Trading courses and Mentors UK



I'm relatively new to trading and have recently started educating myself with reading books, watching live webinars and watching chat shows with successful traders.

And wow, I must say you can really learn a lot from successful and consistent profitable traders that share their failures and what they wish they knew before they started. One trader went on to say that if he had to restart the learning process again he would join a trading community/chat room or find a mentor.

So my question is, does anyone know of any good day trading courses, mentors or chatrooms in the UK? I have come to discover that a lot of these courses are scams, but surely there must be some legitimate ones?

I'm relatively new to trading and have recently started educating myself with reading books, watching live webinars and watching chat shows with successful traders.

And wow, I must say you can really learn a lot from successful and consistent profitable traders that share their failures and what they wish they knew before they started. One trader went on to say that if he had to restart the learning process again he would join a trading community/chat room or find a mentor.

So my question is, does anyone know of any good day trading courses, mentors or chatrooms in the UK? I have come to discover that a lot of these courses are scams, but surely there must be some legitimate ones?

My advice is do not do it, those people are not traders, they are just selling the dream and making money off dreamers like you...

Do the following experiment: just ask one of those traders to show you a VERIFIED track record by one of the big four accounting firms or similar institution and just watch the excuses that will follow, that is illegal to ask, that is private, etc, etc, which are all lies...

Check this website and read trough the comments bellow each article to see how many people were duped just like you are about to...

My advice is do not do it, those people are not traders, they are just selling the dream and making money off dreamers like you...

Do the following experiment: just ask one of those traders to show you a VERIFIED track record by one of the big four accounting firms or similar institution and just watch the excuses that will follow, that is illegal to ask, that is private, etc, etc, which are all lies...

Check this website and read trough the comments bellow each article to see how many people were duped just like you are about to...

Hi Quantt,

Thanks for the reply. It's a shame because I thought I found a really good course in the UK today, however, when I questioned them about proof etc, they told me that they are not willing to show his personal wealth etc and that the law restricts them.

I just don't understand how this guy has so many testimonials and has been on BBC talk shows, his own book etc.

Anyway, guess I'll continue with the marathon.
Hi Cam Trader, Quant is right...Put yourself in their shoes for a minute, say you found a great strategy for making money trading the markets, do you:

A. stop trading in order to teach others how its done and write a book.?
B. Keep trading, say sweet FA and make a fortune ?
successful traders trade, not teach.
. . . So my question is, does anyone know of any good day trading courses, mentors or chatrooms in the UK? I have come to discover that a lot of these courses are scams, but surely there must be some legitimate ones?
Hi cam_trader,
Welcome to T2W.

Whilst I agree with most of Quantt and mike's comments, I don't subscribe to them 100%. Certainly, courses, mentors and coaches in the trading arena are an absolute minefield and, without doubt, there are a lot of bad ones and scams operated by people who know nothing at all about trading. Caveat Emptor is the name of the game and it's wise to assume the worst about a prospective course or coach unless and until they can convince you otherwise.

Having said the above, there are good people out there and the idea that the only ones worth listening to are those who make money consistently day in and day out is a bit of a fallacy - in my humble opinion. This is only essential if the coach in question is teaching you how they trade as, obviously, you wouldn't want to learn a methodology that has no track record of success. However, if you have a mentor who is helping you to develop your own methodology based on your particular circumstances, knowledge and skill set etc., then it's not nearly so important that they themselves are star traders. Why? For the same reason that any number of footy fans in the terraces who've not kicked a ball in decades can teach you the off-side rule just as well as Ronaldo or Messi.

If you want to delve into this topic a little deeper and, certainly, before whipping out your credit card, you may like to take a gander at these two FAQs:
Can You Recommend a Mentor, Coach or Trading Course?
How Can I Distinguish Between Scams and Reputable Vendors?

However, if you have a mentor who is helping you to develop your own methodology based on your particular circumstances, knowledge and skill set etc., then it's not nearly so important that they themselves are star traders. Why? For the same reason that any number of footy fans in the terraces who've not kicked a ball in decades can teach you the off-side rule just as well as Ronaldo or Messi.

One more point from me to think about coaches and mentors, before taking Tim's advice, and I do respect him a lot, but I disagree with him on this topic:

Football or any other sports coaches are not a good example, because in trading we are competing with each other all the time, there is no retired profitable trader, that will coach instead of trade...

In the end it is a zero sum game, for someone to win, another trader has to lose.

Also another trap: let's say you stumble on a great edge and because of lack of experience, you don't recognize it, but you share it with your mentor and he immediately sees that it is a golden opportunity, what is to stop him from discourage you to use the great system and steal it from you, without you even realize it?

Frankly there are no short cuts in the stock market, you'll have to put the work/sweat/pain/loses, etc...
Hi Quantt,
I respect you a lot as well!

. . .Football or any other sports coaches are not a good example, because in trading we are competing with each other all the time, there is no retired profitable trader, that will coach instead of trade...
I think this rather depends on the nature of the mentoring. Take me as an example. As (I think) you know, I've written all the FAQs and Stickies here on T2W which, arguably, constitutes training, coaching, mentoring of sorts - call it what you will. Would what I've written all be worthless if my own PnL is permanently in the red or, alternatively, if it's consistently in the black, would that mean everyone should lap up every syllable without question? (It's a rhetorical question btw - just making a point.)

In the end it is a zero sum game, for someone to win, another trader has to lose.
Well, whilst I know where you're coming from, at the risk of being pedantic, this isn't strictly true. Yes, it applies to futures, but not to equities.

Also another trap: let's say you stumble on a great edge and because of lack of experience, you don't recognize it, but you share it with your mentor and he immediately sees that it is a golden opportunity, what is to stop him from discourage you to use the great system and steal it from you, without you even realize it?
Well, this is theoretically possible I suppose, but I'd argue there's a greater chance of Elvis sitting at the bar of my local pub drinking a glass of Babycham when I next go in. Besides which, if novices follow the steps outlined here on T2W and elsewhere, they'll know what their edge is and won't need a coach/mentor to point it out to them.

Frankly there are no short cuts in the stock market, you'll have to put the work/sweat/pain/loses, etc...
On this you have my complete and total agreement, 100%.
Hi Quantt,
I respect you a lot as well!

I love you too 🙂

Maybe I am just an old cynic with paranoid tendencies due to my "real" job, but if there is one thing for a new trader to take from this friendly discussion:

Weight all options, before making such an important decision like putting your money into the market and trusting someone in the process...

...and don't trust anyone without a concrete proof - they are all out there to get you!
I'm happy to mentor you- 20 years of options trading and a blog withover 150 weekly trades using real prices - in advance, not retrospective like the other people. Options are where the real market is and where the playing field is level
I'm happy to mentor you- 20 years of options trading and a blog withover 150 weekly trades using real prices - in advance, not retrospective like the other people. Options are where the real market is and where the playing field is level
Hi, where is your blog please

I'm relatively new to trading and have recently started educating myself with reading books, watching live webinars and watching chat shows with successful traders.

And wow, I must say you can really learn a lot from successful and consistent profitable traders that share their failures and what they wish they knew before they started. One trader went on to say that if he had to restart the learning process again he would join a trading community/chat room or find a mentor.

So my question is, does anyone know of any good day trading courses, mentors or chatrooms in the UK? I have come to discover that a lot of these courses are scams, but surely there must be some legitimate ones?
hey, I can recommend on discord room if you like