forum will help. I think I need a mentor and been reading the threads trying to find a good one.


Are you sure about that ? An awful lot of reading since your join date 9/7/11.😆

If I were a cynical sort i'd say you may be here to name drop and promote 1 or more of the mentors you mention 😏

Anyway, we can let the members explore this more fully !
Yesterday, 1:27pm #6068
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Re: Introduce Yourself


Hello all. I've been studying trying to learn and hope this forum will help. I think I need a mentor and been reading the threads trying to find a good one.


Are you sure about that ? An awful lot of reading since your join date 9/7/11.😆

If I were a cynical sort i'd say you may be here to name drop and promote 1 or more of the mentors you mention 😏

Anyway, we can let the members explore this more fully !

What a coincidence - same impression here. Trying not to be cynical of course.
Some great points in your post. For me, a mentor can only be a stage in the journey. It doesn't mean you'll make it. Your comment about institutional traders is very well taken. Many of those who are trained do NOT make it and therefore, as you put it, their punishment is "more official." The Make Me a Trader BBC series with Lex Van Dam ( was done by van Dam in part because when he was at Merrill Lynch he noticed that the successful traders (who all had either MBAs ot other relevant qualifications) had certain personality traits and this was the main thing, in his view, that separated good traders from bad ones. So that brings us to that aspect of trading that is 80% psychological. We could all have the same training and yet some will fail and others will succeed.

Technical training is obviously very important but "spending a great deal of your time gaining experience through mistakes and success..." and "it isn't the mentor that made the difference it was learning about myself and how I see the market that did", as you rightly note, are KEY. Thanks for your post.

I found this prog very stimulating. Lex van luthers sidekick Anton Kriel was the scource of inspiration. He taught me to TREAT MY BROKER LIKE I TREAT MY BITCH😆😆😆😆😆😆:smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::smart::idea::idea::idea:
we're 11 pages on from the start and no sign of any meaningful feedback as to the mentors mentioned. while i feel a certain deja vu with a similar thread last week from demoncouk, who was also very certain of himself that he needed a mentor?? and was his first post on joining too, as is this thread.

whatever happened to having a read through the forum before posting anything. the fact that same day joining and posting naming names sets alarm bells ringing, help or harm, not quite sure which, thoughts...
Yesterday, 1:27pm #6068
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Re: Introduce Yourself


Hello all. I've been studying trying to learn and hope this forum will help. I think I need a mentor and been reading the threads trying to find a good one.


Are you sure about that ? An awful lot of reading since your join date 9/7/11.😆

If I were a cynical sort i'd say you may be here to name drop and promote 1 or more of the mentors you mention 😏

Anyway, we can let the members explore this more fully !

Some cynicism is healthy.

I would however like to point out a few things:

I've been browsing through this forum (my preferred forum is not this one) for a couple weeks before I joined. Are you aware it is possible to read the threads as a guest - unless you think everyone joins T2W immediately?

I've asked for references for Dante, Bison and Alan Rich. I referred also to MrCharts (Joyson...he must be in on the conspiracy too then) but said I'm interested in forex thereby eliminating him. I've also emphasized that I would like some independent verification of their success as mentors (i.e. not just people saying so but preferably proving it to me via PM or email). It doesn't seem to me that should be construed as promoting these individuals who are all clearly very well known independently of my post and don't need me to promote them.

It seems rather odd to be accused of possibly promoting people when one is insisting on some independent proof that their mentoring is indeed effective.

If your negativity were justified it seems to me that I would post a question asking about these people as possible mentors and then they (being in with me on the stealth advertising campaign your fertile mind has conjured up) would have others weigh in with several posts about how great they all are. I could do that on my own as its very easy to use proxy IP addresses and sign up on a forum under multiple pseudonyms.

The fact that there has not been a single post from anyone who has claimed to benefit from the mentoring of any of the aforementioned possible mentors suggests that they may not be very effective and/or their students may be less active in posting than those who replied in this thread.

I have gotten two excellent recommendations re one paid and one free mentor via PM. None of these are Bison, Dante or Rich so my public disclosure of this should hopefully help you realize I have no agenda for those three persons. Otherwise, I could easily have said I've gotten emails and PMs telling me how great they are as mentors. I have not received any such endorsements either by PM or email.

The heads up in timsk's post re Phil Newton is also very promising. Oh my, I mentioned Phil Newton's name again. This has to be investigated by you and other members. Timsk and I must be up to something. Is Phil paying us to mention his name? It seems I was really secretly conspiring to promote him all along and the other three were just a preliminary diversion! You must get to the bottom of that ....Surely you and the "members will explore this more fully !" 😉
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i think you're being too overly defensive. anyway, it's common knowledge you can't use the search function unless signed up, you came up with names from past who haven't posted in a long while. though i do concede that most of your names were recent posters, but not all. i find it hard you came up with who you did without a lot of hassle sifting through the forums post by post, thread by thread, just saying 🙂

btw now you are a member you can search, some feed back is out there if you look, not a lot but it's there 😉
btw now you are a member you can search, some feed back is out there if you look, not a lot but it's there 😉

You have to remember that often legitimate feedback is deleted by moderators (probably including you in the past) due to threats of legal action against the zoo.
Lightning McQueen: Fair enough re the search function. I should state that Dante and also Bison as his star student were mentioned to me via email by a friend who has been a T2W member for some time.

However, I hasten to add and strongly emphasize that my friend did not know sufficient people who had been mentored by either Dante or Bison to be in a position to recommend them favorably to me. I can tell you that one reason for my question was that my friend was in contact with one person who was being coached by Dante but could not get any positive response re his success as a trader after being coached. I hope the fact that I mention this will put to bed, once and for all, any suspicion that I have an axe to grind for these guys. Indeed, Bison's success in December after being coached by Dante is not adequate proof of being successful as its only one month (even if he did post a statement) and he is only one of Dante's students which therefore means very little as ten other former students could be dismal failures. Rich and Joyson I knew about from elsewhere online. Rich, for example, sometimes gives forex one day seminars with George Hamley's (The Breakfast Trader) clickevents or other organizations.

Your point about searching for feedback is well taken....oops...I wrote that before seeing the hare's comment about legitimate feedback being deleted 🙁
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very true hare, feedback is removed on legal grounds, though i can't recall a situation where the named mentors in this thread have had feedback removed. they may have, just saying i'm not personally aware of it.

the best one i removed was some joker dissing a prop outfit in london, posting how awful they were, their offices and mentoring being a joke, his ip location was australia 😉
Your point about searching for feedback is well taken....oops...I wrote that before seeing the hare's comment about legitimate feedback being deleted 🙁

😆 don't listen to that troll, he'll have you up the garden path before you blink!

hey, i just thought, why not ask where you heard about it first, makes sense, its online yes? a forum elseware i'm guessing? though i can understand the scattergun approach and lump everyone in together in a post here, see what comes up, which isn't a lot yet 🙁
LM, there's a pic not showing up under your avatar. Did you change something. It's making t2w hang up for about 20 seconds with this "waiting for"

Nevermind, it's ok now. It was the skype window.
LM, there's a pic not showing up under your avatar. Did you change something. It's making t2w hang up for about 20 seconds with this "waiting for"


:-0 oh dear, was it the skype one? i've seen that go strange today

the i think is the banner ad above the thread and not me
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Re Trader_Dante

If your interested in his method of trading some time spent reading his making money trading thread would surely give you a taste of his success, or otherwise.

Thats's what I'd do rather than put up a post only to get slated by every man and his wife!